Chapter 205 Pink Earlobe
Fu Yanhou realized that everyone else appeared in pairs, but he was alone!

Where is his girlfriend?

Why is Chuxi gone?

"Ah! Where's my girlfriend?"

I saw that Fu Yan, who was sitting well, suddenly slapped his thigh, and he jumped up from the sofa.

Lu Yao looked at him with a mentally retarded expression, as if it was the first time she saw such a stupid person.

The key is that this is the original hero of this world!
She actually wants to transform such a thing?And turn him into a five-good boy who contributes to the world?

The old ancestor felt that as long as Fu Yan didn't twitch his brains, he would be thankful for causing trouble to the society.

"Woman, your thoughts are very dangerous! But don't look down on my hero!"

The little briquette noticed Lu Yao's thoughts, and was very dissatisfied, and warned her.

Lu Yao didn't care about the little briquettes floating in the air with their teeth and claws at all.

Turn a blind eye.

There is still some ability in this world consciousness.Since the arrival of the small briquettes, System 818 somehow learned to be invisible.

At this moment, the two kittens are floating in front of Lu Yao, but she is the only one who can see them.

The expressions of the other guests were also indescribable.

it is more than words.

Cui Hao held the program planning book in his hand, and his face was also full of question marks.

What's the situation with Young Master Fu?My girlfriend didn't bring it, and I just found out now?

He even asked himself, where did his girlfriend go?
This kind of man, don't worry about it.

Cui Hao inexplicably bowed a handful of sad tears for Chu Xi.

This boyfriend is somewhat unreliable.

Since it was the first meeting, the director team did not make things difficult for the guests.A sumptuous dinner is prepared for you all.

A group of people sit together and have a pleasant meal, getting to know each other well.Behind him are two videographers recording footage.

There were seven people at the table, mainly three women, Lu Yao, Liang Jinghao, and He Jiang, were chatting.

Then Fu Xiuyun and the other three men serve their own women with vegetables, how caring, how caring.

As for Fu Yan, he is like a stone statue out of place.Been in a daze, in a daze, in a daze.

He bit the chopsticks in his hand expressionlessly.

He is desperate, others are showing affection in front of him, but what about his girlfriend?He actually forgot.

The main reason was that he hadn't been in contact with his uncle for too long, until he got into Fu Xiuyun's car, Fu Yan's mind was still frozen.

She has completely forgotten about Chu Xi.

The dinner ended with three sweet couples getting along with each other and a silly picture of a large dull-haired dog.

When the meal was over, everyone went upstairs to their bedrooms.That is their private space.

There is no camera on the third floor of this villa, which is completely private.The general staff will not come up, so everyone can relax.

Lu Yao and Fu Xiuyun's room is at the back of the third floor.

Once inside, Lu Yao was in a trance for a moment.

The decoration here is actually exactly the same as the bedroom in Lu Yao's own apartment.

The old ancestor narrowed his eyes and looked at the man sitting beside the bed silently packing his clothes and making the bed, feeling happy.

You don't need to think about it, you know, these are all prepared by him.

It seems to be paying attention.

Lu Yao didn't hesitate, she stepped forward and grabbed the man's collar.

Cover the red lips, tap it lightly, and leave quickly.

"really not bad."

The ancestors said that men should be rewarded for doing well.

Especially seeing Fu Xiuyun's ears turning pink, the corners of Lu Yao's mouth couldn't help but rise.

It's so cute.

Lu Yao took Fu Xiuyun's neatly folded clothes and was going to take a comfortable hot bath first.

Before leaving, he didn't forget to rub Fu Xiuyun's head.

And pinched his pink earlobe.

She didn't see that after she left, even Fu Xiuyun's neck was flushed red.

(End of this chapter)

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