Chapter 110
Lu Yao wanted to leave Fu Xiuyun alone, but in the end she couldn't hold back and threw a bag of melon seeds over.

It's an active gesture.

Fu Xiuyun was caught off guard by a bag of melon seeds and hit his back, and he turned around stiffly.

Holding five-flavored melon seeds in his hand, he lowered his head, his eyes were covered by the hanging hair, and his expression could not be seen.

Lu Yao glanced at it, then quickly looked away.

The sound of the plastic package being ripped open came to Lu Yao's ears clearly.

When she looked up, she saw that the man was already eating melon seeds.

Fu Xiuyun is indeed the most perfect big boss in the book.Even if he is eating melon seeds, his movements are so elegant and elegant, flowing and flowing.

Lu Yao stopped watching TV, and just watched Fu Xiuyun eating melon seeds obsessively.

However, her neck was about to ache, Fu Xiuyun was still taking her time, and the crisp sound of cracking melon seed husks could be heard endlessly.

The man just didn't look at Lu Yao.

The patience of the ancestors ran out, and he said a dog man in his heart.

He got up straight away and snatched the melon seeds from Fu Xiuyun's hand.

"I'm hungry!"

Fu Xiuyun raised his eyelids and clapped his hands, as if to pat off the melon seeds.

He went to the kitchen without saying a word.

Lu Yao looked at his back and was furious.

Until the meal was over, neither of them spoke again.

Lu Yao felt that her pride did not allow her to speak easily, while Fu Xiuyun was purely autistic.

He felt that he looked so stupid this afternoon.

Neither of them knew that, in a certain aspect, they both had the same thoughts in their hearts: they both felt that they were too ashamed.

The slightly stagnant atmosphere between them was not broken until they went to bed at night.

Fu Xiuyun had just finished taking a shower, and was leaning on the bed with a pair of glasses to read, when there was a sudden movement at the door of the room.

After seeing it, Lu Yao came over with her pillow.

The old ancestor was expressionless and did not speak.

He threw the pillow beside Fu Xiuyun and climbed onto the bed resolutely.

The movement is done in one go, and the whole process takes less than three seconds.

A flash of unknown emotion flashed across Fu Xiuyun's eyes under the lens.His fingertips rubbed against the somewhat rough paper.

Lu Yao didn't care about him, she just arranged the pillows and lay down with her back on her back.

After a few minutes, hearing the sound of Fu Xiuyun turning the pages in her ears, Lu Yao arched her head and dragged most of the quilt from Fu Xiuyun's body.

Seeing that the quilt on her body was getting less and less, and the people around her had turned into a silkworm chrysalis, Fu Xiuyun was helpless.

God knows, although he was still turning the pages of the book he was holding, his eyes and mind were always on Lu Yao.

Ever since she appeared, Fu Xiuyun has smelled the familiar cold fragrance of plum blossoms.Not too strong, even deserted, but with a bit of desire.

With a slight sigh, he took off his glasses and put them on the bedside table with the book.

Then he got closer, and carefully wrapped the quilt around him.

The fragrance of plum blossoms is even worse.

"Yaoyao, come out, don't bore yourself."

He seemed to be teasing a child.

Through the thick quilt, Lu Yao only felt that the man's voice was muffled and somewhat distorted.

She couldn't help being a little dazed, she was becoming more and more naive.Still playing these tricks.

I obviously planned to come over and have a good talk with him.I don't know why when I meet him, it's like losing my mind.

Lu Yao suspected that Liu Shang, that ghost, did it. She can guarantee that it must be him who did something to herself and Fu Xiuyun.

Thinking of this, Lu Yao arched her head twice again, poking her head out from under the quilt.

"Let's talk about it."

Her face is full of seriousness.

Fu Xiuyun also corrected his attitude and nodded.

Really need to talk about it.

 Thank you for the little cutie who has always supported me. I have adjusted my mentality.I will not give up so many babies who love me and support me for one or two people who don't like me.

  You may be a little confused about the various psychological dramas between the two in the plots of the previous chapters. Let me remind you that this is a big foreshadowing.Let's start the storyline.

  Thanks to [Nan Xing] [Lan Xi] [Moonlight] [Mist Man Xiao] four cute rewards~
(End of this chapter)

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