Chapter 212 All Crazy

Liang Jinghao and Cai Jisheng were also asked the question "What is your relationship now."

Unexpectedly, their answer was the same as that of Lu Yao.

Husband and wife relationship!

Husband and wife relationship!That is not already married!
Good guy, it's fine if Lu Yao and Fu Xiuyun get married.

Yingdi Cai and Liang Jinghao are also secretly married!
Right now, the entire live broadcast room was bustling with excitement.

[Fuck!I was just thinking that my brother is not young anymore, and it is normal to fall in love.

It's time to get married or something, but you told me that they are already husband and wife? 】

[I am every day every day!Why are they both married? 】

[Cai Cai, it's hard for you to hide it from me!I have always been afraid that you will die alone! 】

【I feel that I don’t have enough brain capacity to be in the live broadcast room for just a short while.My brain is buzzing. 】

[It's so exciting, this is not a love leisure variety show!This is clearly the scene of breaking the news and eating melons to improve the mind! 】

[Referred to as the scene of a large collapsed house!Or Allah himself hammered himself! 】

[Now I feel that He Jiang and the little wolf dog are too slow!Look, everyone else is already legal. 】

[I have to say, I saw Jiang Zhe's envious eyes.

It seems to be saying: Look, everyone else is talking about it, when will I get a name. 】

[Don't forget the goose goose goose goose, and a unreliable Fu Yan and Chuxi. 】

All kinds of bullet screens rushed around, and the five observers in the observation room were all shocked.

Before they came, they didn't know the specific situation of the guests, which was similar to what the audience knew.

Now Lu Yao and Fu Xiuyun are married first, and then Cai Jisheng and Liang Jinghao are also married.

It makes them say something so good.

Nothing to say.

I have never seen such an outrageous variety show in the entertainment industry, let alone a love variety show.

Which love variety show doesn't have a script in advance?Which love variety show is not a sweet show of affection by young couples?

Like "Love Observation Diary", it was less than half an hour after it started broadcasting, and shocking news broke out one after another. I have never seen it.

Especially the three self-media people, this is definitely the first time they have encountered Waterloo after working in the entertainment industry for so many years.

Among the three self-media people, one can be said to be the No. 1 mouthpiece in the entertainment industry and the best debater Li Shuai.

At this moment, Li Shuai couldn't say a word.

This is definitely the first time he has encountered such a situation in his more than 30 years of life.

Which show will be so exciting from the beginning?What material exploded what?Are all the guests blew themselves up?
Crazy, crazy.

This is true.

Director Cui Hao is now looking at the soaring data in the live broadcast room, as well as hot searches on Weibo, and news feeds from major websites.

He was crazy and laughed out loud.

And netizens are also crazy.

It's lunch break time for everyone, and they have nothing to do to check Weibo.

Take a look, oh, what are these hot searches.shocked.

#Lu Yao and Fu Xiuyun are already husband and wife relationship#
#蔡吉生农婚受客定是Lu Yao’s Fan#
#Love Variety Show has already been proved by someone#
#Love Observation Diary#
#Tacit understanding value big test#
#Chuxi is too miserable!Fu Yan is unreliable#
#Large collapsed house scene#
#Star's self-disclosure#
The name of each hot search term is so magical and eye-catching.

Everyone involuntarily clicked in one by one, and then couldn't extricate themselves.

Involuntarily exhale fragrance.

Then I was addicted to eating melons, unable to extricate myself.

Goose calls in the office, restaurant, and toilet, success and madness.

 Thank you [Orange] and [Listen to the End of Summer] for the cute recommendation tickets~


(End of this chapter)

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