Monster Rush

Chapter 292 Another Hua Xuzi

Chapter 292 Another Hua Xuzi
This day is an unforgettable day for all the human races in Xiaojuyuan.

For their past life, this day seems to compress all the surprises and amazements of their life into the present explosion.

After a lapse of 500 years, I once again saw the remnants of the empire migrating from the old domain, and it was the largest number in history...

Infiltrated by suspected alien spies...

All the remnants of the empire are willing to intercede for that man...

His Excellency Xuannan shot down the demon...

Finally, when the time returned to this moment, the city walls of hundreds of miles collapsed. It was built through the life experience of the outstanding craftsmen of the ancestors. After 3000 years of being attacked by foreign races, it was not broken. Today, it is destroyed together with the pride in the hearts of everyone.

The blood-stained man lying in the ruins is their commander, their lord, an invincible existence in their hearts.

However, His Excellency Xuan Nan was defeated, defeated by that evil figure, who was like the ruler of darkness ruling the earth.

This terrifying existence can never be a human race!

The shake caused by thousands of people kneeling just now, accompanied by the aura of the dark emperor rising to the sky, has disappeared without a trace in an instant, and the vigilance in everyone's hearts has been raised to the highest level.

The Dark Emperor Ampera star, wearing a fluttering cloak, rendered endless darkness, dyeing the sky above Little Giant Plains into a night-like scene.

The first time he appeared on the stage, he defeated His Excellency Xuannan with a domineering and unparalleled posture. Now unless someone stronger appears, no one present can resist this king from darkness!
All the people in the alliance, the hope that had just risen was knocked down to the abyss again with the appearance of the emperor.Xiao Yuan raised her head and stared blankly at the completely unfamiliar figure in the sky.Feng Xi stared at him complicatedly, and murmured:

"Little brother Lei Chuan, what happened to you?"


His Excellency Xuan Nan struggled to get up from the pile of rubble, his face was full of shock and bitterness, as well as a hint of despair.Just listen to him yelling:
"Everyone, run away!"

The broken body flew up again, facing the invincible darkness, not for anything else, but to buy enough time for everyone to escape.

Just when the emperor raised his hand for the second time, ready to strike a devastating blow, suddenly——

His body trembled very slightly, and the black armor he was wrapped in suddenly shattered into countless cracks, and large pieces fell down.

From the broken part of the visor, there was an eye full of silence, emptiness, darkness, and madness. This was Lei Chuan's eye.

Take advantage of now!
His Excellency Xuan Nan gritted his teeth, once again gathered considerable spiritual energy, and sent out a shock wave of spiritual energy.And Lei Chuan, who was struggling, also raised his hand, circles of dark red ripples loomed, and when he was about to attack——

From above the nine heavens, there was a sigh!

At this moment, the world seemed to stand still. Lei Chuan who raised his hand, Xuan Nan who was attacking, the desperate look of the garrison guards, and the desperate and unbelievable eyes of everyone in the alliance all became frozen at this moment.

Waves of invisible waves came from the sky, the shock wave of spiritual power shot by His Excellency Xuan Nan was eliminated, and the shock wave of darkness ready to be sent by Lei Chuan was also dispelled without any obstruction.

At this moment, countless brilliance suddenly appeared in the darkness pervading the sky, expanding infinitely, and dispelling all the darkness.While everyone was in a trance, a treasure wheel wrapped in dazzling light flew from the sky.

This treasure wheel is much more gorgeous than the Bright Treasure Ship called by everyone in the alliance. Every inch of the ship is carved with exquisite and gorgeous reliefs, representing all living beings such as dragons, phoenixes, fairies, gods and men, flowers, trees, sun, moon and stars. elephant.

Every trace of it shows the classic style, but it does not lose the appearance of luxury.

Everyone was intoxicated by the beauty of this treasure wheel, but only Goddess Feng Xi turned a blind eye and stared blankly at the high-rise buildings built with carved railings and jade on the ship.

The soldiers of the garrison army were already in despair. Seeing this precious wheel at this moment, it was like seeing a boat of salvation.

"It's the Dianyue Louchuan, the car of the Huaxu clan!"

"The one who can ride this precious wheel must be a son of God, a figure like a goddess!"

When saying this, many people secretly glanced at Feng Xi.

At this moment -

Lei Chuan roared and rushed out, his eyes no longer had a trace of reason, and they were full of madness. Countless black air burst out from the cracks in the shattered armor, and rushed towards His Royal Highness Xuan Nan.

Seeing this, Dianyue Louchuan was in full glory, disappeared in an instant, and reappeared between His Royal Highness Xuan Nan and Lei Chuan almost at the same time.

At first glance, I feel that this treasure wheel has no other feeling except for its exquisiteness and beauty.However, it wasn't until I got a closer look that I realized that this ship was also surprisingly large.

In the form of the dark emperor, Lei Chuan has reached a height of [-] meters, but the closer he gets to Lou Chuan, his body becomes more and more like an ant.

A ray of light shot out from the building and hit Lei Chuan.

Immediately, Lei Chuan let out a scream, most of the black energy was eliminated, and the armor on his body was shattered layer by layer.But at this time, the madness in Lei Chuan's eyes began to subside, and a trace of clarity appeared.

What did I... just do?
The images of everything that happened just now played back in his mind like a horse watching flowers. Seeing the posture he had transformed into, Lei Chuan even cried out:

"Ambera star..."

Everyone on the ground saw that Lei Chuan was hit by a beam of light from the building boat, his figure was fixed in the distance, and the dark aura in his body was constantly weakening, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

His Excellency Xuannan has healed his injury a little at this moment, and he came to Lou Chuan, clasped his fists, and said respectfully:

"Thank you for your help, may I ask which Highness it is?"

The mysterious Hua Xuzi who was riding on the boat did not say anything, but sighed again:
"Are you sober?"

This voice cannot be heard from a man or a woman, it is gentle and soft, very friendly, like a magnet, making people feel like approaching his voice every moment.

These words were not addressed to His Excellency Xuan Nan, but to Lei Chuan.

At this moment, all the dark aura on Lei Chuan's body has dissipated, and there is no abnormality except for his pale face and sluggish breath.

Lei Chuan understood that the light that attacked him just now did not contain any killing intent, it was just an extremely pure light element that would not harm the body and soul, but it happened to be the nemesis of extreme darkness.

When he learned that this mysterious Hua Xuzi had no intention of killing him, Lei Chuan replied with the same respectful gesture:

"Thank you, Your Highness, for your help!"

"So good!"

When the brilliance spread, a figure with the head of a man and the body of a snake appeared, about several hundred meters high, with gentle eyes, looking at everyone, whether it was His Excellency Xuan Nan, the soldiers of the garrison army, the survivors of the old domain, or those who were treated as aliens. Lei Chuan treated everyone equally, except for a slight pause when he looked at Feng Xi.

The next moment, he slightly raised his hand and sprinkled a large amount of golden light. Anyone who was touched by the golden light recovered from their injuries at an incredible speed.

Shadow nodded and said:
"Underwind Xuan, I have met you all!"

"God Son Fengxuan!"

Everyone salutes.

"Don't be too polite!"

While Feng Xuan was speaking, he raised his hand again, and the wind of Hexi blew up from the sky and the earth, carrying light, dispelling all the darkness that shrouded the sky, and the light returned to the earth again.

"The next time I came here, I just passed by by chance. I suddenly decided to come here because I noticed the breath of my compatriots. Please forgive me for any offense!"

While talking, Feng Xuan saluted His Excellency Xuan Nan and expressed his apology.It has to be said that although they come from the Renhuang clan, no matter whether it is Feng Xi or Feng Xuan, there is no arrogance in every move, and they are full of everyone's demeanor.

"Where where..."

His Excellency Xuan Nan hurriedly returned the gift.When he saw Lei Chuan, he frowned, with fear in his eyes.

"His Royal Highness Fengxuan, I am currently encountering a difficult matter, this matter is like this..."

There were a lot of Balabala, and His Highness Fengxuan nodded frequently and looked at Lei Chuan from time to time.After His Excellency Xuan Nan finished explaining everything, Feng Xuan nodded and said:
"I have already understood this matter, this is indeed not a trivial matter..."

He turned his head to Lei Chuan, and continued:
"Sorry, it's really inappropriate for you to stay in the ancestral land!"

(End of this chapter)

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