After wearing the book, I survived by dreaming

Chapter 123 Like One and Two Misses

Chapter 123 Like a Second Que

Fu Xiuyun took a bottle of ice water and applied it to his face. His whole face was smelly. At this moment, it was a high-power ice maker.

Lu Yao seemed unable to feel the iceberg beside her.

Slam down the chopsticks on a few dishes, and the food is delicious.

I have to say that Fu Xiuyun's culinary skills are improving at a rapid rate, and the taste is getting better every day.

After she had eaten and drank enough and wiped her mouth clean, she had the time to appease the ice cubes around her.

He took the ice mineral water bottle from Fu Xiuyun's hand, and applied it to him for a while.

Looking at the man's reddened nose, Lu Yao felt inexplicably guilty.

Especially when Fu Xiuyun still looked at her with accusing eyes.

However, Lu Yao felt that the main reason was that Fu Xiuyun was so close to her without making a sound, which frightened her.

Thinking about it this way, he felt that he deserved it.

He stared back directly, and at the same time squeezed Fu Xiuyun's face.

And Fu Xiuyun felt helpless in his heart, he really just wanted to call the little woman to eat.

As for being so close, well, I just wanted to take advantage of it.

Who knew that the softness and warmth had just brushed against my own mountain roots, and the throbbing in my heart hadn't yet rippled away.

The face was slapped, and those pink bubbles were instantly wiped out by surprise.

What lingering sentimental, what idol drama plot all disillusioned.

Fu Xiuyun felt that he looked like a second child.

Thinking of the day before yesterday, after my old man cared about Lu Yao's body.

She told him mysteriously that Gao Tezhu had sent him two g files, asking Fu Xiuyun to study hard.

Fu Xiuyun felt that he must have lost his mind to believe in the old man.

He devoted himself to studying for one night, but he was slapped in the face.


Lu Yao watched the redness on the man's face fade away, and then she breathed a sigh of relief.

It's a good thing that I didn't use any force just now, otherwise such a beautiful face would ruin her so badly.

But thinking about the content of the two people's chat before, Lu Yao felt itchy in the root of her teeth and itchy hands.

Inexplicably, I wanted to slap again.

Fu Xiuyun was very alert, and caught the malice from the little woman in an instant.

"Are you still angry? If you are angry, I will call you again."

Seeing what he said, Lu Yao couldn't do anything anymore.

Fu Xiuyun, who didn't get a response, was depressed: "I'm going back this afternoon. The company has a tricky case waiting for me to go back."

Lu Yao nodded to show that she knew.

Fu Xiuyun has been on the island for a long time. He is such a busy CEO, how could he stay here all the time?

Thinking of the man's strange insomnia setting, Lu Yao began to think about how to help him relieve it?

It must be unrealistic for her to find a man in her dream recently.

The old ancestor said that she was still angry and absolutely didn't want to go to him.

This man is really a dog.

He actually admitted very honestly that the reason for cheating the marriage and tying himself to his side was to get a good night's sleep?
It really pissed her off, pissed her off.

Lu Yao hoped that she could be more cruel and not care about his life.

But anyway, it was the back of her head that she fancy.

My original purpose of contacting others was not pure, and they could cancel each other out.

Lu Yao pondered for a while, and dug it out in her mind, not knowing how to find it in any corner.

He ran away.

He took a pair of scissors and cut off his curly hair.

I cut a twist of hair about ten centimeters long and wrapped it in a tissue.

His fingers swiped and pulled twice in the air, and a golden light flashed on his hair.

"No, you take this back home and put it next to your pillow, it will help you sleep."

It was too late for Fu Xiuyun to stop her actions.

He obediently reached out and took the paper bag.

The suit jacket was open, and the tissue was carefully placed in the shirt pocket near the heart, and the suit jacket was buttoned up again.

A posture of treating some rare herbal medicine that is worth a thousand gold.

Lu Yao wanted to laugh a little.

But it is undeniable that I feel quite comfortable.

 In the small theater, Mr. Fu learns to cook in various restaurants on the island alone.Successfully broke dozens of bowls and ruined several pots.He also blew up a kitchen, and successfully made all the restaurants suspect that he was an undercover agent sent by another family.

(End of this chapter)

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