Chapter 159 The Big Guy Appears

But since Lu Yao told her to put it away carefully, Chu Xi stopped thinking about using this Ganoderma lucidum.

If in the past, pick a Ganoderma lucidum in the mountains.

This will definitely be publicized and marketed by Li Ping.

Like what #楚溪人间小锦鱼#
#风重一打是鲜芝# and other topics.

Chu Xi can come up with a lot without using his brain.

Thinking of Li Ping, Chuxi was in a bad mood.

But in front of the camera, before the time to tear your face apart, the whole scene was done.

What's more, I still have the handle in Li Ping's hands.

Can't act rashly.


Chu Xi thought well, this is indeed not an ordinary blood ganoderma.

Just the smell and spiritual power it exudes reveals its extraordinaryness.

This should be a Ganoderma lucidum that absorbs the essence of the sun and the moon and is expected to become fine.Let alone an age of 900 years.

Maybe, the spiritual intelligence has been opened now.

Lu Yao couldn't help but laugh when she smelled the faint fragrance coming into her nose.This Ganoderma lucidum must have enlightened wisdom.

Otherwise, how could I not perceive its existence?
Just relying on my own nose, if the Ganoderma lucidum hadn't suppressed its breath on purpose, I could have smelled its location.

However, a blood ganoderma lucidum, which is 900 years old and has opened spiritual wisdom, will appear on the outskirts of the mountain?
Still in such an eye-catching position, Chuxi can be spotted at a glance.

Lu Yao was speechless, is this the so-called halo of the heroine?

Although Lu Yao still doesn't like such a gadget, she has to say that she is still very envious of Chu Xi's ability.

It is undoubtedly the heroine of this book who can make such unreasonable things happen.

Lu Yao suddenly had a guess in her heart, but she still wanted to find a chance to verify it.

There are many mushrooms growing on this piece of rotten wood, many of which are brightly colored, and most of them are ordinary edible mushrooms that are dusty.

Neither of them is a fool, knowing that the brighter the color, the more poisonous it is.The ones that are picked are those that can be eaten.

Lu Yao and Chu Xi didn't communicate much, they just focused on picking mushrooms, and their movements were not slow.

The photographers who were shooting on the side were a little tired, mainly because these two people were really boring.

I've been picking mushrooms for more than ten minutes, and I haven't seen any violent behavior from them.

There were fewer spectators who stayed here to watch them pick mushrooms, and most of them went, while the other two groups watched the fun.

When everyone was not paying attention, Chuxi stuffed something for Lu Yao.

Okay, another blood ganoderma?

Lu Yao looked at the blood ganoderma that was stuffed into her hand, which was obviously two circles smaller than the one just now, with a numb expression.

In fact, my heart has already started to be turbulent.

She first glanced at the camera position out of the corner of her eye to make sure they couldn't be photographed from this angle.

Then he turned to look at Chuxi.

"Give you."

Chu Xi didn't know what his expression was, so he made a quick mouth shape, and continued to pluck mushrooms.

I was still a little nervous.I don't know if Lu Yao will accept it.

She had picked mushrooms well.

Who knows that from the corner of the eye, I saw the same blood ganoderma as before.It's just that this one is obviously much smaller.

Thinking that I have one anyway, I gave this to Lu Yao.She didn't quite understand what was going on in her mind either.

Lu Yao didn't refuse and took it directly, and put it in the back basket with other mushrooms.

Immediately, his expression became dignified, always paying attention to the movement around him.

Sure enough, as she expected.There was a sound in the distant grass.

It was the sound of some animal's hooves on the dead leaves of a tree.

The footsteps were heavy.Should be a big guy.

Hearing the sound approaching, Lu Yao quickly pulled Chu Xi up and backed away.

She herself had reached out to take the sickle out of the pannier.

(End of this chapter)

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