Monster Rush

Chapter 498

Chapter 498
All this is thanks to Huang Xiu's avatar.A series of military operations against the famine has accumulated a large number of points, tens of millions of evolution points, and nearly a million dark souls.

Therefore, the main body chose to advance to the next step, and the bloodline advanced two levels at a time, achieving [Rayblad Sixth Level].

Name: Lei Chuan

Race: Human/Reyblad
Occupation: Monster Walker Level 9 (78000/180000)

Equipment: Blade Demon Trident
Props: Dark Light Rod
Special binding: EX fighting instrument "BATTLENIZER" level 10 (328891/400000)

Life: 3600000 [Extraordinary Life]

Mental Power: 47800
Fatigue value: 80000/80000
Fate: Luck +13/ Misfortune -1
Bloodline Talent: Fear and Awe, Psychic Power, Battle Frenzy, Manipulating Monsters (Six Stars)
Bloodline Skills: Summon Monsters, Summon Monster Army, Dimension Break
Special talents: superconducting lightning body, second heart, demon physique, tyrant breath, perfect torso, supreme phantom

Talent skills: Reyblad Death Ray, Reyblad Sealing Technique (Advanced), Spiritual Pollution, Immortal Body, Spore Clone

Professional Talent: Life Hunter, Absolute Dominance, Call of the Wild
Cultivation skills: "Dark Fantasy" (EX), "Dark Rhapsody" (to the third chapter), "Crushing Stars" (EX), "Eight Shadows of Wings" (EX), "Trident Blade Demon" (EX)

Comprehensive combat power evaluation level: 5899
Special bloodline: Raybrad (sixth level)
The next level evolves Rayblad (seventh level)
Stepping into the six-star Lei Chuan body, the system has also been promoted to LV.6 level, and the data of the emperor possessed by the demon armor is no longer as blind as before.

The emperor's combat power level is 6999, while the demon armor is 6588, almost at the top of the six-star realm.Lei Chuan had just entered the six-star level for the first time, and he had only reached the middle of the six-star level with the increase in [Devil God Physique].

However, after successively activating [Battle Frenzy], [Supreme Shadow] and borrowing the power of some monsters, it can barely reach a level of around 6200, and it still has the power to fight.

Gatanjae is a six-star high-level monster. As an ultra-ancient evil god, its accumulation of 3000 million years has given it a terrifying combat power of 6500. With the increase of [Call of the Wild], it can be evenly matched with the demon armor.

The final change happened to the Dark Demon God.

The shattered Dark Light Rod was completely integrated into the demon god's body. The original pure dark power was more inclined to the extreme chaos, everything was contained, everything was contained, but at the same time, it also had a strange characteristic.

That is light, the most extreme darkness can contain even light.The Dark Demon God transformed into Tiga's form, reaching a height of 120 meters, and his whole body was shrouded in a layer of dark purple radiance.

Contrary to Shining Tiga, it appears in a darker and deeper posture, and its name is An Yao.

Incorporating part of the "ultra-ancient god's blessing", with the help of the power of the king of dark elements, a more powerful and mysterious thing hidden under the blessing was successfully induced.

Hidden under the blessing is a curse, a deep hatred for the dark Tiga who destroyed the light giant family and the super ancient civilization.If Dija had accepted the light in the beginning and got out of the darkness, the curse would not have appeared, the blessing has always been a blessing.

It's a pity that the arrogant Lei Chuan didn't intend to accept Guangming's charity.From the very beginning, I chose the firm path of darkness, so why do I have to abandon it now? The purest darkness is not inferior to light. Similarly, the dark form is not weaker than the shining form.

In the heyday of Shining Tiga, Dimojeh, the evolutionary body of resentment that could defeat Gatanjae, has already ranked at the top of the six-star existence, while Dimjay Tiga is in the early stage of birth, and its power is at most equal to Gatanjae, or even stronger. slightly weaker.

"Do you think you can beat me like this?"

The emperor let out a contemptuous laugh, raised his hand and slapped [Dark Shockwave] casually, and the crisp sound of rings colliding with each other swayed around with dark red ripples.

Lei Chuan, Anyao Dijia, and Jiatan Jieer all retreated a few steps uncontrollably.

Especially Lei Chuan himself, as the weakest six-star existence on the field, and being targeted by the emperor, the impact he received was the strongest.


Lei Chuan's whole body shook, and the ripple impact from the bombardment was regarded as being shattered, and Lei Chuan himself just shook his body to remove the impact.

After refining the core of the King of Fire Elements, [Demon God Physique] has finally entered the next stage, and the ability of [Natural Selection] has been released.

As previously expected, [Natural Selection] weakens the damage of any physical attack it suffers by 20%, mental attack by 40%, and energy attack by 10%.

And because Lei Chuan also practiced "Dark Fantasy", he is proficient in dark energy and also has a strong resistance to dark attribute attacks. Therefore, the emperor's bombardment actually hurt Lei Chuan only 20% of the previous one.

The horror of the Demon God's physique is only now truly revealed, and what's shown so far is just the tip of the iceberg.


With a roar, Anyao Dijia turned into a deep purple streamer and flew out, countless phantoms emerged, and the figure hidden in light and darkness crossed his hands in front of his chest, and a stream of dark purple light rippling with a destructive aura hit the Ampera star.

"Dark Light Zapelio Light!"

The light attack, which was unprecedentedly strong enough to crush a star, was intercepted in two by the emperor's dark cloth, and the bombardment caused layers upon layers of shattered marks on the ground.

while now—

Lei Chuan threw out the blade demon trident, and poured all the dark energy of the darkness into it. Dozens of dark meteors shot out from the tips of the three halberds, and bombarded heavily on the [Dark Field] while flying alternately.

With the sound of clicks one after another, the entire field was completely shattered.Anyao Tiga, who was fighting with the emperor, immediately got rid of the shackles, and the [Corrupted Lampart Light Bullet] and [Dark Dirashum Light Stream] were simultaneously released and blasted towards the emperor from two different directions.


The emperor put away the dark cloth, took down the dark trident, and ejected black lightning around his body, blocking all the two light attacks.

"You were able to force me to use this move, fallen Ultra warrior, you are proud of yourself!"

"Rezolim Ray!"

not good!

Lei Chuan knew that this was the most proud attack of the Ambella Stars, and the Demon Armor was also good at this move. After the two are superimposed, the power that erupts is not just as simple as one plus one.

However, An Yao Dijia is not as useless as he imagined. In a very short period of time, he arranged thirteen [Ultra Barriers] and [Dark Shining Ring Shield], which can block the [Rezolim Light] shock.

An Yao Dijia was forced to retreat, Lei Chuan and Jiatan Jieer rushed forward, the same extremely strong attack of darkness, Lei Chuan with a hint of arrogance, Jiatan Jieer with a hint of despair, not seeing the same darkness The energies merged together and turned into a torrent that exploded, blocking all the escape routes of the Ampera Stars from all directions.

However, the emperor is worthy of being an emperor, and he has no intention of evading from the beginning to the end.

I saw it slowly draw out the dark patterned cloth, exchange it with the left hand to hold it, match it with the dark trident, cross it into a "ten" and place it on the chest, and immediately cut it out, it is [Darkness Shuangliu]!

"Isn't it over yet?"

Outside the meeting tower, Huang Xiu's avatar looked a little anxious.Two full days have passed since Gatanjae entered, but the battle has not ended. It seems that this battle is much more tragic than what I imagined.

But at this moment, a loud noise came from the top floor of the meeting tower, and Lei Chuan's face became extremely gloomy in an instant.

The imprisoned god finally broke the cage.

(End of this chapter)

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