Chapter 167
After beating someone, Lu Yao felt comfortable all over.

Ever since I came to this world, I have no chance to display my force value.

In a society ruled by law, there are laws, and it is a good thing to be lazy without having to do it yourself.

But Lu Yao found that she didn't enjoy doing anything.

I still miss the days when I could hit people.

This one-sided abuse made Lu Yao feel relieved all over.

She stood in the bathroom, washed her hands carefully, and tidied up her messy hair.

"Why did I beat someone up for her and the progress bar only got 1%?"

Lu Yao's tone was calm, but the coal ball could hear her displeasure.

A ball of yellow light is flying in the air, of course only Lu Yao can see it.

"Woman, you can't solve the problem after beating someone up. You still want to ask me such a simple matter?"

"Blueberry, beat him!"

Lu Yao ignored this self-righteous briquette at all, and directly asked the system 818 to beat him up.

System 818 was not polite at all. With Lu Yao's words, he ran after the briquettes.

A ball of blue light and a ball of yellow light ran wildly in the corridor.

You are chasing after me, it is very lively.

Since the system 818 was upgraded to version 2.0 half a month ago, it has become significantly more powerful.

In the past, if you wanted to take it with you when you went out, you had to turn it into a brooch or something and hang it on yourself.

But now, he can follow her directly like a briquette.No physical form is required.

The two little guys flew out, but Lu Yao was meditating in the corridor.

Get rid of Li Ping and get on the right path.

It's as simple as it sounds.

The ancestors now hold Tianyu Media and Lizi Entertainment in their hands, and it is not a matter of every minute to want to praise someone.

It's so easy to change her agent and install a series of resources.

What gave her a headache was the emotional line between the hero and heroine.What kind of thing is this? Let her be a matchmaker or Yuelao.

Because of this, the ancestor was passive and slowed down for half a month.

Suddenly, the door of a private room was opened, and the drunk Chu Xi stumbled out.

Behind him was a greasy man with a fat head and big ears.

The man also drank a lot of wine, his face was flushed, and his steps were a little staggering.

But the wretched expression on that face couldn't be concealed.

Chu Xi didn't expect to see Lu Yao as soon as she opened the door.

At this time, she was like a person who fell into the water, grabbing the last straw.

Without even thinking about it, she hugged Lu Yao's thigh directly.

It's really a thigh hug.

She drank a little too much, and was anxious to go out, her center of gravity was unstable, and she sat on the ground directly.

Even so, Chu Xi still climbed two steps, deliberately hugging Lu Yao's left leg.

Lu Yao's eyebrows hidden under her bangs twitched twice, watching the greasy man in front of her about to move forward again.

She lifted her free right foot and kicked it.

The eight-centimeter stiletto heel just hit the important position of the man.

The greasy man gasped and fell to the floor.

He passed out from the pain directly.

The whole process did not exceed 1 minute, and Chu Xi was dumbfounded.

The hand is still tightly pulling Lu Yao's leg.

There were still words in his mouth.

Lu Yao's hearing is excellent, and she heard her words verbatim.

"Why are my sister's legs so thin and white! My sister's legs are not legs, the spring water on the banks of the Seine..."

The man even sang.

Hum Heu Haw just won't let go.

He also leaned closer and smelled it again and again, his face was full of intoxication.

"Sister smells so good, what kind of perfume do you use, I want it too."

Chu Xi, who was drunk, kept talking like a machine gun.

The words that come out are still so colorful.

At this moment, she looks like a pervert.

Lu Yao endured and endured, looked at the scene reflected in the opposite glass, and took out her mobile phone from her pocket.

Turn on the camera and start recording directly.

Record all of Chuxi's embarrassments.

I hope she won't regret it when she wakes up tomorrow.

Lu Yao learned this habit of using her mobile phone to record things whenever she encountered them.

(End of this chapter)

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