Monster Rush

Chapter 402 Intensifies

Chapter 402 Intensifies
There are big mouths densely covered in the void, surrounding the sky above the wild beasts, opening and closing, as if they are gnawing on something.

The desolate beasts became even more terrified, with extreme madness in their expressions, each howling in despair, and a stench filled the air.

Lei Chuan looked at the puddles of yellow and white things flowing underground, his eyes could not help showing disgust, and at the same time, his eyes looking at Kong Kong Dazui became more serious.

What is happening before us cannot be deduced with common sense, not only wild beasts, but ordinary people will scream in horror when they see it, and the San value will drop drastically.

Strips of black tentacles protruded from the big mouth of the void like tentacles, the tongue coating glowed with a purple halo, and the dense pimples kept wriggling, making one's scalp feel numb.

The tongues each tied a desolate beast, still struggling with it, and directly swallowed it into the mouth.

The big mouth closed instantly, chewing non-stop like eating, the sound of flesh smashing and bone shattering came out, and there was even the howl of not being completely dead. It was a completely nightmarish scene.

Lei Chuan watched everything happen calmly, frowning inadvertently. Although he was not afraid, nausea was inevitable.Finally, the disgusting chewing sound stopped. It seemed that after digesting the food, the void's big mouth opened again, and the densely intertwined sharp teeth still had the victim's flesh and blood.

The big mouth grew bigger and bigger, and even started to devour each other, until the last big mouth was left. If it is fully opened, it is estimated that even monsters can swallow it.

For some reason, seeing this big mouth reminded Lei Chuan of a monster he knew.

The high-dimensional predator Bogaru, with the same gluttony and greed, also makes countless creatures feel afraid.This is a four-star top-level monster, and its combat power is even higher than that of Jayton.

Although it is greedy, it is also evil and cunning, and its vitality is extremely vigorous.

The most powerful individual of the Bogaru family, the evil Bogaru is a six-star terrifying existence. He served the Dark Emperor but betrayed him. As a result, he was only sealed by an emperor with a seven-star realm. Well, benevolence is not a quality it possesses, the biggest possibility is that even the emperor can't kill Bogaru.

However, the former Lao Lei had destroyed the Bogaru family, and his race genes were stored in the system's database, and the host could only access it after upgrading the system to level 5.

Lei Chuan looked at this big mouth with great interest. Any adult Bogaru has the ability to summon monsters. I don't know if this big mouth has a similar ability.

Sure enough, just as he expected, the big mouth opened to the limit, and bursts of black swirls emerged.From the vortex, dozens of black balls suddenly spit out, hitting the ground fiercely like meteorites.

These black balls are some disgusting black fleshy unity, in simple terms, they are meat balls, beating like a heart.

The meat ball split open on both sides, and barbarians walked out of the meat ball.

Lei Chuan suddenly realized that these meat balls are the protective means provided by the eight ferocious beasts when they teleport across boundaries, preventing the flesh from being torn apart when traveling through dimensions. They are similar to the ancient teleportation talismans of the human race, but the former is obviously more disgusting.

The big mouth of the void was still swallowing and spitting, and in less than a moment, thousands of meat balls appeared on the ground.

I have to admire the methods of these barbarians.

Entering the Great Barren Mountain is not for any reason, but to build a base camp for invading the wilderness.One of the reasons for building the base camp here is that it is secret and not easy to be discovered by others;
The second is that even if they were discovered, they would not dare to act recklessly here due to the importance of the Great Barren Mountain. The Ba Lun Man was invincible from the very beginning.

It is not uncommon for barbarians to have such scheming, and it may be the same for other races.The remaining three Great Barren Mountains might also be occupied by other races, spreading from the mountains to the surrounding areas, gradually eroding other areas.

Lei Chuan just looked at it for a while, then quietly retreated, leaving without a sound, and the barbarians didn't realize that they were being followed from the beginning to the end.

The Void Mouth is a distorted life form, and naturally it also has a level of combat power.Lei Chuan checked curiously, and the result showed that the result was even higher than the Earl, and no piece of data could be revealed.

He immediately retreated without hesitation. If he was discovered in this situation, even if he turned into a dark Tiga, he would surely die.

After two investigations, the results made Lei Chuan extremely frustrated, and the excitement in his heart due to completing the dark magic light stick was instantly gone, replaced by a fanatical desire to "be stronger".


In the next few days, Lei Chuan went to the other three Great Barren Mountains respectively, and as expected, they were occupied by three alien invaders.

The countries in the buffer zone have also changed.The advance army from the wild beasts got in touch with the masters of the wild beasts, and sent several batches of troops into the buffer zone intermittently. It seems that the results of the negotiations were very smooth.

The form of the human race is getting worse.

The offensive of the three strong races began to become weird and changeable, and the human race was no longer as easy to defeat as before.Every first-class strong clan is not simple. The three strong clans seem to have figured out the method of using troops by the human commander in a series of defeats, and frequently used restraint measures to firmly clamp the human army in the catastrophe plain.

The high-level people have already seen that it is meaningless to continue this battle.The alien race is powerful, and it is impossible to completely defeat the opponent without reinforcements. To make matters worse, an emergency call for help was issued from Polu City.

A foreign race with unknown movements suddenly attacked the human garrison, and more than ten strongholds were pulled out. A garrison army was severely damaged, and even Changyang Valley was attacked, suspected to be invaders from another world.

This news instantly caused a shock among the high-level people of the human race. Seeing that the opponent's actions did not arrive here by accident, but a well-organized and prepared invader, the opponent came prepared.

The wild coordinates are leaked!
This is a big event, and because of this, the Terran army has been passively avoiding battles in recent days, and the high-level officials have been devastated by this matter.

In the large tent of the Chinese army, there were bursts of coughing, which attracted the guards stationed around the big tent to look into the tent frequently, with unconcealable worry in their expressions.

The sick young man quietly hid the handkerchief behind his back, and a ray of dazzling crimson appeared on the pure white silk cloth.

"Uncle, how did the meeting go?"

The young man asked casually, and at the same time pretended to be careless and secretly hid the handkerchief in his waist.

And the person called Emperor Uncle didn't seem to notice the strangeness of the young man, and replied with a gloomy expression:
"Just as you expected."

"Sure enough..."

There was no joy on the young man's face, but a wry smile:
"I'm still too useless to turn the whole thing around."

Uncle Huang shook his head and said:
"You have done well enough. As the strongest 'general star' of the Yonghua Kingdom for thousands of years, there is no commander who can do better than you in this situation."

"The enemy is too strong, that's a fact."

"So, do we have to give up here?"

There was a hint of reluctance on the young man's face, and his eyes showed anger, humiliation, and helplessness.

"This is the most sensible principle. Although I don't know if the coordinates were leaked, the water in the wilderness has been muddied. If we continue to stay, it will only consume the vitality of the human race, and even bring disaster to the middle wilderness. We must evacuate as soon as possible."

"I see."

The young man's expression returned to calm.He stepped out of the big tent and looked at the sky blankly.It was already dusk at this time, and two of the three suns had fallen, and the only one left emitted a dim yellow brilliant light.

Seeing that the last round of the sun was about to set, the young man finally made up his mind and said suddenly:
"Uncle Huang, please make another trip, I want to see His Majesty King Yuyang."

Turning around, looking at the emperor's uncle who looked a little stunned, the young man said word by word:
"Even though we have to go, it doesn't mean we are defeated. In the last battle, I swear by my identity as Prince Yonghua, that the three strong clans will definitely pay the heaviest price!"

(End of this chapter)

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