After wearing the book, I survived by dreaming

Chapter 153 Not to mention the chapter is pretty good-looking

Chapter 153 It's Pretty Pretty Without Talking
Lu Yao had already finished her meal and was chatting with Chen Lin and Zhou Li under the shade of a tree.

Because Lin Yuan drank a bowl of soup just now, he took the initiative to help clean up the dishes.

Chu Xi and Fu Yan also entered the kitchen silently, preparing lunch.

Lu Yao glanced at the kitchen unobtrusively, a little surprised that the two of them didn't come looking for something.

It stands to reason that eating and drinking enough is exactly when the ancestors want to rest.

At this time, no one was looking for faults, and Lu Yao was happy to relax.But she thought it was weird, it didn't fit the characters of Chu Xi and Fu Yan in the book.

Aren't these two the standard male and female protagonists in ancient cool texts?

Although it was written by Liu Shang, that unreliable thing, but she is familiar with the plot.

Meeting her cannon fodder who should have received a box lunch long ago, but insisted on holding on until now, and was still jumping in front of the protagonist.

Next, the hero and heroine shouldn't be tough and join hands to suppress her crazily.

At the same time, can it also promote the rapid heating up of the relationship between the hero and the heroine?

Then, according to the routine that runs through the book, Lu Yao should turn around and slap the original protagonist at this time.

Take everything away from the two of them, and then let them have no room for turning around.

Thinking about Su Shuang's plot, Lu Yao felt itchy and looked forward to it.

She can't wait to write: "Come on, come and provoke me, come and trouble me" written on her face.

Waiting for the two of them to take the initiative to find her, let her have a chance to play and have a good time.

However, the hero and heroine seemed to have suddenly opened up, but they just didn't come to find her.

Lu Yao pondered.

There is a line in my mind that seems to be starting to become clear.But thinking about it, I felt something was wrong.

Unable to figure it out, she temporarily put it down and lay down again.

The air in the countryside is good, and it obviously feels a little less oppressive than the breathless feeling in the city center.

Chen Lin was almost the same as Lu Yao.

They all have a lazy expression, as if there is no bone, and the whole body is relaxed.

Zhou Li sat on a small bench beside him, with a bundle of freshly cut leeks in front of him.

He picked the dishes nimbly, and told the two women in front of him about their experiences in the morning.

First, I went to return the ox cart to others, and was dragged to bathe the ox.

I wanted to refuse, but I was told that this is a mandatory task and must be completed.

After bathing the cow, feed it.

Zhou Li will definitely not take the initiative to talk about embarrassing things that put his face on the cow's ass.So he picked some interesting things about Lin Yuan and told them.

Lin Yuan came out after washing the dishes, just in time to hear Zhou Li complaining about himself.

How can I bear this, I can't let myself become the laughing stock of the two sisters!

As a result, one party's complaints turned into two people exposing each other's faults.

The four of them laughed and laughed in the yard, and the atmosphere between the two in the kitchen was also very harmonious.

Chu Xi was cutting potatoes on the chopping board, while Fu Yanyou was not idle at all, standing by the sink to wash other dishes.

The two cooperated tacitly, and for a while, the picture of handsome men and beautiful women cooking quietly was very seductive.

The barrage in the live broadcast room slowed down uncommonly, and they watched the two of them in a daze for a moment.

[Oh my god, I somehow feel that these two people are very suitable for each other, very seductive. 】

[Chuxi is really pretty when she doesn't open her mouth, Xiaojiabiyu looks like IKEA. 】

[Suddenly able to get her. 】

[Fu Yan is so handsome when he is serious about washing vegetables, he must like Chuxi very much.Looking sideways at her eyes, so gentle. 】

At the moment, no one mentions those disappointing things, but I really feel that this picture should last longer.

Seeing these comments, the gloom in Li Ping's eyes, who had been following the live broadcast, lightened a bit.

It can be considered that she is a bit useful.

I thought that Lu Yao's appearance on this show meant that the last hope of this woman, Chu Xi, was gone.

will lose its value completely.

It seemed that he had lost his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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