Chapter 226 Must Win

After staying for a while, Wang Yunyu, who was a little pale, woke up amidst the cheers that resounded through the sky from the audience. She stared at the Zuju instructors who were still in a daze, and said dissatisfiedly: "You guys, have you figured it out yet?"

Dissatisfaction could be clearly heard in the young lady's tone, and the hearts of several instructors jumped suddenly. A courageous instructor said, "Miss, look at this picture."

He held the graphics he had drawn from watching the whole game in front of Wang Yunyu, pointed to some graphics on the paper, and explained: "Miss, look, the formation of the Crescent team is obviously different from ours. There are three teams in the middle and back, the number of defenders is four, the number of forwards is about two to three, and the number of people in the middle is quite large..."

Wang Yunyu nodded thoughtfully. She watched the whole game and seemed to feel that when Yang's team was attacking, it was often in the middle of the attack. What he saw in his eyes was the fiery red figure of the crescent player everywhere.

During the pressing, the Yang players either raised their feet hastily to shoot, or the takraw ball was robbed, and the Crescent players who had stolen the ball immediately launched a quick counterattack.

Another coach also handed over the long roll in his hand, "Miss, look, it's not just that, the players from the Crescent team have clearly pressed near the penalty area, but they suddenly kicked the ball back, suddenly left and right, knocking out Yang's team. The defender was mobilized dizzy, and then suddenly launched a fatal blow..."

Several coaches expressed their own analysis and opinions one after another, and they were indeed all right. They all pointed out the magical style of play and some characteristics of the Mo's Crescent team, which made Wang Yunyu nod uncontrollably. She said calmly. : "Okay, you guys sort out all these, step up training tonight, just use it in tomorrow's game, try it out, remember, winning is not allowed to lose!"

Several football coaches couldn't help but look at each other. Tomorrow, Wang's Tigers will face Li Xiangye's Flying Eagles. win the championship.

Leaving aside the matter of releasing water, if only in terms of strength, the Flying Eagles themselves are a strong team. Even in an upright and fair matchup, the chances of the Tigers winning are only half, or even lower.

Wang Yunyu stared at them, dissatisfied: "What are you afraid of, just fight with all your strength!"

The Wang family paid a lot of money to Li Linfu every year, but Li Linfu left her Wang family and joined forces with Mo to monopolize the Zuju lottery business. Naturally, she can't lose the game in a gambling fight. Even if she offends Li Linfu, she doesn't care. In short, she must win!
(End of this chapter)

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