Monster Rush

Chapter 494 Root Destruction Angel

Chapter 494 Root Destruction Angel
As the ultimate weapon sent by the shattered summoning body, Zog undoubtedly possesses extremely strong destructive power, extremely high intelligence, and a cunning and cruel character.

Seven Star's combat power is enough to make it aspire to the throne of the multiverse emperor-level existence.

She is the end point of all evolution of the root-shattered body, and anything related to her has a high price tag.

Although the Zog equipment card is only a one-off, it still costs more than 50 Soul of Darkness. Even if Lei Chuan buys it, he will go bankrupt.

Fortunately, at the moment when the meteor treasure box was opened, Ouhuang possessed him and got Zog's one-time equipment card.

After being equipped, 0.02% of Zog's combat power will be superimposed on itself, and the duration will be 10 minutes.The equipment requirement is that the physique attribute exceeds 4000, and has the same talent as [Root-rooted Death-Inviting Body].

Lei Chuan met the requirements in both aspects, and naturally, this equipment card became Lei Chuan's hole card to challenge the four fake kings.

The backhand crushed the card, and a large amount of golden light rushed towards it, and two huge phantoms of a dragon and an angel condensed from behind Lei Chuan.From their bodies, there is an aura that makes the tide king feel frightened.Trying to suppress the fear in his heart, the Tide King no longer held back his hands, the elemental crystals were driven to the extreme, and a large number of waves rose up all around, like a wrathful dragon rolling, setting off the power of collapsing the sky and destroying the world.

On the other side, two phantoms instantly merged into Lei Chuan's body, and a strange golden light emanated from his whole body, rippling with a destructive aura.

The trident in his hand couldn't bear the power, so it was directly crushed by Lei Chuan, and it was replaced by another golden trident purely condensed by golden light.

He waved the trident in his hand and swung it forward casually.Just the first blow cut off the water barrier woven by the Tide King, and endless waves rolled in.

The second blow was like the miracle of Moses dividing the Red Sea, the angry trident became dim at this moment, and the surrounding light was swallowed by it.

The black light tore through the sky, and the surging tide was divided into two, receding quickly to the left and right, and the two phases melted on the impact of the void barrier.

In the third blow, the Tide King was pierced mercilessly, the elemental crystal was split in half, and his huge body melted like ice and snow amidst the mournful howling.

This is the terrifying power of Zog, only 0.02%, but still surpasses the false king, infinitely close to the power of death, superimposed on Lei Chuan, it can already help him survive a few tricks in the hands of the alien king.

Less than a minute passed, and the death of the Tidal King was seen by the three fake kings, who immediately disregarded their struggling opponents and united to attack Lei Chuan.

Although it is powerful enough to kill the Tide King with three moves, as long as the real king does not come, we still have hope of victory!
They think so.

Lei Chuan was also happy to see this, and immediately sent the monsters to other places to slaughter the Sea Clan, while he wanted to face the King of the Three Clans of the Deep Sea here!
"Strange thing, die!"

The three false kings roared and attacked.After deducting the Tide King, the second most powerful is a North Sea monster with hundreds of tentacles floating in the sky, attracting endless thunder to bombard Leichuan. There are also legends of manipulating thunder among the sea clan.

The second king is a half-human, half-dragon monster. Its dark green transparent skin is filled with dark poison. As long as the sea dragon who is proficient in poisonous attacks touches the enemy, the toxin can be eroded by the short-term contact. The opponent's body was corroded into a puddle of blood.

The weakest fake king is not easy to deal with. It looks like a red man wearing heavy armor and wielding a huge mace. There is a whirlpool spinning rapidly under his feet. This whirlpool is like a halo fly It pierced through the seven-headed disc creature in a row, and severely injured Black Endor with the last blow, almost annihilating the entire army of disc creatures.

Calmly watching the galloping attack, Lei Chuan remained calm and composed. The golden halberd he crushed with his bare hands burst out a piece of gorgeous gold sand, instantly blocking the attacks from lightning, venom, and vortex light wheel.

The other hand was in the shape of a claw, and a blue light appeared from the palm of the hand, and the void where the light touched was distorted into countless folds.

call out!
Lei Chuan's figure disappeared in the same place in an instant, and the next moment he appeared directly behind the red-haired man, and a blue light shot out from his right hand. In an instant, terrifying fluctuations shook all directions, and all creatures within a hundred miles were shattered into scum.

"Root fluctuations!"

Zog's special skill, Lei Chuan naturally also inherited this skill, only 0.02% of the power can cause mass extinction within a diameter of more than [-] kilometers.

Not only the Chi** people died on the spot, but also many sea clansmen and their own mechanical soldiers and monsters died in battle.

The North Sea giant monster and the sea dragon people wanted to escape the range of the wave bombardment at the first time, but they were still affected. The sea dragon people thought their bodies were shattered, and it took a lot of effort to reorganize, and the North Sea giant monster was also cut off dozens of times. Tentacles.

Hai Longren's aura was extremely weak, and his eyes showed a terrified look. Just as he was about to continue to retreat, Lei Chuan killed him in an instant, and a three-foot-long sword blade was condensed from the left and right golden lights, and he chopped off the dragon's head with one blow.

The dragon's head was crushed, and Lei Chuan looked calm, ignoring its poison, and slowly grabbed the elemental crystals from the headless corpse, completely eliminating the possibility of the sea dragon's resurrection.

Seeing this, the giant North Sea monster fled away as early as the first time. Passing Lei Chuan, he just casually swept out a flying blade of hundreds of feet of golden light, and cut the North Sea giant monster in half from head to toe in one fell swoop. The elemental crystal happened to be in that The location is naturally divided into two.

At this moment, there are still nearly 25 minutes before the effect of the equipment card fades.

Lei Chuan felt the powerful borrowed power flowing in his body, the same root but somewhat strange energy fluctuations.The same as the root cause of death, this transformed body has a powerful learning ability.

He didn't continue to fight, leaving the rest to the monsters was enough, and he just had to sit cross-legged and feel the strength.

The brain circuit is fully opened, and the memory speed comparable to the functional optical brain imitates the power belonging to Zog.

This ultimate weapon from the unknown has two distinct forms, divine beauty and powerful ugliness.Belonging to two unusual forces.

In the angel state, he masters the four energies of collapse, absorption, manipulation, and extinction, corresponding to the four major skills.

[Root Wave] released with bare hands;
[Psychic Energy Wave] emitted from fingertips;
[Extermination Sight] released by the eyes;
Possesses the ability to devour light [God Smash Destroyer].

In comparison, the energy possessed by the dragon form is more singular, but it is stronger than the sum of the four attribute energies.Especially that huge and weird body, which can easily crush a star into dust.

The power derived from a powerful life, even though it has a single form, its core structure is extremely complex, which makes Lei Chuan have a strange feeling that he started to learn advanced mathematics in the second grade of elementary school.

Remember as much as you can.

Finally, when the time came, the energy declined significantly, and Lei Chuan seemed to have returned to his previous state.

Right at this moment-

A monstrous momentum erupted, suppressing all directions, and all the affected sea tribe died as if their bodies were shattered and exploded. The cores of the more advanced elemental lords were shattered, and their bodies fell limply.

Only one elemental lord continued to hold on desperately, his body went from standing to kneeling.

However, as Lei Chuan's coercion increased, he could not escape the shattering of the elemental core in the end, and his death was even uglier, because it died on its knees.

After the mental coercion is over, there are lightning, metal, frost, and a trace of power from light.

Zog also has the attribute of light, which was copied by Lei Chuan.

The power of the four attributes blended into a ball above Lei Chuan's head, and a different kind of change was produced in the continuous decomposition and fusion, and this change continued to increase.

Finally, Lei Chuan's aura climbed to the peak, and with the shattering of an invisible shackle, it gushed out like a flood gate, the dense dark clouds were torn apart, and the light appeared from the sky.

On the ground, a dark gold giant stood up, with thunder wrapped around his left hand, and light wrapped around his right hand. Every time he took a step, a piece of frost would rise under his feet.

Lei Chuan has finally been promoted to the realm of false kings!
(End of this chapter)

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