Chapter 183 Exchange Artists
Next, Lu Yao's personal business blueprint planning speech, a full 15 minutes.

The surrounding area was very quiet. If there were still thin communication sounds in the arena before, it is really quiet now.

It's as if these thousands of people don't exist.

This is really not an exaggeration, but everyone is attracted by the picture drawn by Lu Yao.

Every word she said made everyone feel so incredible.

"Everyone here may feel a little regretful today. Maybe the member you like didn't make her debut."

"Now you don't have to regret it, because the 21 members who stayed on the stage will still be seen by everyone in the future."

"That's right, before, I had already negotiated with their original management company, and now they will all be exchange artists of Chestnut Entertainment."


Lu Yao had such a critical attack from the very beginning.

The fans who were still a little bit immersed in the sadness of their idol's failure to make their debut all cheered up and sat up straight.

What do you mean you can see everything?What is an exchange artist?
They had never heard of the word Lu Yao said.

So everyone listened more carefully, it is related to the future of their idols, so you have to listen carefully.

So, after listening to the whole speech, everyone's minds were buzzing.

Packed with explosive information.

To sum it up is.

Lu Yao spent a lot of money to negotiate with the brokerage company present, as long as the members nod.

The 21 people on stage belonged to Lizi Entertainment and became artists under Lizi Entertainment.

Of course, Lu Yao has repeatedly emphasized that she will seek the opinions of the members.

If they don't want to, they won't force it.

The members who heard this news, especially those who failed to make their debut, showed shock on their faces.

Is this a pie from the sky?
They didn't make their debut, but have a chance to enter Chestnut Entertainment?

Lu Yao first promised in front of so many audiences.

Chestnut Entertainment will not treat any of their members badly, and will fight for any resources that can be won.

Try to be fair, just and open, and also give you a general introduction to Lizi Entertainment's future plans.

Then let them decide.

The speed was so fast that everyone present, especially the members, were caught off guard.

"I only give you 3 minutes, and I will get an answer after 3 minutes. I hope everyone will think about it."

Lu Yao said this to the eleven girls who failed to debut.

Her expression was peaceful, but she carried the aura of a superior person.

Let the members clearly feel the gap in status between themselves and Lu Yao.

Obviously not long ago, they were competitors on the same stage.

Now the other party may have become his immediate boss.

This change in identity made everyone somewhat uncomfortable.

11 people, you look at me, I look at you.

Some people are hesitant and want to discuss it with the brokerage company.

Lu Yao didn't stop them and let them do whatever they wanted.

It's just the 3-minute countdown on the screen, but it didn't stop, as if invisible to remind everyone to hurry up.

When the time was about to reach 3 minutes, everyone gave their results.

Lu Yao counted, and there were only four people who finally decided to join Lizi Entertainment.

She knew it well.

He looked at the representatives of the brokerage company over there with a smile in his eyes, but didn't say anything.

On the contrary, many people from the brokerage company turned their eyes away and did not look at Lu Yao.

Lu Yao looked again at the four people standing in front of her who were about to join Lizi Entertainment.

Geng Dou and Tan Xiao, who have always been favored by her and are also popular members on the Internet, are impressively listed.

Lu Yao nodded in satisfaction.

The smile in his eyes was real.

 Ask for a ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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