Monster Rush

Chapter 548 Goodbye Xiaoyuan

Chapter 548 Goodbye Xiaoyuan
The Holy City of Taixue, inside the mysterious Holy King's Mansion.

The sound of fierce fighting came from the dojo, the sound was like thunder, roaring bursts, like stars falling and mountains collapsing.

In the dojo, it is already the scene of doomsday.

Under the erratic dark red light, Master Zhou looked extremely dignified, and his clothes were already soaked in cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

"It's okay, there is one more chance."

"Golden Dragon Destroys!"

Under the stern shout, a twelve-foot-long golden dragon soared into the sky from Master Zhou's body, and a ten-thousand-foot golden light tried to stir up Baili Piaohong, but he didn't know that this was accelerating his own defeat.

"You lost."

The calm tone came from behind, calm and settled, but there was a hint of crisp and melodious like big pearls and small pearls falling on a jade plate.

It was a girl's voice.

Master Zhou was taken aback, but it was too late when he turned around.

An unknown opponent, a desperate killing move, the ground is full of maple red, the red light shakes the nine heavens and ten earths, illuminating thousands of blood calamities, in the haze, pieces of lotus petals are looming.

The fire of karma arose, and the fire of burning the world was born. In the gorgeous flames, a figure fell out, and collapsed on the ground in embarrassment, his whole body was completely scorched black.

Master Zhou smiled wryly:

"Girl, can't you be gentle, my old bones were broken by you."

"You won again, this King's Sacrifice, you can go if you want."

As soon as the words fell, a road spread out silently from the strange flames, and a graceful figure slowly walked out from the flames, with red lotuses floating around him, long black hair, and white military uniforms, calm and peaceful. And her indifferent eyes are unwavering, but only people she knows well can see the different colors in her unwavering eyes.

Flame, a monstrous fire, burning with something called ambition, that is domineering, that is contemptuous, it is hard to imagine that a delicate body contains a flame that can ignite the whole world.

If this woman intends to create a country of people and make contributions in a foreign land, she must become a rare female overlord in the ages.

Master Zhou sighed.At the same time, there was a trace of regret in his heart.He knew that the purpose of this girl was not to dominate, but to respond to someone's expectations.For that person who didn't know the so-called, what kind of price did the girl who was originally not very talented pay to have today's attack that made all the arrogances die of shame, and he knew all the sadness behind it.

Don't think that you'll be fine if you enter the realm of crime, if I let you see you, I'll definitely fix it up to vent your anger for the girl!

Master Zhou thought viciously in his heart.


"Ah sneeze!"

Lei Chuan sneezed violently, and after waking up his nose, a strange expression appeared on his face:
"I can actually sneeze?"

It's impossible to catch a cold. Is someone cursing me behind my back?

Concubine Yanhuang casually glanced at Lei Chuan, her tone was still so calm:

"You haven't said what happened just now?"

The implication is that it must be the previous scene of being rude in front of the fake king and strong man but being treated with courtesy by the other party.

After thinking about it, there is no need to hide it now, so I said very seriously:
"Because I am also a false king."

Concubine Yanhuang snorted coldly and turned her head away without saying a word.Fake king?What are you kidding?A spiritual fighter who was only close to the baron level five years ago can soar all the way to become a fake king in just a few years, no matter how crazy people dare to think like that.

Regarding this, Lei Chuan could only helplessly spread his hands, there is nothing you can do if you don't believe me.

After walking another distance, Concubine Yanhuang stopped suddenly, and said to Lei Chuan indifferently:
"I'll send it here, goodbye!"

Immediately turned around and left.Lei Chuan knew that the other party must think that he had cheated him, so he was angry because of it, but even so, Lei Chuan didn't hold back anything, and laughed loudly to Concubine Yanhuang's back:

"Well, let's get in touch later."

As soon as these words were uttered, the atmosphere between the two of them changed subtly, a little more sweet and beautiful, and the air was reddening and hot to the extent visible to the naked eye, which belonged to the power of flames.


A sound as thin as a mosquito came, and Concubine Yanhuang hurried away.

Watching the departure of his former comrades-in-arms, the smile on Lei Chuan's face gradually faded, and he returned to his usual indifference. The coldness from his heart caused the surrounding people to involuntarily have a large distance from Lei Chuan.

As Leiblad's bloodline deepened, Lei Chuan gradually became infected with the arrogance and indifference of higher species. Although he could maintain superficial etiquette towards lower creatures, in his heart he was like looking at an irrelevant ice sculpture. .

After circling Zuncheng at the fastest speed, Lei Chuan found that many fake kings had settled in, the number was as high as 50 people, and this was only a few days ago. In the remaining ten days, this number must be scrutinized improvement.

Since the Battle of Destruction, has Lei Chuan started a new round of accumulation of strength?

Lei Chuan said with emotion.

Looking at dozens of tyrannical auras that shot straight into the clouds, some of which he was not sure he could win, the champion of Fengwangji might not be as simple as he imagined before.

After reading here, let's go to Taixue City for a stroll.

Talking to himself, Lei Chuan had some expectations in his heart, wondering what the little girl from back then would look like now.Thinking of this, the corners of Lei Chuan's mouth curled up unnaturally, and the indifference disappeared immediately.


The usually peaceful Shengwang Mansion is full of hustle and bustle today.

A crowd of young men and women in white military uniforms walked out of the door. Along the way, they attracted countless passers-by, and their faces were more or less envious and jealous.

These young people are all handsome men and beautiful women, and what they express in their gestures and speech is not the self-cultivation of small families, but the elegance that can only be cultivated by a large family that has gone through at least a thousand years.

But the most frightening thing is the aura that naturally emanates from them. The tyrannical coercion gathered together can even slightly distort the void.

These people are the true pride of heaven, but what is even more curious is, what kind of people are surrounded by this group of pride?
Some people with excellent eyesight tried to find out the reality of the crowd, but they were all overwhelmed by the phantom dressed in maple red, and they were at a loss.

"Junior Sister, I didn't expect that Master would allow you to participate in the King Conferring Ceremony. This is a rare and joyful event in our Holy Palace!"

The handsome man with long hair and shawls said softly to the people in the formation.

"No, Senior Brother Lu, it's because you can't speak anymore. Why is it my Holy King's Mansion, even if you look at the entire Taixue, who can visit Fengwangji as an ungraduated student?"

The speaker was a young scribe who was shaking his head. He also had disheveled hair, a handsome face, lazy but energetic eyes, and slightly raised corners of his mouth, with a hint of chic, leisurely, and unrestrained.

The compliments of all the arrogant people sounded up and down. There was no trace of hypocrisy on their faces, they were all admiration from the bottom of their hearts. Conquered everyone's hearts with actions, and they were all convinced with no power to fight back.

The expressionless young girl didn't care about these compliments, and it could even be said that she turned a deaf ear to them. Her slave didn't just want to hear these compliments.

Soon, as long as I win the leader of Fengwangji, I will be able to advance to the "third step" to become a strong king, the privilege of a king, and it is not a big deal to pardon a person serving a sentence for a crime.

Suddenly, the girl stopped in her tracks, and the expression on her face froze instantly, as if she saw something unexpected.

Seeing the girl's change, all the Tianjiao were surprised and turned to the direction the girl was looking at.All I saw was a young man who didn't know where he came from on the way they were going, blocking the way of himself and the others, looking back with a smile on his face.

A trace of inexplicable displeasure grew in everyone's hearts, and that Senior Brother Lu said in a good voice:
"Brother, please let me go..."

But before he finished speaking, he felt a rush of anxious breath swiftly passing by, rushing straight forward.

"Junior sister is not allowed, the other party is just..."

Brother Lu thought that his junior sister was impatient and wanted to shoot this person away, but when he was about to stop him, he saw an astonishing scene, with a big mouth, he couldn't speak.Not only him, but almost all Tianjiao have this expression.

The girl embraced the boy's slightly thin body with all her strength, and buried her head deeply into the other's chest, while the boy was still smiling, patted the girl's shoulder lightly, and listened to the girl's slightly choked voice:

"elder brother……"

(End of this chapter)

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