Chapter 277 Is He the Winner?

【! ! ! 】

[Ah this? mong? 】

【What's happening here?Fu Xiuyun? 】

[Boss Fu! ! ? 】

【No!I do not believe!This is definitely an inside story! 】

[Ah, this, this, this!Knock it, knock it! 】

[I just said that I haven't seen Mr. Fu and Sister Yao appearing together for a long time, I didn't expect it!There is sweetness in an instant! 】

[Seriously suspect that Mr. Fu is operating in the dark!How is it such a coincidence? ? 】

[Hahahahahahahaha maybe this is the fate destined by heaven! 】

It's no wonder that netizens reacted so strongly, it's really unbelievable.

The pointer fell, and it just stopped on Fu Xiuyun's Weibo id.

That familiar id, familiar profile picture, who isn't Fu Xiuyun?

Suddenly the whole network boiled.

[Sister Yao won the lottery, Mr. Fu? 】

[Smoked but not completely. 】

[On the money from the left pocket into the right pocket. 】

[Hahahahaha. 】

This is really a coincidence.

Coincidentally, everyone immediately suspected that there was something inside.

And Lu Yao was also startled, she didn't expect it either.The small exclamation of Xiao Qiao and several other staff members could be heard clearly.

Lu Yao put away the momentary surprise in her heart, and took out another mobile phone in the sea of ​​crazily rolling bullet screens.

Not panicking at all, he poked his index finger twice, and a call was made.

The call was quickly connected.


The man's thick and hoarse voice came with an electric current, it was Fu Xiuyun.

As soon as the words came out, the image of Fu Xiuyun wearing a black suit, tall and straight, with smooth and clear facial features, and dark black pupils appeared in everyone's minds.

Just this one syllable made people feel Fu Xiuyun's calmness and introversion, and the aura of a superior person rushed towards his face.

【what!It's Mr. Fu!How does this voice sound? It's so cool, what a man!

I don't know how to describe it, but it's quite different, and I was taken aback. 】

[Pfft hahahaha, the sisters upstairs laughed so hard, what good am I doing to you?Are you waiting to inherit the dishes from my Moore Manor? 】

[I somehow had the illusion of talking to the boss on the phone, and when I heard Fu Xiuyun's voice, I was shocked. 】

【Mom, I also feel that Fu Xiuyun is different today.Very formal feeling? 】

[This is the first time I have this illusion of Mr. Fu? 】

Fu Xiuyun just uttered a syllable, which aroused heated discussions among netizens.

"Are you busy? Then I'll call you later."

Lu Yao could also clearly hear that Fu Xiuyun's voice was different from the past. Thinking of the other party's busyness recently, she also regretted making this call.

The old ancestor was secretly annoyed, and he didn't know why. When he saw Fu Xiuyun's id staying on the screen, his first reaction was to call him.

It seemed that there were a lot of questions I wanted to ask him, but when the phone was answered in seconds and a man's voice was heard, Lu Yao regained some clarity.

When I realized what I had done, I felt regretful.

The fingertips holding the mobile phone kept tightening, and some thoughts flashed in her mind. At this moment, Lu Yao still didn't know her own little thoughts.

"Not busy, you finally took the initiative to call me, don't just hang up."

Lu Yao was still a little fussy, when she heard a chuckle from the other end of the phone, Fu Xiuyun's voice was much softer, even with a bit of accusation.

Listen carefully, the man seems to be wronged.

His voice was crisp and numb, but Lu Yao didn't speak.

"If I'm not wrong, you should be live broadcasting the lucky draw, right? What happened?"

Fu Xiuyun on the other end nodded slightly to the group of people who had just entered the door, still holding on to the phone firmly, and didn't intend to hang up immediately.

"It's okay, just to tell you that you have won the lottery."

Lu Yao also heard the voice of someone greeting Fu Xiuyun with a question mark, knowing that he was busy, she didn't procrastinate any longer, explaining the reason for the call this time.

 Thank you [Listen to the end of summer~] Bao’s reward~
(End of this chapter)

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