Chapter 207
【Actor Cai's girlfriend is so gentle and elegant!It looks very temperamental at first glance!I suddenly fell in love with this sister! 】

[Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 】

[This Liang Jinghao is really too gentle, she looks like a lady from a famous family.Standing with Cai Jisheng, it's a good match! 】

[Liang Jinghao is actually Lu Yao's fan! !Oh my gosh, what a dream linkage. 】

[He Jiang's boyfriend surprised me!This is too young and too young to come here, right? 】

[At first glance, she must be five or six years younger than **! 】

[But my brother is so good at it, he even peeled the shrimp for He Jiang and brought it to his mouth. 】

【Especially when this younger brother took away the ice water in front of Mrs. He and served her soup!That look is so provocative! 】

[Wooooooow, everyone is so handsome!Every pair seems to fit well!It's a pity I can't be happy!I collapsed! 】

[My sister is in love, and I was the last to know! 】

[No, you are not the last to know, when everyone wakes up tomorrow, you will be sad with us! 】

[Thinking about it this way, it's a good thing we knew about it earlier than them! 】

Fans of several companies began to comfort each other and have fun in bitterness.

Only two fans, Lu Yao and Chu Xi, were not affected much. After all, everyone had already prepared for their sister's love affair.

On the contrary, Lu Yao's fans cheered excitedly.

【Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!help!Sister Yao is finally going to make it public!You can see the sweet love between Sister Yao and Mr. Fu! 】

[Finally stop digging for sugar with a magnifying glass! 】

[Wooooow, I will watch the live broadcast on time tomorrow! 】

The fan group was as lively as New Year's Eve, and in a small group with only seven or eight people, it was even more heated.

[Little Wang who counts ducks]: I'll go!Miss Jing is awesome!Actually met Yaoyao!

[Jiujiu little baby]: Xiao Wang can't pay attention!The point is obviously that sister Jing is hugging Yaoyao!
[Sister Suiyuejing]: ...

[Yueyue is really not fat]: Ah!Miss Jing!You're actually in a relationship with Actor Cai? !

[Xiao Wang who counts ducks]: Sister Jing is awesome!He actually got Actor Cai!

[The health-preserving girl who goes to bed at nine o'clock]: Woooooooooooo "I found out that my netizen is actually the woman of my idol?" ",Sadness flows like river.

[Zhou Zhou loves to drink porridge]: +1, good sister Jing, I'm here to tell you the truth!
Liang Jinghao only made a fuss in the group, and then disappeared, leaving behind a few crazy people @她.

The next day was as expected by netizens.

One by one, the fans who opened their misty eyes from their dreams, picked up their mobile phones, and found that their houses had collapsed, woke up one after another!
There was a scream louder than a rooster's crowing.

Then one by one was unbelievable, and the whole person was not well.

Everyone put on their vests and began to learn about information on the Internet and in various groups.

When everyone found out that this program was being broadcast live on time at 12:[-] noon, they immediately pretended to be calm and got ready to watch in the front row.

Although the house collapsed, they had to be strong.

Today's entertainment hot search has been successfully occupied by the romance of four couples and the program group "Love Observation Diary".

#Love Observation Diary 12:[-] Live#
#He Jiang and her little brother#
#The goddess He Jiang who has been single for many years is in love#
#Cai Jisheng and Lu Yao fans#
#Cai Jisheng Love#
#Lu Yao和Fu Xiuyun Public#
#Fu Yan lost his girlfriend#
In short, everyone is waiting for the show to start broadcasting.

Regardless of the purpose and psychology.

(End of this chapter)

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