Mrs. Gu is getting divorced every day

Chapter 1021 Chu Yun is Jealous

Chapter 1021 Chu Yun is Jealous
netizen?What did netizens say?Chu Yun frowned and hung up the phone, but the headlines were still pushed, no doubt it was the matter of those two people.

Although Chu Yun was angry about Gu Junzhi's affairs, she couldn't hide her curiosity and clicked in.

After scanning every word with two eyes, he came to the comment area.

Hands have never been separated, what kind of true love.I knew they were a couple, just wait for the official announcement.

Hold high the banner of Gu Weng, and believe that lovers will eventually get married.


Chu Yun slid through the comment section, getting angrier the more she looked down.Simply exit and stop watching.

"What do you know about the resurgence of old love, the rich get married, you people who eat melons?" Chu Yun commented displeased.

She was sitting on the sofa at home with her arms crossed, looking at the fruit plate in front of her, eating to vent her anger when she couldn't get angry.But where there is an appetite, I just asked for a small piece and put it down.

"Gu Junzhi, I'm so mad." There was a sour smell of acetic acid all around, which had been lingering for a long time and had no choice but to subside.

Not long after leaving the phone, the phone rang.Chu Yun looked over and saw that it was Gu Junzhi's call.

His face was as black as carbon, he directly turned his phone to silent, put it far away, and sat on the sofa by himself with a gloomy face.

It was getting dark, Chu Yun sat at the desk in her room, closed the computer after processing the documents, and stretched.A little hungry, he picked up the phone next to him and looked at it. Gu Junzhi made a call, but he couldn't answer it because it was on mute.

Chu Yun crossed it out directly, it was already eleven o'clock.

"It's so late." She pinched the center of her eyebrows, rectified and went downstairs.

When I got downstairs, I saw Gu Junzhi sitting on the sofa with his chin propped on his hands.Seeing Chu Yun coming, his face immediately brightened.

Chu Yun looked at him coldly, without saying a word, she walked straight to the refrigerator to drink water.

"Yunyun, don't be fooled by appearances. I have nothing to do with Weng Yi. I just met her in the restaurant and we had a meal together. Nothing really happened."

Chu Yun stopped, looked up at him, and twisted her neck.

"Since you have nothing to do, what are you doing looking for me so late?"

"In the middle of the night, don't think that you can come in and out at will just because you have the key to my house." Gu Juan was at a loss for words.

Chu Yun raised her eyebrows and looked at the kitchen: "I'm hungry." Gu Junzhi immediately understood, and cooked for her obediently.After eating noodles, Chu Yun disliked the dirty floor, so she ordered him to sweep the floor, and Gu Junzhi obediently did so.

Gu Junzhi wiped off his sweat, looked at Chu Yun who was lying on the sofa and watched him doing things leisurely, and argued again: "Yunyun, you have to trust me, there is really nothing wrong, don't be angry anymore. "

Seeing how obedient he was, Chu Yun felt frustrated for a long time, even those netizens were still a little bit blocked. These melon-eating audiences just watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal.

She raised her eyebrows and adjusted her posture.Pretending to be angry: "How dare I be angry, you two are talented and beautiful, why should I be angry?"

Gu Juanzhi had no choice but to say, "It's no wonder you're not angry when you say that."

Feeling helpless and afraid of adding fuel to the fire and making her angry, he dared not argue.He could only look at her innocently.

Chu Yun folded her arms and looked into his eyes with an unhappy expression: "Don't look at me like that, it seems like I'm making trouble for no reason."

Gu Junzhi then obediently turned around and continued to do his own thing.

"I'm not angry about this matter, you go back and reflect on it yourself." Before Gu Junzhi could react, he was invited out.Gu Junzhi smiled helplessly and had no choice but to drive back.

Chu Yun stood at the door and watched the car gradually go away, her eyes were complicated and it was difficult to discern the emotions in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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