Monster Rush

Chapter 490 Tides

Chapter 490 Tides
"You are late."

Looking up at the gloomy sky, the Lord of Shadow Stream sighed.

The weird celestial phenomenon did not take any further action.Lei Chuan was shocked, but he didn't forget to call the monsters to retreat.

The Lord of Shadow Stream gave Lei Chuan a cold look, and immediately roared again.The floating whale swam towards it at high speed.His body shape became dim and unreal, and he became one with the Lord of Shadow Stream.

In an instant, the already burly physique swelled again, and a whale sashimi appeared on the upper body, and his aura soared, which was completely different from before. Lei Chuan even faintly felt a real king's aura from the other party.

When the fake is exhausted, it is true!
This time the siege ended in failure. Lei Chuan did not procrastinate at all, and directly teleported the core stronghold of the meeting through the coordinate vertex, giving the master of Shadow Stream no time to react.

The first thing after returning to the stronghold, Lei Chuan ordered all the spy satellites to dive into the sea. The Dada Stars, Naker Stars, and Zarabu Stars led all the investigation teams to dispatch to find out what is the strange celestial phenomenon overhead. what happened!

Lei Chuan has never given up on collecting intelligence, but now it seems that he still underestimated the local aborigines. The sky is changing rapidly, and Lei Chuan was not given any time to react. Looking at the continuous rainstorm in the sky, soon, the whole black All continents will be submerged by sea water.

It is impossible for a mere Shadow Stream Clan to have such a powerful force, and there must be more than one race participating, Moon Sea... No!The threat from the deep sea has surfaced.


Under the repeated attacks of the Yingliu Clan, the Heigang Clan has been completely exterminated for more than a hundred thousand years.Years of speed have been eliminated, but the Yingliu family has no time to celebrate.

According to the information brought back from the king himself, a new force from the Northern Continent has settled in. The shape is very strange. It looks like a metal elite but contains the breath of a thunder and lightning elf. The abhorrence and even hatred that the spirits conceived in heaven and earth naturally produce toward abnormal life.

Compared with the disputes among the land elemental clans, the various branches of the sea clan with similar attributes have a harmonious relationship, and some have even established a solid alliance.

The Moon Sea clan backed against the deep sea and had an alliance agreement with several deep sea races. Therefore, long before the Lord of Shadow Stream came ashore, they had made an agreement with the alliance to invade the Black Continent together.

"An elf from the deep sea?"

Looking at the obtained information, Lei Chuan recalled the information he obtained against the Sea Clan.

The Sea Clan is divided into the Shallow Sea Clan and the Deep Sea Clan.Because the shallow seas live on the offshore continental shelf, they can land for a short time, and have obvious amphibious characteristics.The Yingliu clan is a typical Qianhai clan.

The deep-sea clan is far stronger than the shallow-sea clan in terms of numbers and high-end combat power, but it also has its fatal weakness.

Due to living in the deep sea below thousands or even tens of thousands of meters, the air pressure they are subjected to is much thicker than that of the shallow sea and the mainland, and the reason for this is that once the deep sea tribes float up to the shallow sea, they can only move for a very short time. At that time, if they tried to land on the mainland in vain, they would face the difficulties brought about by drastic changes in air pressure, suffocation, and diseases. Most of them would die when their cores burst when they landed.Therefore, the Black Continent has been around for a long time.There are not many invasions of the Deep Sea Clan.


Lei Chuan looked up at the sky, the sky was still dark and gloomy, the torrential rain continued, and the dampness in the air made people restless.

The humidity index has risen nearly ten times than before, which is comparable to the humidity standard of the shallow sea.

On the southern continent, more than 10% of the land has been submerged, huge waves and tsunamis continue, and the coastline has been severely eroded.There are even images from satellites, and there are several unusual wave transmissions below the sea surface, which are suspected to be huge biological reactions.

Needless to say, this weird situation must be caused by the Deep Sea Clan.As long as the level of humidity is equal to that of the shallow sea, elite legions from the deep sea will be able to go ashore, and every time the level is higher, more deep-sea legions will go ashore.

It's a pity that the current Dark Star City doesn't have the means to transform large-scale sections or control the celestial phenomena, so it can only let the other party do whatever they want.But one thing is gratifying, in this environment, Dark Star City's combat power will not be reduced in any way.

Those who formed an alliance with the Shadow Stream Clan were not so powerful forces, but some deep-sea soil overlords near the shallow sea, and the strongest of them were only the quasi-first-class branch.

The tidal clan, a rare tide manipulator of the deep sea clan.Relying on the talent of the race, they can create a large-scale tsunami to hit the land, and the strong members of the clan can even drive the source of the deep sea to the sky, aggravate the moisture, and make it cause large-scale rainfall.

The strength of this Sea Clan is even stronger than that of the Shadow Stream Clan. Originally, they were not interested in invading the Black Continent. Lured by the rich metal resources in the mainland, he formed a coalition with other deep sea elves to participate in the battle of the Shadow Stream Clan.

In the end, the torrential rain stopped. Because the king was not around, the Tide Clan could only do this at most. Bringing the humidity level of the Black Continent to the same level as the shallow sea would allow the elite troops from the deep sea to go ashore.

But even so, it caused nearly 20% of the entire Black Continent to sink, with dark clouds and rising sea fog, which just blocked the sunlight completely. I forgot to say that the one that can pose a huge threat to the Sea Clan is There are ten suns in the sky.

Dark Star City has already completed its army preparations, and the number of black golden ancient bridges has exceeded fifty, just enough to form two teams.

Lei Chuan didn't like the strategy of waiting for work with ease, so as early as the establishment of the Jinguqiao Squad was completed, all members were dispatched to focus on the Yingliu clan stationed at the junction of the northern and southern continents.

The devastation caused by fifty black golden ancient bridges is very terrible.An area with a diameter of more than 200 kilometers was razed to the ground, and nearly [-] million Yingliu soldiers were killed or injured. After this battle, the Yingliu tribe retreated [-] miles.

In addition, Lei Chuan also dispatched the air force of the monster army to carry out raids on all parties in the Southern Continent, beheading the high-ranking Yingliu clan, causing quite a bit of confusion for the other party.

There are not only twelve hours left until the end of the first mission, but the anger from the Sea Clan will soon be vented.

The Shadow Stream Clan, the Tidal Clan and several other Sea Clans formed a total of hundreds of millions of troops, rushing towards the North Continent like a tide.

According to the original plan, Lei Chuan abandoned most of the land on the North Road and concentrated his troops near the core stronghold.Of course, many gifts were also left to the Sea Clan on those abandoned lands.

(End of this chapter)

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