Chapter 149
The two turned their heads, only to see Wang Cuilan wearing a big straw hat, riding an electric tricycle and waving to them.

So, under Wang Cuilan's warm heart, Lu Yao and Chen Lin sat on the three-wheeled wheel and returned to the small courtyard in a very cool manner.

When they arrived at the small yard, Wang Cuilan brought them a basket of vegetables from her own family.

"Yao girl, Lin girl, you take these, they will definitely be useful for making fish."

Without waiting for the two to answer, Wang Cuilan drove away in her car.

Chen Lin also took two steps forward, making a trumpet shape with her hand: "Thank you, Aunt Wang."

Lu Yao had already carried the vegetable basket in her left hand and the fish bucket in her right hand to the yard.

The chief director was sitting on a small bench in the yard, fanning the wind with a piece of paper.

The director's eyes widened when he saw Lu Yao and Chen Lin returning home with full rewards.

Immediately, my legs stopped shaking, and my hands stopped shaking.

"Why did you come back so soon?"

He couldn't believe it, and then looked at the cameraman with his eyes, as if asking.

Receiving the affirmative look from the cameraman, the chief director immediately cleared his throat:

"You are the first group to come back, so you will be rewarded with some side dishes and 20 yuan in cash. Then it's your cooking time, godfather~"

He winked at Lu Yao and Chen Lin, and made a cheering gesture.

Successfully got two supercilious eyes from beautiful women.

[yue~ The director is still as greasy as ever, I feel like I can cook directly. 】

[Hahahahaha, this chief director is still familiar with it. 】

[The guests were exhausted and struggling for lunch, and the chief director sat in the yard singing and shaking his legs. 】

[Goose Goose Goose Goose Goose Goose Goose Goose Goose Goose Goose Goose Goose Goose Goose Goose The director was shocked when he saw Lu Yao and Chen Lin come back so soon. 】

[It can only be said that they are too fast. In the past, the guests had to find all the ingredients at two or three o'clock in the afternoon, and then spent an hour or two frying the kitchen, hahahahaha. 】

[Yes, lunch will become dinner by then. 】

[I think Zhou Li and Lin Yuan's group have a chance to have lunch and dinner together.Goose goose goose goose! 】

[Hahahahahahaha, those two are still bathing the cow! 】

[Lin Yu'an was kicked by a cow hahahahaha, and Zhou Li, Goose Goose Goose almost got slapped in the face by a cow's butt. 】

[No, it's really too funny over there!I can't laugh anymore! 】

【I'm starting to worry about Lu Yao frying the kitchen...】

[emmm, I'm also a little worried, Lu Yao is a lady and a rich daughter, can she cook? 】

[Don't waste so many ingredients. 】

[But the problem is... Our sister Lin can't cook either! ! ! 】

[Although there was no death like Zhou Li, Chen Lin was once a member of the Fried Kitchen! 】

[It's over, it's over, this kitchen is definitely not guaranteed. 】

[The program team is really messing around this time, and it feels like none of the six guests can cook! 】

[Hahahahahahahaha I like to watch the show crew doing things, it's exciting. 】

At the moment, Lu Yao and Chen Lin, who were worried by them, stood in the kitchen and looked at each other.

"Yao, can you cook?"

"Sister Lin, will you?"

The two spoke at the same time, and then fell silent at the same time.

How rich and rich the vegetables on the table should be at this moment.

Four eggs, a handful of celery, Chinese cabbage, watery radishes, iron stick yam, three fish in a bucket and green onion, garlic and ginger from Wang Cuilan.

The program group also thoughtfully prepared a variety of oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and rice.

Lu Yao frowned, she hadn't cooked for a long time.

I'm afraid it's not going to roll over this time.

With a sigh, Lu Yao finally loosened her shoulders and leaned lazily against the stove.

"I can only grill fish, and... I don't know when I cooked last time."

Chen Lin also let go of her strength and leaned her head against the wall on the other side.

"What can I do, I can't do it either, at most I can cook some rice."

(End of this chapter)

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