Chapter 121 Routines
As soon as Yu Zhan got out of the airport, he saw Xiao Qiao conspicuously dressed in red and waved at him.

"Brother Yu, Brother Yu, this way."

Yu Zhan was trembling when he received a call from his former boss Fu Xiuyun last night.

When he heard that the current boss asked him to come, he quickly agreed.In the middle of the night, I packed my luggage and set off.

He was so tired, his two big dark circles under his eyes were so deep that he could sneak into a zoo as a national treasure.

However, Xiao Qiao is a girl who has no eyesight, and she is chattering.

"Brother Yu, you're here. I'm going to lose myself in Sister Yao's castle by myself."

"Sister Yao's castle..."

"Brother Yu, why are your dark circles so big? I haven't seen you for a while, and you look five or six years old."

Yu Zhan had a headache from her noise, so he gave Xiao Qiao a faint look.

He didn't know how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade at all, so he bent his finger and smashed it on the forehead of the little girl.

"Be quiet, why did you get noisy after only half a month's absence?"

Yu Zhan is dressed in Japanese street style.White t black vest, black overalls.Wearing a black mask and a fisherman hat, the exposed eyes are long and narrow.

At first glance, he looks like the kind of cool boy who keeps up with the trend, and it is completely impossible to tell that this is a 30-year-old man.

Xiao Qiao covered her head and glared at Yu Zhan.

Didn't she guard the big castle alone for so many days?

But she was suffocated to death, and there was no one to talk to.Now that I have finally met a living person, it is inevitable that I will say a few more words.

"Brother Yu, what have you been up to these days? There is no news at all."

"Sister Yao has been hacked many times on the Internet, and I haven't seen your manager come out..."

Xiao Qiao was dissatisfied, and muttered in her mouth, the more she spoke, the lower her voice became.

The main reason was that she remembered that she was just a small assistant now, and logically speaking, she still had to look at Yu Zhan's face.

Did she directly insult her boss just now?Inexplicably a little guilty.

Yu Zhan has been in the circle for more than ten years anyway, and this little girl's kung fu is not good enough, so he can see everything in her mind.

The corners of his mouth under the mask were slightly raised, and Yu Zhan gave Xiao Qiao the suitcase in his hand without being polite.

"What did you do? You'll know in two days."

"Girl, aren't you a loyal fan of Lu Yao? Why are your idols hospitalized? I don't think you are worried at all."

Xiao Qiao frantically stabilized the suitcase that the man pushed over, while answering him.

"Oh, Mr. Fu called me before. With him taking care of me, why should I worry about it?"

There was something strange in the little girl's tone.

But Yu Zhan easily understood that it was the idiomatic tone of people in the circle knocking CP.The corners of his mouth twitched violently.

Thinking of the man's usual indifferent voice from the phone yesterday.

Yu Zhan felt a little inexplicably uncomfortable.

Why can't he see through the direction of things?

My two bosses are a couple?

What an amazing coincidence.Should he be knocked up too?Just call the boss cp.

Yu Zhan realized that his brain hole was getting bigger and bigger, so he stopped immediately.

"So rest assured, Mr. Fu?"

Yu Zhan wanted to ask some more questions, but Xiao Qiao had already put his luggage in the trunk.

Probably did not hear him.

In fact, Xiao Qiao heard it.

But she also realized that this scheming man was telling her own words.

Inexplicably depressed, Xiao Qiao didn't want to talk to him at all.

She graduated from a prestigious school, has an online IQ, and takes various certificate examinations, so she can come here whenever she wants.

This kind of situation has never happened before, and it was actually a routine.

Xiao Qiao didn't know whether she was angry with him or herself.

Anyway, I'm so angry.

 Early wow.

  Thanks for the rewards of [Youyouyouyouyou] [Changan] [Xizijiang] [Vegetarian chili], thank you [abc] for the monthly ticket, and thank you for the recommendation ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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