Monster Rush

Chapter 575 The Second Empire

Chapter 575 The Second Empire (End of this volume)

The evil race must have played a pivotal role in the great war that year, and may even be the instigator of the director's disillusioned war!
"The race of the evil race is extremely mysterious in our eyes. The only reason for the intersection is that we accidentally encountered a team of the evil race during the exploration of a wilderness. They all fight with each other, but our clan doesn't have much control over the intelligence of the evil race, and at first we thought that the other party had information about our side as well, but thinking about it now, we still underestimated the other party's ability."

"The evil race is good at deceiving people's hearts, inducing people's inner desires to continuously enlarge, causing them to degenerate, and eventually they use them. The loopholes in spiritual power will appear in our warriors without thinking!"

Every time he thinks of this, the saint will feel a heart-wrenching sadness in his heart.

"Evil race?"

Lei Chuan thought carefully about the fighting power of the evil race he had met.

Like the demon race and the god race, the evil race also has a large number of vassals, that is, the people of the evil, also known as the evil species, and there are mixed races of the evil race and other races in their bodies.Once the blood of the evil race in the evil species continues to expand and pollute other blood vessels, the evil race will eventually be washed away into a real evil race. This process is called "falling."But the evil race born from the evil seed is only the end of the sequence in the rank family.

The sons of the evil heart that I saw in the past were from various branches within the evil clan. They were similar to dragon fighters, but the competition was much crueler.The two sons of evil heart that I saw back then now seem to be only at the lowest level, and the real sons of evil heart are each more terrifying and ruthless characters than humans of the same level.

However, thinking about it this way, sending two small characters to explore the wilderness should be doing scout work, and they may not have much expectation for the shocking secret that caused six or seven super clans to fight.

But in any case, the intention of the ancestors to enter the wasteland has been clearly revealed.

Under the explanation of the sage, Lei Chuan finally understood what is the secret that can cause the super rich to compete with each other.

The remains of the innate gods that have evolved since the era of chaos in the Great Realm!
Legend has it that at the beginning of the chaos of the Great Desolation World, countless powerful beings were born.The father of chaos of the demon race, the creator of the god race, and the source of all evil of the evil race are all born from innate gods, with absolute seven-star top combat power.

Although they used to be the same super-rich clan, the human race climbed up step by step. In the most prosperous era, there were five human emperor-level powerhouses sitting in command, but in the absence of innate god-level powerhouses, there are still many people with these top super-powerful clans. distance.

From this point of view, the value contained in the remains of an innate god is almost comparable to the entire spirit shortage, not to mention that this is a complete corpse of a god!

In this way, everything is explained.

After finishing speaking, the sage changed the subject and said slowly:
"Little friend Lei Chuan, how about you leading the team to recover the old land this time?"

For this request, Lei Chuan agreed within two seconds of thinking.

After all, I was born in a spiritual shortage, and at the same time, I chose to let my leader lead the team when he was a peerless genius who had broken through to the King Realm in just a few years after returning to the ancestral land.

The saint's tone is solemn:

"No matter how broken it is, the spirit shortage is still the territory of our human race. How can we allow foreigners to get involved? My friend, you have three missions on this trip..."

"[-]. Sweep out the alien races in the spiritual wasteland, and bring back all our compatriots!"

"Second, establish a cross-dimensional teleportation array to connect the spirit barren and the middle barren, and at the same time destroy any interdimensional passages that are connected to the spirit barren!"

"Three, investigate all the information about the evil race, and bring back the corpse of the innate god!"

All the tribes of the human race are short of manpower, especially when preparing for the establishment of a new empire, Lei Chuan has not many troops at his disposal, and he has only one king-level combat power.

However, the saint promised to dispatch three elite legions, five regular legions, and an entire border garrison. At the same time, the sanctuary will also send four fake king masters and an elite team to accompany them.

The soldiers are good but not many, and the current return to Linghuang can only use the method Lei Chuan and others used when they came to the ancestral land. The number of people sent cannot be too many, so this can only be a battle of elite soldiers.

After agreeing, Lei Chuan immediately went back to prepare for the expedition.Before leaving, he took one last look at Xiao Yuan.

At this time, the little girl has already thrown herself into a huge cocoon of light.The light cocoon kept beating like a heart, and the coercion had surpassed the might of a king in the time it was released.

"Teacher, please take care of everything."

After entrusting Xiaoyuan to the saint, Lei Chuan turned around and left gracefully.


The news that the new emperor was about to be born had already spread throughout the Central Plains with the end of the King Conferring Ceremony, and spread to the Eight Directions Realm at the fastest speed. Soon he believed the news, and was sincerely happy for the birth of the new emperor.

In the old imperial city, the ancient human races of the past have all announced their entry into the WTO with a high profile. The Beiming clan, the star soul clan, the bone saint lineage, the Huaxu son... many heirs of the royal blood have settled in the old emperor with a high profile under the leadership of the No. 1 queen descendant. City, open the imperial mausoleum of the former empire.

Led by blood, thirty statues of human emperors were born out of nowhere, with majestic majesty and surging golden clouds, people in the entire Central Plains could see the visions of heaven and earth caused by the old imperial city.

The human emperor died, but when he was crowned emperor, all the statues erected by the people were completely preserved in the imperial tomb.Contains the purest wishes and blessings of all people to the Human Emperor back then, and now, the birth of thirty statues of the Human Emperor draws out all this power and feeds it back to the Central Desolate World.

For a time, visions of heaven and earth occurred frequently, auspicious omens appeared, auspicious colors spread across the sky, and the luck of the purple dragon soared into the sky. Many people could hear the loud and clear dragon chant, and suddenly felt refreshed, and even those with outstanding talents made breakthroughs immediately.

For a time, countless cultivators took advantage of this time to break through the bottleneck again, the number of spiritual cultivation surged, and even many fake kings followed the time and proved the throne.In short, when this power is completely exhausted, the overall combat power of the human race is constantly improving.

And the big ones are all absorbed by Xiaoyuan, which promotes the further transformation of the emperor's karma.In the sage's eager expectation, the throne continued to be raised high, heading straight for Xiaohan.

In a moment, the roar spread across the four fields, resounding through the sky like a big bell.

"It's done!"

The sage could no longer hide the excitement in his heart, and two lines of tears trickled down.

In 3000 years, the human race has been silent for 3000 years!Now, the era of no emperor has come to an end, and the birth of the new emperor will announce the birth of a new empire. Everything that was taken away by the alien race in the past must be returned by them!

The First Empire enjoyed Guozuo 820 in 30, and thirty human emperors were inherited. Now, the No.[-] generation of human emperors was born, inheriting the legacy of the ancestors. It is also the first emperor of the new era and the second emperor of the human race. The Creator of the World, also known as: Holy Emperor Fate!

(End of this chapter)

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