Chapter 199 Sleeping Together

When Lu Yao and Fu Xiuyun appeared at the door together, they met Fu Yan grinning with pain on his face.

Especially the picture of him covering his buttocks with his hands is too hot for the eyes.

Is this still the arrogant and unruly domineering president in the original book?

At this glance, I thought it was a juggler from some circus.

A trace of astonishment flashed across Lu Yao's icy little face, and then she immediately suppressed it.

Say hello to Mr. Fu obediently.

"Hello, Uncle. It's so late, let me help you in, don't blow the wind outside."

Lu Yao also knew that it might not be a good name to call her dad, but she couldn't say it out loud.

Uncle Fu was not dissatisfied when he heard this sound, but gave Fu Xiuyun a meaningful look.

She happily let Lu Yao help him into the house.

Followed by the miserable Mosquito Mobile Granary Fu Yan and Fu Xiuyun.

Seeing Fu Yan scratching while walking, Fu Xiuyun frowned.

When seeing Fu Yan's loose white vest, big shorts, and sandals, Fu Xiuyun was even more displeased.

"Didn't you say we're coming back today? Why are you still dressed like this?"

As soon as Fu Xiuyun opened his mouth, Fu Yan, like a cowardly chick, stopped eating immediately and didn't dare to move around.

"Uncle, I really don't know. I went to bed in the afternoon. I was dragged up by grandpa just now."

He cowardly explained, but Fu Xiuyun didn't bother to pay attention to him, gave him a faint look, and went after his wife.

Before leaving, she threw him a sentence: "Change your clothes and take them down."

Fu Yan was wronged, but Fu Yan dared not speak out.

In the living room, Lu Yao and Mr. Fu had already drank tea, talking and laughing happily, and the atmosphere should not be too harmonious.

Especially Lu Yao's beautiful tea art, the old man Fu admired it, and fell in love with this little daughter-in-law even more.

The old and the young chatted very happily, and Fu Xiuyun beside him had become the background board.

With Fu Yan who came back from changing clothes, one on the left and the other on the right, staring with big eyes.

Seeing that Fu Yan changed into long-sleeved trousers and wrapped herself tightly without revealing a piece of flesh, Fu Xiuyun was satisfied.

He didn't want his little woman to look at other men, even if this man was his own nephew.

Mr. Fu chatted with Lu Yao for more than half an hour before he felt a little sleepy. He also heard that the two of them will go to a variety show together tomorrow.

That's great, just let them go back to sleep.

Otherwise, we won't have the energy to play together tomorrow.


The door was closed from the outside, and even Lu Yao could clearly hear the sound of it being locked.

She wiped her hair with one hand, looked up at Fu Xiuyun, and asked about the directory.

This is how to do?The old man locked the door from the outside.

Fu Xiuyun helplessly spread his hands, expressing that he had no choice.

But the smile on the man's face was very obvious, and it was obvious at a glance that he had already guessed it.

In fact, from the time the old man drove the two into the room and met his sly little eyes, Fu Xiuyun knew what his own father was thinking.

But he likes his father's assist.

Today, I can hold the fragrant and soft little woman to sleep openly and aboveboard.

There is no need to sneak into the little woman's dream every night, and then be careful, afraid of waking people up, and dare not make big moves.

When the old ancestor saw the man's smiling face, he knew that he might have guessed that such a thing would happen, so he was not angry.

After all, it was agreed to try and sleep in a bed, there is nothing wrong with it.

What's more, this excellent back of the head.

Hehehe, she has been hungry for a long time too!

Gotta touch him tonight.Make up for what you owe these days.

(End of this chapter)

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