Chapter 136

Seeing her suitcase, the screen was surprised again.

Every part of Lu Yao's suitcase is full, and the planning is very reasonable and tidy, which looks clear at a glance.

Half of it is folded clothes, but the other half is all colorful packaging.

【So tidy! ! 】

[It looks so cured!OCD benefits. 】

[Hahahahaha, Sister Yao is still the same as before.Another half snack goose goose goose goose. 】

[Sister Yao really loves snacks. 】

[Isn't it? It's so colorful and colorful, I'm so hungry after seeing it.Quickly take a screenshot to search for the same paragraph. 】

[Upstairs is really smart, remind me, I can't afford anything else, I can still have the same snacks as Sister Yao. 】

[You said that the gift Lu Yao gave to the two teachers was not just snacks, was it? 】

[?Hahahaha, possible. 】

[This is something that sister Yao can do. 】

Sure enough, the audience in the live broadcast room saw Lu Yao take out a bag from the snacks side.

"This is for Brother Li. I heard that Brother Li is from the Northeast. I have eaten this hot sauce and these big spicy slices myself, and I think they are the best."

Lu Yao handed Zhou Li a bag, a piece of red packaging.

Zhou Li was obviously stunned for a moment, and then very excited.

Holding Lu Yao's hand, the Northeast dialect came out: "Big sister, you really understand brother very well. Brother is still regretting that he didn't bring any hot sauce to this show."

[Hahahahahaha, I laughed so hard. 】

[Zhou Li has been reduced to a pot of hot sauce, so excited hahahaha. 】

[It's not that the program group has no heart, hahahaha, they confiscated all their money at the door hahahahahahaha. 】

[Thinking of Zhou Li's miserable and shocked expression at that time, I find it funny. 】

Lu Yao handed another bag to Chen Lin.

"The biscuits and snacks here are all low-calorie and sugar-free, sister Lin can eat with confidence."

Chen Lin smiled at her and accepted the gift.

"Sister, this big spicy chip is really delicious, it's so fragrant. Lao Lin, would you like to have one?"

While Lu Yao and the two were talking, Zhou Li had already opened a pack of spicy slices, which were delicious.

I didn't forget to grab a piece and hand it to Chen Lin.

Chen Lin stared at the spicy chip in his hand, but didn't reach out.

[Hahahahaha, Zhou Li is really too funny.This time, I ate them all. 】

[Chen Lin will definitely not accept it. Female artists must keep fit, and she is also a singer, so she should eat less spicy food. 】

[Yes, Lu Yao is so considerate, the snacks for her are all low-calorie and zero-sugar. 】

[Hahahahaha, you are definitely confused by Sister Lin's appearance, I bet she will eat it later. 】

Sure enough, while Chen Lin was hesitating, Zhou Li spoke again: "You are still carrying it, and finally have a chance to eat something spicy, so don't hurry up."

"Hurry up, don't maintain your image, the audience will know what you are like after eating. Hurry up and take it, don't delay me eating spicy sticks."

Chen Lin had no choice but to give him a hard look.

In the next second, he went straight to it and took away the package of spicy chips from Zhou Li's hand.

"Hey! What are you doing? Don't be too obvious about grabbing things. There is still a camera for this!"

Zhou Li reacted with eagerness on his face, looking at the spicy slice left in his hand, he wanted to cry but had no tears.

After Chen Lin ate the spicy slices, she didn't forget to reply.

"Isn't that why you told me not to maintain my personality? My old lady couldn't bear it long ago."

"Leaving you a piece is because of our friendship."

[Hahahahaha, I guessed it! 】

[Zhou Li actually encouraged Sister Lin to eat spicy food, hahahaha I guess she will be beaten up by Brother Lin's husband after the show. 】

[Look, if you insist on provocation, there is only one spicy slice left now hahahaha. 】

[My brother Li is dumbfounded, it's so pitiful hahaha. 】

【Happiness of the same spicy chip~】

[Not bad, Sister Lin's image lasted for 10 minutes this time, hahahaha. 】

[Who can tell me why the painting style is getting more and more funny?Didn't the two still chat very seriously before? 】


(End of this chapter)

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