After wearing the book, I survived by dreaming

Chapter 128 Lu Yao Deserves the Best of Everything

Chapter 128 Lu Yao deserves the best

[I'm dying of laughter, hahahahaha.What kind of manipulation by Lu Yao's fans! 】

[sos!Amway your own idol to black fans, what is the operation?Hope black fans can become fans?dreaming? 】

[This can be regarded as a great story in the fan circle. 】

【Goose Goose Goose Goose Goose Goose!Cow, cow! 】

[It's so interesting, do you see what this black fan scolded Lu Yao?The painting style is so strange! 】

【"It's enough to be rich and beautiful, but you still have strength? Isn't this not giving ordinary people a way to live, bad review!"

Hahahahahaha, this is an advanced push, right?Where is the black powder? 】

【"Do you exist to let everyone feel the difference in the world?
Since it's so good, why come to the draft, isn't it good to make a debut with money?
This is stupid and a waste of money.I think the Lu family will be defeated by you sooner or later. "

Hahahahaha, has the mouth of this black fan sister practiced cross talk? xswl goose goose goose goose goose goose]

[emmm?I, I, I, I said that I am a black fan of Lu Yao, so I won't be scolded.

I just want to be fair, the main reason is that there is really no place to be black.I think our leaders are already very powerful. 】

[Isn't it? I still remember that since I saw Lu Yao's first stage, our huge black fan group has lost one-third of the people.They were all fans of Lu Yao. 】

[Hahahahaha I'm going to die laughing. 】

[This black fan is not online anymore, she probably escaped, I am very curious about her reaction when she goes online next time. 】

#Lu Yao black fans off vest scene#
#Lu Yao Fans Sao Operation#
#Lu Yao black fans wronged no place to black #
#Lu Yao retired#
Because of Liu Suyu's appearance, the enthusiasm for Lu Yao's retirement was not very high.

Everyone was giggling, thinking that the black fans and fans of Lu Yao's family were all strange women.


Especially under the instigation of Lu Yao's drug powder army, there are many black and road fans.

The medicine powder has grown again.

Yu Zhan, who came to the island, couldn't rest for a moment, and finally played the role of his manager.

Several big fans in the fan group got the news from the support club and knew that the manager was here.

In particular, Yu Zhan poked them one by one, checked the ID and identity of the live broadcast, and refunded all the money they had spent to vote for Lu Yao.

This move made the fans feel uneasy for a long time.Very touched.

They fell in love with Lu Yao, and when they decided to love this idol, they didn't want anything.

As long as Lu Yao keeps shining on the stage and goes farther and farther, she will be the light in their hearts.

They also have no complaints about Lu Yao's withdrawal from the show, and wholeheartedly support their idol's decision.

After all, from the very beginning, what the old fans expected in their hearts was just to give their girls an outlet.

Wanting to win the first place in this show proves that Lu Yao is also someone that fans like.

Their elder sister Yao does not rely on her family, but on them, and she is also the number one doing her part.

For Lu Yao's retirement, it is inevitable that she will feel a little regretful.

But nothing is more important than Sister Yao's body.

No matter what decision Lu Yao made, they would definitely support it.

No one has ever thought that the money spent on voting for the list can be refunded.

After all, it is not the first time for most people to engage in the draft, and they also know the rules of the big system.

Fan idols, willing to spend money for their idols, sending their brothers and sisters to spend their lives without asking for anything in return.

But now, looking at the content in the chat box, and the text message prompting the bank card to arrive.

The medicine powders were suddenly shaken by this, and their blood boiled like never before.

Suddenly, there is only one thought.

They didn't like the wrong person.

Lu Yao deserves everything better.

An impulse came.

 I will recommend it tomorrow, please love me dearly~

  Little hands up!Big eyes look!Brush up the comments!

(End of this chapter)

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