Chapter 294 Bet Your Life

Mo Feiyi went out to greet him, and after some politeness, he ushered him into the hall, where a maid served fragrant tea, Li Dingshan frowned slightly when he saw Situ Mingyuan was there.

Mo Feiyi smiled and said, "I don't know what advice Director Li has come here this time."

Li Dingshan chuckled, "I don't dare to be taught, I just came here on the order of the Prime Minister, and I want to ask Miss Feiyi about some things, but..."

His eyes swept across the faces of everyone in the hall, and the expressions already showed that the matter to be discussed was very important, and the law was not passed on to everyone.

How could Situ Mingyuan, Liu Xinyue and the others fail to notice that they tactfully left the hall with their hands folded, and waited anxiously in the courtyard.

Mo Feiyi stretched out his palm, "Director Li, please tell me."

Li Dingshan straightened his face, and said solemnly: "Miss Feiyi must have heard about the Qianzhuang trend, right?"

Mo Feiyi nodded lightly, expressing that she understood, she was silent, waiting for Li Dingshan's next words.

Li Dingshan said: "I am under the order of the Prime Minister, to come here and ask Miss Feiyi what she thinks about this matter?"

This remark was somewhat general, Mo Feiyi said indifferently: "Director Li, let's speak bluntly."

Li Dingshan smiled slightly, and asked: "Master Xiang is not sure about this matter for a while, he is hesitating whether to take out the deposit, so I sent my subordinates to inquire and see what Miss Feiyi's opinion is, hehe."

Mo Feiyi's heart skipped a beat. She didn't know how much Li Linfu's family wealth was, but it would definitely not be less than tens of millions of taels of silver. Huitong Bank is not much worse if it does not go bankrupt.

She stood up with a smile, and greeted Li Dingshan with a blessing, and calmly said: "Mr. Xiang attaches great importance to Fei Yi, and I thank Fei Yi in advance. Please tell Mr. Li to tell Mr. Xiang so that he doesn't have to worry about it. This matter will be resolved soon." calm."

"Oh..." Li Dingshan opened his eyes wide and stared at her for a long time before he laughed loudly and said, "Okay, if Miss Feiyi has said something, then feel free to go back and tell Xiangye."

He left as soon as he said that, cupped his hands at Mo Feiyi, said his farewell, and strode away.

Mo Feiyi gasped, and when Li Dingshan examined her, she tried to put on a calm and calm expression, but in fact, she was extremely nervous in her heart, worrying that if Li Dingshan saw it, she would be doomed.

After sending Li Dingshan away, she realized that her whole body was sticky and extremely uncomfortable. To be honest, she was so nervous that she was sweating just now. She touched her forehead and found that there was no sweat. She couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

If you lied to Li Dingshan, you are tantamount to cheating Li Linfu. If you can't settle this terrible matter, if you let Li Linfu lose a lot of money, this guy will definitely turn his back on him. It's all bet.

(End of this chapter)

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