Chapter 1036
After eating, we are about to leave.

Father Weng got up, he didn't expect the time to pass so fast, he felt that he hadn't talked enough, he said: "We are leaving too, oh, let's talk better next time."

Gu's father also felt that the time passed quickly, so he sighed and said, "Okay, next time, we will have a good chat." Weng's father nodded, and then went out to wait for Weng Yi.

Weng Yi held Father Gu's hand and said reluctantly, "Uncle Gu, I didn't come to accompany you when I went abroad before. Now that I'm back, I will definitely come to accompany you often in the future."

Father Gu also held her hand and said hello.Gu Junzhi listened from the side, frowned, and said: "Miss Weng, it's better to come here less often in the future, so as not to be misunderstood by others."

Father Gu was a little displeased when he heard it, and stared straight at Gu Junzhi without saying a word.

When Chu Yun heard Gu Junzhi's words, the corners of Chu Yun's mouth curled slightly, um, well, she forgave him.

Weng Yi smiled awkwardly when she heard Gu Juanzhi's straightforward words, thinking in her heart that it would be better if others misunderstood her, she couldn't wait for it!

She looked at Chu Yun even more ruthlessly.Seeing her gaze, Chu Yun raised her eyebrows.Weng Yi was angry, but she still had a smile on her surface.

Weng Yi smiled and said, "What did brother Gu say! Uncle Gu, I'm leaving first, and I'll come to see you next time." After finishing speaking, she went out without waiting for them to say anything more.

Gu's father was also dissatisfied with Gu Juanzhi's words just now, so he reprimanded him lightly, and Gu Juanzhi shrugged.

Father Gu asked Gu Junzhi to see them off.

Seeing Gu Juanzhi come out, Weng Yi felt extremely happy, just about to say something to him, when she saw Chu Yun walking slowly and also coming out, "Dad asked us to see you off."

Weng Yi gave her a hard look from where Gu Junzhi couldn't see.Chu Yun just thought it was funny.

Before getting into the car, Weng Yi said in Chu Yun's ear: "You won't be proud for long, just wait, brother Gu will be mine in the end!"

Chu Yun also whispered in her ear, "You don't have that chance."

Weng Yi snorted coldly, got into the car with small steps and walked straight away.

Gu Junzhi asked Chu Yun what they said just now, Chu Yun smiled slightly, "It's okay." Seeing that Chu Yun didn't say anything, he stopped asking.


Recently, WG and Yuyi have collaborated on several co-branded bags that have received a good response in the market.

After listening to the secretary's report, Chu Yun was quite satisfied: "That's right, continue." The secretary also reported some relevant information, and then asked: "President, do we want to have a joint name too?"

"No." Chu Yun resolutely refused.

"Why?" The secretary was puzzled. This joint name has received a good response from the market, so why not seize the opportunity to do the same.

"It's possible, but it's not necessary. Besides, I have my own ideas." Although the response to the joint name was very good, it doesn't mean that the response will be good every time, so Chu Yun refused. Besides, she had other ideas. .

"Understood." The secretary was about to leave.Chu Yun called her to stop, and said: "Go and check the relevant data again, and then go to market research, and bring the report to me."

"Okay, is there any other orders for the president?"

"No, you go out and do your work first."

"Okay." After finishing speaking, the secretary walked out and gently closed the office door.

Chu Yun stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office and looked outside, all high-rise buildings.

But I don't know what I'm thinking in my heart, I think about some things but I can't think of them, I think about it, and suddenly I think of what Weng Yi said that day, and the corner of my mouth draws an arc, I really can't control myself.

Now that she has let her talk like this, she can't pretend that she didn't hear it. Since she is reborn, then she will play with them and get back one by one from the previous life!Chu Yun is not so easy to bully now!
There was a hint of sinisterness in his eyes, completely different from the past

(End of this chapter)

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