Chapter 237 Rejected?

【Hahahaha, I'm really laughing to death, Lu Yao didn't tell her family in advance that they are going back today? 】

[My sister Yao is really different, Mr. Fu has already started to panic. 】

[Hey, it's not the first time I've met my parents, so there's nothing to panic about.

In contrast, I am more curious about what it was like when Mr. Fu went to Lu's house for the first time. 】

[That's right, the two of them got their certificates within a month of knowing each other. I guess the Lu family wants to fight Fu Xiuyun to the death. 】

【Anyway, I can't accept it. If my future daughter marries like this, I'll be pissed off. 】

[Yeah, getting married so soon, I don't know if there is any relationship, maybe it's a commercial marriage. 】

[Flash marriages are very common now, so you can't completely negate their relationship just because Sister Yao and Mr. Fu got married too quickly, right? 】

【Everyone has their own choice, and feelings are their own business. 】

For some reason, some netizens in the live broadcast room brought up a flash marriage because of Lu Yao and Fu Xiuyun's return to the Lu family.

Some netizens even questioned the relationship between Lu Yao and Fu Xiuyun.

Of course, fans who have been following the show have long felt the spark of love in the sweet daily life of the two.

For those who questioned, fans didn't even bother to reply.

They just need to continue watching Lu Yao and Fu Xiuyun interact with each other with peace of mind.

Lu Yao forgot to inform everyone in the Lu family about her going back today, but the Lu family already knew about it.

Who made them keep following the live broadcast of Love Observation Diary?

Not only Lu Yao and Fu Xiuyun got up early today, but everyone in the Lu family also got up early.

Lu Qingyi stayed in the office last night because the hospital still had some finishing work.

This morning, I also came back in a morning fog.

The four members of the Lu family stopped their original arrangements for today and waited at home for the arrival of Lu Yao and Fu Xiuyun.

And the program team only found out at this moment that Lu Yao didn't notify the Lu family!

Along the way, they were still anxious, almost in the same mood as Fu Xiuyun.

There is no way, who told Lu Yao not to inform the Lu family in advance, everyone hastily petitioned, and the live broadcast camera was pulled.

What should I do if I get a terrible picture?

The message Lu Yao sent to Mother Lu on the way has not received a reply yet.

This made everyone except her breathe a sigh of relief.

When a group of people appeared at the door of Lu's house with the machine on their shoulders, the anxiety reached its peak.

Fu Xiuyun got out of the car first, then took Lu Yao's hand, and the two stopped in front of the closed gate of Lu's villa together.

Fu Xiuyun knocked on the door, restraining three forceful knocks.

Don't ask why you didn't ring the doorbell, it's because of Fu Xiuyun's sense of ritual as a big boss.

Anyway, in Lu Yao's opinion, this move is quite silly, no, it's quite cute.

After three beeps, the door was not opened.

【what's the situation?Is no one home? 】

[Why no one opened the door, how embarrassing it would be if there was no one at home. 】

[Okay, just call it a day. 】

【Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk, although, this can't be that Mr. Fu was turned away, right? 】

【Emmmm, is this possible? 】

Fu Xiuyun didn't expect that the door didn't open, and Lu Yao was also surprised.

The ancestor's brows were raised, and his already flamboyant facial features suddenly became a little more vivid.

She pressed the doorbell with her pale jade fingers.

The crisp bell rang, and after a few rings, the door was still tightly closed.


Fu Xiuyun suddenly spoke out, and the obviously suspicious tone changed the direction of the barrage.

【Fu Xiuyun is not angry, is he? 】

[This suspicious upturned sound, does it look like a domineering boss with two points of evil charm, three points of flamboyance, and four points of anger? 】

[Which book upstairs did the domineering president fall in love with me?Did you go to the wrong set? 】

[The dignified head of the Fu family, Fu Xiuyun, who has been the richest man for the past five years, was rejected?Isn't it strange not to be angry? 】

[That's right, besides, this is still recording a show, Fu Xiuyun's face has been lost, right?This Lu family is too bad at being a human being. 】

[Probably because she thought that Lu Yao was married to Fu Xiuyun, sitting firmly in the position of Mrs. Fu, and she was swollen? 】

[emmm?Is this my sister Yao's live broadcast room?Why are there so many strange remarks today? 】

[Hey, maybe it was yesterday's hot search, too much traffic, and a new group of viewers came. 】

[It doesn't matter, anyway, I don't think Fu will always be angry because he was rejected. 】

[That's right, Xiao Fu Fu is not such a person. 】

Because there was another wave of hot searches last night on the love observation diary, and the popularity is not low.

Coupled with the degree of discussion on the topic of "meeting parents in love" on the Internet, it must be known that the program has brought new audiences.

So on the last day of today, there were obviously a lot of people in the live broadcast room.

Most of them are pure passers-by who haven't watched the show much.

Regarding the scene where Lu Yao and Fu Xiuyun were rejected at the moment, everyone talked a lot.

Even the photographer was sweating, afraid that Fu Xiuyun would be angry as the netizens said.

Lu Yao thought so too.

"Don't worry, they may have gone out, let me think about what the password is."

Fu Xiuyun chuckled, knowing that the little girl had misunderstood.

He took Lu Yao's hand, and his voice was as usual like a mountain stream, clear and pleasant.

"Let's not be in a hurry. Parents may not wake up so early."

"I just suddenly found out that there is a doorbell on the door. I thought there was no door. I was a little surprised when I saw you ring it."

As soon as Fu Xiuyun's explanation came out, Lu Yao smiled.

The netizens in the live broadcast room also suddenly realized, and then laughed together.

It turned out that it was because they were surprised to find the doorbell that they said "hmm", it was not the anger they guessed at all.

[Hahahahahaha Mr. Fu really laughed me to death.Did you just find a bell on the door? 】

[Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hiccup. 】

【I also!If Sister Yao hadn't rang the bell, I wouldn't have known there was a bell. 】

[No wonder Fu Xiuyun knocked on the door solemnly just now, because he didn't know the doorbell was installed! 】

The tense atmosphere just now became relaxed and joyful.

It's understandable that Fu Xiuyun didn't know that there was a bell at this door.

It's really because the door of Lu's villa has a unique shape.

The whole body is black and the surface is smooth.

At first glance, there was no button for the doorbell.

Lu Yao laughed, and took Fu Xiuyun's hand and put it on the complicated and retro golden doorknob.

Take him to feel where the doorbell button is.

"Here, you just touch the bump."

So the two of them fumbled happily on the door again.

Then we chatted about the history of this door.

There was no danger of being rejected on Fu Xiuyun's face at all.

Netizens' previous speculations were completely shattered by Lu Yao and Fu Xiuyun's actions.

The relationship between the young couple is very good.

Boss Fu is not the kind of small belly boy who gets angry casually.

This is, a voice floated from a distance.

"Sister, why are you standing at the door? Come in!"

 Thanks to [Y] [Midsummer Beimeng's original intentions never change] [Southern Star] for the rewards from the cuties, what a da~

(End of this chapter)

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