Mrs. Gu is getting divorced every day

Chapter 1024 Jealous of Chu Yun

Chapter 1024 Jealous of Chu Yun
Chu Yun ignored Chu Xiang's words, and walked directly past her to the bathroom.

She thought Chu Xiang would just leave, but when she came out of the bathroom, she saw Chu Xiang standing at the exit, staring at her with unconcealable envy and jealousy.

Chu Xiang stepped forward, looked at the clothes on her body, and said viciously: "Chu Yun, you woman, don't think that wearing good-looking clothes is the focus. You don't deserve this dress at all."

Chu Yun curled her lips and looked at the bustling crowd not far away, the smile on her face was not diminished by Chu Xiang's words at all.It was really inappropriate to lose my good mood because of her.

"Chu Xiang, is it because the prison guards are too gentle or the prison is too comfortable? I think you haven't learned to restrain yourself after being in prison once."

Hearing the word prison, Chu Xiang stared angrily.She gritted her teeth and shrugged her shoulders, trying to suppress her anger.

I don't want to make a fool of myself in front of everyone.She lowered her voice and looked at the woman in front of her fiercely.

"Bitch, you still have the nerve to mention this matter. If you hadn't framed me, I would have gone to jail for no reason."

Chu Yun curled her lips and looked at the person in front of her with cold eyes.In the last life, Chu Xiang harmed her and sent her to prison, but in this life, she is just repaying him in her own way.

Chu Yun sneered, her eyes were cold, and Chu Xiang's heart trembled as she watched.She didn't know that Chu Yun had such a cold side, but for the sake of her aura, she still tried her best to calm herself down.

"Because of me?" She sneered, glanced at her coldly, waved her hand, and casually took the wine glass on the table next to her.Put it in your hand and shake it: "Chu Xiang, it's your own retribution for you to go to prison, so why blame me."

When Chu Xiang heard that Chu Yun seemed to say that she deserved it, she immediately became furious.Walking up, he raised his hand and wanted to hit her.

"Don't talk nonsense. It's obviously you who framed me. It's you. Otherwise, how could I go in."

Chu Yun looked as usual, she shook the wine glass, and took a sip lightly.He raised his eyes, looked coldly at Chu Xiang in front of him, and leaned close to her ear.

"Miss Chu Xiang, why are you talking so loudly? It's possible that you want everyone to know that you are in prison. Don't forget, this is WG's reception, not at Chu's house. Who will lose face then? You weigh it yourself."

After hearing this, Chu Xiang put away her hands and looked around again.After confirming that no one was looking this way, I was relieved again.

Looking at Chu Yun, my heart is full of displeasure.This woman has actually learned to threaten herself.

Chu Yun raised a glass to her, and then drank the red wine in the glass.Then he walked past her gracefully, such a fearless attitude made Chu Xiang very unwilling.

She turned around and watched Chu Yun walking towards the bustling crowd dragging her long dress.A waiter carrying red wine walked past Chu Yun.Chu Xiang curled his lips and walked over.

She pretended to be like no one else and walked past the waiter.The waiter was busy delivering wine, and his steps were a little hurried, Chu Xiang stretched out his foot quietly.The waiter didn't pay attention, and fell down without accident, spilling the wine in his hand.

"Be careful!" the waiter exclaimed.Chu Yun turned her head, and the red wine happened to be spilled on her.Chu Yun was still a little stunned by the bright red liquid.Before he recovered, he felt a chill in his chest.

Everyone's eyes followed the exclamation.There was a crisp sound, the wine glass shattered, and unfortunately, red wine was spilled all over Chu Yun's clothes, and the wine fell down her hair.Chu Xiang next to him frowned, looking gloating.

(End of this chapter)

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