After wearing the book, I survived by dreaming

Chapter 103 She Didn't Use Strength, How Did Her Skin Break?

Chapter 103 She Didn't Use Strength, How Did Her Skin Break?
Xu Shi's ancestor just took advantage of others, and his conscience found out that he didn't disturb his sleep.

Instead, he adjusted his position so that System 818 turned into a cat and fetched a blanket to cover Fu Xiuyun.

Then Lu Yao played with Fu Xiuyun's hair while watching TV.

There are also snacks handed over by System 818.

Very comfortable.

Lu Yao was a little worried at the beginning, after all, if she couldn't go back, then "herself" wouldn't be able to wake up.At that time, the three little girls in 409 will definitely be scared.

But she has nothing to do for the time being, she can only get along with her little beauty first.

Thinking that both of them had already received their certificates for a while, Ren Xiaocuti specially put down the big company and came to accompany her.

And except for meeting him the day she came, she had completely forgotten about Fu Xiuyun.

She looks like a scumbag.

Now that there is an opportunity, it's better to develop a relationship with the little beauty.

Make amends.

Thinking like this, Lu Yao's eyes fell on Fu Xiuyun's lips involuntarily.

Mainly, the beauty is seductive.


Fu Xiuyun woke up in her own bed, just woke up, her memory is a little fuzzy.

He seemed to have had a dream, in which he was kissed...

Fu Xiuyun's ears felt a little hot.

He still wanted to recall, but a female voice came from behind him.

"woke up?"

This sound is mellow and lingering, with various styles.

Fu Xiuyun's heart trembled.

He raised his eyes and found the little woman lying beside him with her arms propped up, less than half a meter away from him.

Fu Xiuyun was a little surprised, but felt his head tightened.

Just like dreaming.

Why is Lu Yao here?Still sleeping next to him?

As if understanding his doubts, the woman spoke again.

"You fell asleep on my lap yesterday. I carried your princess to the bed. I was very tired, so I slept here."

Lu Yao's eyes were full of seriousness, and she spoke every word very clearly.

The words "Princess Hug" are specially emphasized.

Fu Xiuyun's brows twitched when he heard this, his mind gradually cleared up, and he remembered everything about yesterday.

From the time the woman came and went, to when she appeared in her bathroom, to when she told herself that she couldn't go back...

Lu Yao is taking revenge for what he did to her yesterday, vengeful woman.

There was also a smile in Fu Xiuyun's eyes, and he looked directly at Lu Yao.

Lu Yao was a little disappointed with Fu Xiuyun's reaction.

She originally thought that the other party would have some interesting reaction when she heard that she was carrying his princess back to the bed.

Forget it, it's no fun.

She looked away, afraid that if she stared again, she would be sucked in by those swirling black eyes.

With a glance, his eyes fell on his lips again.Immediately, his eyes began to dodge.

Not for anything else, just because there was a piece of skin on the thin and beautifully shaped lips, which was very obvious.

Lu Yao panicked, she didn't use much effort yesterday, why did it break?Sure enough, this man is too delicate!
What to do, this will definitely be discovered!

Fu Xiuyun noticed that Lu Yao, who was quite normal just now, suddenly started fluttering her fan-like eyelashes crazily.

I knew at a glance that I had done something, and I started to feel guilty again.

Fu Xiuyun was a little strange.

Recalling when Lu Yao started to feel guilty, her hand involuntarily touched her lips.

Sure enough, seeing his movements, Lu Yao's eyes became more erratic, and she pulled the quilt directly to cover herself.

A slight pain came from Fu Xiuyun's mouth, which darkened his eyes staring at the bulging blanket.

Could it be that yesterday was not a dream.

It was really taken advantage of by the little woman.

Fu Xiuyun made a bold guess.

And through the quilt, the ancestors could feel that the other party's eyes must be on him.

Just panic.

To be caught.

She, Lu Yao, is about to be found out for stealing a kiss!


Lu Yao suddenly lifted the quilt.

She met Fu Xiuyun's gaze, grabbed the collar of his pajamas, and kissed him.

 A 30-year-old mature and innocent old man and sister Yao who strives to maintain a beautiful and attractive personality.

  The twisted old ancestor who wants to be aggressive, I love it

  Quietly ask, does anyone think the speed is too fast?
(End of this chapter)

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