Monster Rush

Chapter 552

Chapter 552
Lei Chuan raised his eyebrows slightly, as if he had sensed something, and then unleashed his mental power to explore the whole city.

One after another looming, or tyrannical, or mysterious, or domineering, or feminine life fluctuations are completely exposed by my own perception. These people are all dragon fighters in the old imperial city, but Lei Chuan just ignored them after passing by. Well, what he was looking for was an aura that he was quite concerned about, and that aura showed quite a danger signal, and even he felt a sense of trepidation.

After pondering for a while, Lei Chuan simply ignored it.

Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover, that's all.


Time passed by in a blink of an eye, and at the end of the last day, there were more than 500 names on the Luck Gold List, and all the fake kings of the entire human race were here. Even some veteran first-class strong races could not compare to this background.

Above the gold list, air waves rolled, and the shadow of a giant clock emerged.

After several bursts of loud noises, under the sound of bells resounding through the heaven and earth, the celebration officially began.

Lei Chuan closed his eyes, and in the sea of ​​consciousness, the night sky that was originally full of twinkling stars returned to the dark world in the blink of an eye.Under the blessing of luck, all the dragon fighters lost their breath immediately.

It started, silently pulled out the blade demon trident from the space, put on a dark knight's aura on his elbow, and Lei Chuan walked out of the room.

The street was empty at this moment, all those who were not dragon fighters had evacuated overnight, the fight between fake kings was no small matter, and mortals would either die or be injured if they touched it.

Once prosperous and prosperous, now there is only bleakness and desolation.

Turning the corner, Lei Chuan met his first opponent.There is no call, no sound, just like a chance encounter among mortals, this is the aura brought by luck.

Just seeing the first glance, the two shot at the same time, and the interval between them was almost negligible.

"Instant beheading technique!"

Lei Chuan's current attack speed is the fastest method. In the blink of an eye, the wind leaking from the edge will tear the void into thousands of cracks, and the main attack will directly tear the opponent in half.

wrong? !
No blood flowed from the torn body, and it quickly faded away, clearly an afterimage.

"Flying Immortal Strike!"

An ethereal voice came from behind Lei Chuan, without any sound, but the faint sense of crisis almost made Lei Chuan's hair stand on end, every cell in him screamed.

The battle of fake kings is no small matter!
Lei Chuan sighed again, his arms and sleeves swayed, and invisible fluctuations came out.

The face of the person behind him changed drastically in an instant, because the two invisible energy fluctuations faintly restrained his aura, and the next moment, the Feixian Strike was broken, and the Dragon Fighter vomited blood and flew out backwards.

"The Vientiane seal is even more perfect."

With a leisurely sigh, Lei Chuan waved his hands, and with his ten fingers moving together, he outlined a three-color mark out of thin air.

"Sen Luo Yin!"

"The sea of ​​thunder is churning!"

The non-attribute shattering attack is added to the thunder, and the unruly thunder is much thicker, and the destructive aura it emits is even more frightening, as if what you are facing is not ordinary lightning, but the power of divine punishment .

With a bang, the Dragon Fighter flew out again, and the lightning strikes from all directions completely stunned the Dragon Fighter, and the luck that was like a candle in the wind was instantly extinguished and returned to Lei Chuan's body .


[Protagonist] The lucky value on the template is increased by 3 again, officially breaking through 20, the path of luck is really mysterious.

Looking around, I don't know when a lot of dragon fighters have gathered, probably attracted by the sound of fighting.If it were an ordinary fake king, he would have left by now, but Lei Chuan smiled proudly, sitting cross-legged under the astonished eyes of everyone, recuperating.

"What arrogance this is!"

"It's not a lunatic, it's a lunatic, don't provoke!"

"Fast back!"

All those who can reach this point are dragons and phoenixes among men, not only powerful, but also unfathomable wisdom. The impenetrable aura emanating from Lei Chuan immediately scared away a large number of people, only a few two or three The Dragon Fighter, who considered himself an extraordinary generation, stayed behind, looking eager to try.

Half an hour later, the forward defeated had long since left the old imperial city in disgrace. Lei Chuan stood up, looked around with disdainful eyes, and let out a chuckle, revealing his arrogance.

"Who will be next!"


Qiankundongtian, a semi-desolate land relying on the Central Plains, was discovered by a certain generation of emperors 3 years ago. After vigorous management, tens of thousands of years of foundation have made it a giant city-state that is not inferior to the old imperial city.

This place belongs to the mountain gate of "Guoguo Shenzong", the largest religion in the Central Plains, and now it has also been opened as an away venue for the King's Festival.

Everything is silent, and occasionally a spark or two blooms brilliantly.However, at the next moment, the spiritual energy frenzy that aroused half of the city-state erupted, not only attracted the attention of all the dragon fighters, but also attracted the attention of the spectators.

After the explosion, two rounds of golden sun appeared in the sky, dispelling the darkness, and a fiery storm erupted in the corona surrounding the sun. A huge shadow that reached the sky flashed past, and then collapsed and scattered.

"Young Master, it must be Young Master!"

"The son of the Golden Crow, born once every ten thousand years in our Protecting Nation Shenzong, will definitely be the only winner this time, and our Shenzong will have a new king again."

The disciples of the Protecting Nation Shenzong who were watching the battle all screamed, staring excitedly and frantically at the terrifying figure on the projection surrounded by several small suns and shrouded in pure white flames.


Yangcheng, the second largest city in the sanctuary after the twin imperial cities, is the fierce away game for the dragon fighters.In just a few hours after the start of the war, more than a dozen battles broke out one after another, causing Yangcheng to be shaken again and again, and one third of the urban area was turned into scorched earth.

Outside the city, there were also countless people watching the battle through a huge screen.

After a while, someone shouted:

"Look quickly, isn't that the Holy Demon, the rumored Holy Demon Conjoint Body, his opponent, Xiao Leijun, can no longer hold on."

"No! Wait, did you see that streak of blood?"

"Bloodlight, could it be..."

"That's right, it's the 'Bloodthirsty Impaler'!"

In just a few hours, several people ended the battle one after another. The dragon fighters of the same level couldn't even go a few rounds in front of them, and the best of them even defeated the second enemy.

It was a huge skeleton standing between the city towers, with three heads, dragon heads on both sides, human head in the center, seventeen bone arms on the back, each holding candles of different lengths, and the wicks of the candles shone in a strange azure blue color.

The strong beating sound of the heart came from the bone body.


The holy city of Taixue gathered more than 200 dragon fighters, and it was the city with the largest number of people among the four major away games at that time.

The enchanting Chi Huo swaying in the wind and clouds escaped extremely fast, and couldn't hit it after several attacks, which made her opponent very angry.

Just at this time, a sudden change occurred.

"Red lotus explodes!"

A huge red lotus of the seventh grade bloomed continuously underground, and when the lotus petals bloomed, the extremely blazing light flickered.

"not good!"

The dragon fighter is very human, although he was shocked, he still dodged the red lotus explosion calmly, only affected by Yu Wei.But when he didn't have time to be happy, the red fire escaping light that he was chasing before suddenly appeared within three feet of him, a graceful figure flashed, and his whole body was surrounded by blossoming fire lotus.

"The Karma Red Lotus Dance!"

There were several loud bangs, and the flames dissipated immediately, leaving only a half-burned figure remaining.

"Brother, I look forward to the next meeting."

(End of this chapter)

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