Mrs. Gu is getting divorced every day

Chapter 1010 Started to make trouble

Chapter 1010 Started to make trouble
"Guest, why don't you choose another time to come over. There are too many guests now, and we are too embarrassed to refuse others." The person in charge persuaded Chu Xiang.

But Chu Xiang didn't want to care about other people at all, and she also knew that the people in charge were talking about Chu Yun.

"Don't chatter with me here, I just want to book the venue, you already have this service here, why can't you give it to me, I have money." Then, Chu Xiang took out the bag in his hand Bank card.

At this time, Chu Yun, Gu Junzhi, and Yue Yizhou also came to the scenic spot together, and it turned out that Chu Xiang wanted to reserve the venue.

Seeing that the three people had already arrived, Chu Xiang also became anxious, and faced the person in charge even more angry: "What's the matter with you, you don't make money, I told you I will give it to you, and I will double it." Here you go, isn't that okay?"

The person in charge has seen many troublesome people, and Chu Xiang is one of them. Naturally, his first impression of Chu Xiang was not very good.

Chu Yun also frowned, looking at Gu Junzhi, Gu Junzhi gave Chu Yun a reassuring look.

Then Gu Junzhi walked up to the person in charge: "You can book the venue here, right? I've booked it, and the price is twice what this lady offered."

When the person in charge heard that the money was so much, he immediately agreed. Chu Xiang looked at Gu Junzhi angrily, but she didn't dare to do anything to Gu Junzhi.

"You guys are going too far!" Chu Xiang said to the three of them.

Gu Junzhi smiled, Chu Xiang went ahead and wanted to book the venue just to prevent them from entering, which is really too much. Fortunately, the three of them came in time, so that this matter would not be messed up.

"Chu Xiang, don't you know who started the trouble? I advise you to save yourself."

Afterwards, the three of them entered the attraction, and Chu Yun and Gu Junzhi did not affect Yue Yizhou.

In such a good environment, Yue Yizhou's inspiration is also relatively detached. There are many new ideas for clothing in his head, but these new ideas can't be combined together, which makes Yue Yizhou a little troubled.

Gu Junzhi and Chu Yun sat under the pavilion, watching the scenery.

"If it weren't for you, we wouldn't be able to get in here, so having you is really important." Chu Yun praised Gu Junzhi.

Hearing such compliments, Gu Junzhi also felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart. It was originally for Chu Yun and Yue Yizhou, so he was also very happy to do this.

"You have to tell me anything in the future. Chu Xiang doesn't dare to do anything to me. This will save you from talking about Chu Xiang all the time." Gu Junzhi said gently to Chu Yun.

Chu Yun feels that Gu Junzhi is her trump card now, and no matter what she does, it can be easier.

Yue Yizhou looked at Chu Yun leaning against Gu Junzhi's family, becoming more and more sweet, and he never stopped drawing, and by the way, he also drew the two of them together.

After staying for a long time, Yue Yizhou also planned to go back, and Gu Junzhi and Chu Yun did not continue to chat.

At this time, Yue Yizhou also handed his sketch to Chu Yun, with an unusually teasing smile on his face.

"Just now I saw that you were so sweet over there, I was so envious, so I gave you a painting to commemorate such a good trip." Yue Yizhou said to the two people.

Chu Yun and Gu Junzhi looked at the drawing and were very happy in their hearts. Chu Yun didn't expect Yue Yizhou to do this.

"Thank you so much, I will definitely keep it well." Chu Yun's lips rose, and she looked very beautiful in the already beautiful scenic spot.

(End of this chapter)

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