Chapter 118
"Brother, don't tease me. I'm going to settle accounts with Fu Xiuyun!"

"Wooooooow, I don't know how my poor and weak Yao girl is doing now."

"I want to see my lovely Yaoyao, my second brother's heart hurts so much, my Yaoyao..."

In the VIP waiting room at the airport, Lu Ziyu was flirting with his upper body, as if he was about to rush out in the next second, and leave as soon as he got on the plane.

Lu Qingyi pressed his hand on the suitcase lightly, even a little force was useless.

He was just like this, looking at his silly brother with a blank face and getting nervous.

It looks like a dog, why is it as noisy as a frog?
It is worth mentioning that Lu Ziyu is wearing a dark green suit jacket today.

Lu Qing raised one hand and let go of the suitcase.

Lu Ziyu just got on top, but still maintained the posture of rushing forward.

Without Lu Qingyi's strength, he flew out following the inertia.

"Hey hey."

Lu Ziyu fell down, his suave face wrinkled into a ball.

Fortunately, the door of the vip room was closed, and the white venetian blinds also blocked the view from the outside, so Lu Ziyu's embarrassing appearance was not seen by anyone.

In front of outsiders, his image of being handsome and unrestrained Mr. Lu has been preserved.

As for the suitcase, it slipped out of Lu Ziyu's hand and hit the door heavily, making a "bang".

The staff who had been waiting outside knocked on the door.

"Hello, do you need any help?"

A beautiful female voice sounded, and Lu Ziyu tried to support himself up, but there was a pain in the tailbone.He grinned in pain.

There was no response from outside, so I knocked on the door twice.

Lu Qingyi got up from the sofa, walked towards his stupid brother with long legs.

He also responded to the outside: "It's okay, don't come in."

The women outside couldn't help but feel a little moved when they heard this deserted voice.It was as if he could already imagine the appearance of a man.

Before, I only knew that it was Lu Ziyu, the second young master of the Lu Group, but this voice obviously didn't sound like it.

It seems that it fits the image of young master Lu Qingyi.

Suppressing her excitement, the woman returned to her job.

As for the vip room, Lu Ziyu was looking at his elder brother with a resentful expression at the moment.

This man didn't hold back himself, and now his butt is still hurting.

"Have you had enough trouble?"

"If you've had enough trouble, go back quickly."

Lu Qingyi pretended not to notice this at all, and urged people to go back quickly.He doesn't have time to make trouble with this stupid brother.

Glancing at his watch, he has been here for 10 minutes.

As soon as the stupid child heard that something happened to Lu Yao, he called Fu Xiuyun while rushing to the airport.

It is said that they cursed on the phone all the way from the company to the airport.

Lu Qingyi felt that his younger brother was still very brave, and did what he wanted to do but couldn't do.

Lu Qing got the news when Lu Yao entered the hospital early in the morning, but after reading Lu Yao's medical records from the hospital, he felt relieved.

It's just a little anemia, maybe it's because I didn't eat well and I'm hanging on glucose.

Lu Qing saw that Lu Yao ate a lot in the live broadcast room, so she didn't think about it, she just thought that her sister didn't eat well outside the camera.

The food was so delicious in the camera, but it was just pretending to show them, which made me feel very distressed.

Regarding this, he also wished to scold Fu Xiuyun, it would be better to beat him to vent his anger.

But everyone is a decent adult...

Besides, with her own father around, Fu Xiuyun must have been tortured by his soul.

Even if you are very angry, you still have to maintain a face.

In this regard, I am not as good as this younger brother.I just hope that he won't be held hostage by Fu Xiuyun.

And the people in the company were shocked when Fu Xiuyun was scolded by Lu Ziyu.

It looked like he had eaten a shocking melon.

Especially listening to Mr. Lu talking about Fu Xiuyun, you bastard, Fu Xiuyun, are you a man.

All the employees of the company, big and small, tried their best to reduce the sense of presence and at the same time set up their ears to listen carefully.This is big gossip.

Running on the front line of eating melons.

Although the company has a confidentiality agreement, it cannot be posted online.But in private, this group of people has a lot of gossip.

Now one by one, that is called a surge of passion.

 Good morning~ A beautiful day has begun.

  Thank you [君吉奇右] for the little cutie’s reward~
  Forget it, I still owe you 13 chapters plus updates, help.

  The previous update rules are suspended first. I have written a lot of code words in the past few days, and strive to pay back a little bit.If it's not up yet, let's put it on the shelves and explode it.Everyone is so awesome, sweet burden duck.

(End of this chapter)

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