Monster Rush

Chapter 540 Time Lost Realm

Chapter 540 Time Lost Realm
It was a day, at dusk, when the golden crow was dark, and under the dim yellow color, it shone on the Great Wall of Winter, which was stained with a layer of blood-red solid ice.

This majestic city wall that has been standing for thousands of years is now mottled, potholed, and even one or two sections have collapsed.

Outside the city wall was a mountain of corpses and sea of ​​bones, and as far as the eye could see, it was dyed red for thousands of miles.

In the seventh wave of offensive, hundreds of species gushed out of the mist in an instant, covering the sky and covering the sun, far exceeding the previous ones. The Beiliu Royal Court was caught off guard in shock, and Da Shanyu himself was severely wounded and exited the field. , At the last moment, the reinforcements from Sanctuary arrived in time and repelled the offensive.

In this battle, the Northern Liao Royal Court suffered heavy losses. The Frostblade Legion was almost wiped out, and the legion led by Lei Chuan lost more than half, and this was the result of a fake King Realm powerhouse protecting them.

Lei Chuan himself also suffered a lot of injuries, and it was a miracle that he could survive the attacks of more than a dozen alien fake kings, not to mention that Lei Chuan was able to bring back two heads in the end.

"Master Wuhou, Your Majesty has invited you to come over."

Lei Chuan nodded indifferently, and left with the herald.

What I saw along the way was devastated, all the soldiers were injured, and the accumulation of the royal court for hundreds of years was destroyed.That is why, Da Shanyu had to let go of his arrogance, and reinforcements from all over the Central Wilderness officially entered the Great Wall of Winter.

From the Cambrian Hall, dozens of people have gathered here, all of whom are above the False King Realm.

"Lei Chuan, this way..."

Seeing someone waving at him, Lei Chuan looked directly, and found that this person was none other than Xiao Wushen.

Lei Chuan walked over.During the years of resisting the hundred kinds of invasions in the moment, the demeanor displayed by Xiao Wushen is not inferior to himself at all.Dozens of battles before and after, many foreign powerhouses died in his hands, and there were even three powerful enemies who were false kings.

Now, the aura of the real king on Xiao Wushen's body is even stronger, and a giant image faintly emerges behind him, turning from imaginary to real, which is a sign that he is about to enter the real king's realm.

Seeing Lei Chuan approaching, Xiao Wushen grinned:
"You kid doesn't seem to be feeling well either!"

"Each each other."

Lei Chuan responded flatly.My left arm has disappeared, and the broken part is wrapped in a filthy atmosphere. No matter how the flesh and blood squirm, the severed limb cannot be regenerated. It will take a while to dispel the filthy atmosphere.

As for Xiao Wushen himself, a huge gash was opened in his chest, and through the wound, the beating internal organs could be faintly seen.Seemingly following Lei Chuan's gaze, Xiao Wushen said carelessly:

"A little injury, it doesn't matter."

In the next moment, the wound healed a lot again. It seems that the self-healing ability of the little Valkyrie who is about to enter the real king realm has also improved.

"How can I kill a Venerable Evil Dragon without paying a price? Anyway, after that battle, His Highness has some insights, and it will only be a few days before he becomes a human king."

Xiao Wushen didn't deliberately suppress his voice, so that everyone in the Cambrian Hall looked sideways frequently, and there was no concealment of envy in their eyes.

From the fake king to the real king is a huge chasm. I don't know how many geniuses are trapped in this bottleneck, unable to break through for the rest of their lives, so that they die in depression.

Lei Chuan's expression remained calm, he nodded and stopped talking.

At this moment, all the kings have arrived one after another, and the leader is Bei Liao Da Shanyu.

The current situation of Dadanyu is not very good.Although the domineering spirit was still there, his face turned paler, and Lei Chuan even smelled a faint fishy smell, the smell of blood.

The injury suffered by Da Shanyu was far more serious than what he showed, at least he needed time to recuperate, and now, the most lacking thing was time.

In addition to the Great Chanyu, there are two old men with white hair and beards and a heroic man in a wolf pattern battle armor.

The accumulation of thousands of years of the Northern Liao Royal Court naturally does not only have one king on the bright side. The man in armor is the Northern Liao Wolf King, the younger brother of the Great Chanyu, and a very murderous king.

In addition to these four people, there is also a special envoy from the sanctuary—Yan Shangjun, who is said to be the abdicated king from a certain human country.

This is the highest combat power currently guarding the Great Wall of Winter.

Da Shanyu looked around at everyone, with a heavy tone:
"Everyone, I have to regret to tell you that according to the latest information, a total of 660 and six branches of the Instant Hundred Kinds have been dispatched, and what we have encountered is only the vanguard."

Everyone was silent, and everyone was mentally prepared, so they didn't make any gaffes.

"At present, the number of kings in the enemy army is ten, and the number of fake kings is 40. The size of the army under his command is ten times that of our army. Fortunately, many reinforcements from the ancestral land have arrived in the northern border. Can reach the Great Wall of Winter."

"But the bad news is that the large army of Shisuna Hundreds of Troops is expected to arrive outside the Great Wall of Winter tomorrow. Without reinforcements, the Northern Liao Royal Court and the number of existing reinforcements alone cannot stop it."

Speaking of this, everyone has already understood.

"We're giving up the Wall of Winter."

Da Shanyu said calmly.

Since the founding of the country, the most sacred symbol of the Northern Liao Royal Court has been given up. Is his mood really as calm as it appears on the surface?
The expressions of the five human kings are all like this, it seems that they have discussed it before coming here.

After a moment of silence, Da Shanyu continued:
"It seems that everyone can understand, so now, let's talk about the next one."

"The withdrawal is not a small matter. We need a strong enough army. They will be the last guards of the Great Wall."

"Ten of you have to make this sacrifice. Although it is for you to die, don't worry, your family will receive the highest courtesy in the sanctuary from time to time. You will become heroes who have been sung for thousands of years in the ancestral land. The five of us will I will die with you."

Is that so?
Lei Chuan already had calculations in his mind.It is estimated that the main body has already received a call for help. With the speed of dispatching troops from Dark Star City, there is no danger as imagined after the break.

But other people don't know that those who can become a fake king are dragons and phoenixes, and everyone hopes to take one step closer to becoming a real king.Until this purpose is achieved, no one wishes to die.

"Let me do it."

"I go."

"I'll go as well."


I don't know a fake king and a strong man came out. They are all fierce people born and raised in the northern border. They have lived in this land for thousands of years, and it is their destiny to guard the Great Wall.

In addition to them, there are also many false kings who intend to break through the bottleneck through the fierce battle of life and death.

There are nine people in total, including myself is ten people.

Originally Xiao Wushen also expected to join, but was forcibly suppressed by Da Shanyu and others. He is the most outstanding fighting genius in the Beiliu Royal Court for thousands of years.

In the end, it was replaced by Duanmu Longcheng, who was also a false king.

Bei Liao's side has already finished preparations. In the other corner of the boundless continent, a mysterious army gathered at the edge of the foggy world.

"Mysterious fog, with chaotic time fluctuations, the real maker behind the instant hundred kinds must have outstanding talent in the time field."

"But it's not that I'm unprepared, Dark Star City is on the way."

"Reverse time machine, the wheel of the past, the clock of the future, the time axis ends, the force field opens..."

With the operation of a strange machine, strange fluctuations unfolded to the surroundings, and countless transparent lines appeared in the sky out of thin air, weaving into a cage to cover the entire foggy world.

Surprisingly, all movement in the cage is still at this moment, as if time stands still.

"The test is stable, the inverse time force field is stable, and the controllable time lasts: 30 minutes."

"This period of time is the time limit for destroying the instant hundred species."

(End of this chapter)

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