Monster Rush

Chapter 555 Behind the Root

Chapter 555 Behind the Root

A steady stream of destructive demonic insects flew out of the space opened by Zorlim, among which there were many figures of elite Derbyssies. The number reached such a level that it was impossible to use numbers to count. Lei Chuan I feel that this group of cosmic locusts stacked together is enough to recreate three planets in this star field.

The recruiting body is the almost perfect biological weapon in the multiverse. The mysterious civilization behind it does not know how perfect the assembly line is. Not only is it enough to overwhelm the overlord in terms of high-end combat power, but it can also win with numbers in low-end combat power.

I am more and more curious.

Leaving aside Lei Chuan's side, the situation where Chaos had finally managed to get his head back was reversed once again.But even so, it still didn't want to leave.

"Cleaning... destroying... obliterating!... restoring order!"

In the swaying golden light, the head of Chaos, the owner of a beautiful giant figure, came out from behind the scenes. As a result, Chaos' dark command, the army that was originally in chaos due to the impact of the destructive insects immediately stood firm, and the battle line retreated again. , Relying on a ring-shaped belt composed of seven planets to block, every step, the recruited body will have to pay several times the previous casualties.

The golden light fell, and drifted around through the vacuum of the universe, and all the recruited bodies that were drenched by the light rain began to be covered with strange patterns, and the companions around them were torn apart by it before they could react.

mutiny?Or pollution is more appropriate.

This is the Chaos Virus, and with this move, a lot of commotion broke out inside the body.

In the next moment, countless copies of Ultra fighters suddenly attacked, the first generation of Chaos, Chaos Seven, Chaos Stero... each of them has a combat power not inferior to the original, and there are thousands of copies Legion, they are one of the hole cards that Chaos' head uses to turn the tables.

They are one of the products of "Chaos Mechanism". Chaos virus is far more terrifying than I imagined. It can not only pollute flesh and blood life, but also pollute mechanical creations, and even use this ability to create a replicating army.

Looking at the fighting methods of this group of fake Ultraman, Lei Chuan settled silently in his heart.

It is impossible for Chaos to have fought the Ultra fighters on his head. Before the multiverse projection was generated, the coordinates of the M78 nebula were not captured at all. The spoils obtained from the battle of the Mechanical Ultra Corps.

But none of this has anything to do with me.

With faint eyes looking at the eight black holes hanging high in the starry sky, Lei Chuan suddenly had a bold idea in his heart.

Why not just walk in and see that unknown dimension?

Once this idea came into being, it was like a fire burning out of control in an instant. The ability of spore differentiation was activated, and the shadow under the feet distorted for a while, and suddenly split into a small piece, forming a human silhouette, and walked towards the starry sky on foot.

"Dark fantasies, shadows without boundaries!"

The shadow clone gradually faded away, and finally completely disappeared into nothingness in Lei Chuan's sight.

That's it.

Seeing that the major event has been accomplished, Lei Chuan no longer paid attention to it, and started the sand table deduction of hundreds of games in front of the battle situation in front of him.

"When the snipe and the clam compete, the fisherman benefits, but how can the fisherman pay the least price and get the biggest catch?"


But said that the shadow clone was approaching step by step, but none of the eight giant beasts responded in the slightest, allowing the shadow to enter the black hole.

Um?This is……

Lei Chuan's face suddenly changed, the scene from the shadow clone turned out to be Earth!
That magnificent water-blue planet, the hometown where Lei Chuan dreamed of going back, unexpectedly met in this way now.But the situation is somewhat different. From the perspective of the shadow clone, the entire earth is now in a state after the Great Destruction.

The civilizations established by human beings in the past five to six thousand years have all become ruins. Looking around, no one is intact. Similarly, there are corpses everywhere, without the breath of living people.

A burst of anger burst forth, but was suppressed vigorously by Lei Chuan.

No, this is not the Earth as I know it.

On the ruins of the original island country, Lei Chuan saw two familiar corpses.The native guardians of the earth, Ultraman Gaia and Ultraman Aguru.

There are countless wounds on their bodies, the colored timers have been damaged, and their dim eyes are unable to look at the dark clouds in the sky. The darker and thicker darkness shows the sadness after the end of the world. At the moment of death in battle, what they saw in their eyes , What a ferocious face, does it contain anger, sadness, or despair?
This is the parallel earth, and the world guarded by the two Ultramans could not resist the destructive attack of the summoned body after all, fighting until the last moment, and finally died in battle.

The shadow avatar felt the strong resentment energy around it that could not be dissipated. How huge should the resentment generated by the dead 70 billion people be?
Why is there insufficient information on such a desperate earth connected by the black hole's parting, and the shadow clone can only continue to investigate.

After hesitating for a moment, Lei Chuan gave an order:

Bring the two Ultraman corpses back to Dark Star City.

Just when the shadow clone was about to make a move, a crisp sound came from the nearby ruins.

Without the command of the main body, the shadow clone immediately escaped into nothingness, and his eyes shifted. He wanted to see what kind of creature was causing trouble.

A few pieces of rubble rolled down, and a chubby Destroyer Worm got out, flying towards the place where the original shadow clone was standing.

After turning around a few times, he left without giving up.Perhaps for this reason, many demonic insects emerged from the ground, increasing in number, and finally reached the point of flying all over the sky.

Lei Chuan was horrified, and when he opened his eyes, he suddenly discovered that the dark clouds in the sky were actually composed of layers of devil insects!

Not only that, there are also countless giant attractors aimlessly attracting in other places, but most of them are on standby.

Parts of the broken human remains were eaten, and most of them were secretly sent to the depths of the Pacific Ocean, entering from the Mariana Trench, which is said to be able to penetrate deep into the core of the earth.

The shadow avatar took the risk of in-depth exploration, and maybe it would be able to find out the factory that mass-produced the recruit body.

Along the way, there are constantly powerful attractors wandering around, seemingly aimless, but the track they are walking on happens to form a double helix structure to surround this deep-sea tunnel. Once the intruder is found, it is almost impossible. It can destroy the opponent in the tunnel without any resistance.

Despite having a special concealment method, the shadow clone is still cautious and goes deeper step by step.

The deeper he went, the more advanced the combat power of the summoned bodies he saw. He had even seen a lot of intelligent Destroyer Demons, and he even saw several six-star-numbered rooted death summoned bodies.

Their appearance is extremely similar to Gaia and Aguru!
(End of this chapter)

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