Mrs. Gu is getting divorced every day

Chapter 1060 Feng Ruijin's Intention

Chapter 1060 Feng Ruijin's Intention
"Feng Enterprise..." Gu Junzhi pondered for a while.When he heard the knock on the door, Gu Junzhi knew it was the assistant.Without raising his head, he said, "Come in." The assistant put the document on the desk and said, "Mr. Gu, this is the document you pushed back last time, take a look."

Gu Junzhi opened the first document, and entered a few large words, Feng's Enterprise.Gu Junzhi raised his eyebrows, it took no effort at all.The assistant explained from the side: "It's like this, Mr. Gu. Mr. Feng invited you to a reception last time, but you asked for leave that time. I declined."

Gu Junzhi nodded to express his understanding and said, "How about this multinational company?" The assistant thought for a while: "Mr. Feng's company headquarters is abroad, and Feng's enterprises have a good development prospect in China."

Gu Junzhi looked down at the four black characters of Feng's Enterprise, smiled meaningfully, and said, "Go to Feng's, just say that I want to make an appointment with Mr. Feng for a meal to express my apology for last time."

The assistant nodded and said good, and left the office.Gu Junzhi leaned on the back of the chair, and tied the hair on his forehead. "What is Feng's purpose? Why did he want to harm Chu Yun?" No matter what, there is a price to be paid for moving Chu Yun.All will be known tomorrow.

Gu Junzhi invited Feng Ruijin to an antique restaurant, which was owned by Chu Yun's favorite Yuansheng Group.Gu Junzhi is also a frequent visitor here, and he and Chu Yun have a private box here.The window of the box can see the cars on the road, which is a place with a wide perspective.

After a while, Feng Ruijin's car arrived.Gu Junzhi straightened his clothes and walked out of the private box.Just kidding, can Feng Ruijin enter the box between him and Chu Yun?
Feng Ruijin looked like he was in his early thirties, he was eating well, and he was smiling like a smiling tiger. "Where's Mr. Gu?" Feng Ruijin rubbed the bodhi seed and swayed into the door.

"Mr. Feng, Mr. Gu is waiting for you in the moon-shaped box above." Gu Junzhi's assistant said firmly, "Please follow me." Then he took Feng Ruijin upstairs.

Before seeing him, he heard his voice first, and he couldn't see Feng Ruijin's face clearly through the screen. Of course, if Feng Ruijin was not the murderer of Chu Yun, he wouldn't even look at him.

"Yo Yo Yo, Mr. Gu has been waiting for a long time! Feng is ashamed." Having said that, Feng Ruijin didn't look ashamed at all. "Soon, Mr. Feng will sit down." Gu Junzhi always said little to outsiders.

Mr. Feng moved his body and sat down, looked around for a while, and said: "As expected, it is a restaurant under the name of Yuansheng Group, and it is high-end. When I saw you today, Mr. Gu is still young and promising!"

Gu Juanzhi had a lot of polite words in business, listening to his words made me sick for a while, but his face was still as plain as water. "It can't compare to Mr. Feng." After speaking, he pushed the evidence to Feng Ruijin.

Looking at the evidence in front of him, Feng Ruijin's face changed slightly, and he changed his previous smile and said: "Mr. Gu is really outspoken! Mr. Gu was waiting for me here. It turns out Mr. Gu came to talk to me."

Gu Junzhi ignored his question, and said to himself: "Why are you trying to harm Chu's company?" Gu Junzhi didn't have time to beat around the bush with him, and asked him what he wanted to ask directly, after all, his time was precious.

"Mr. Gu is really blunt." Feng Ruijin smiled and sighed and said: "It seems that this meal is not available, it's a pity this box." Seeing that he refused to speak, Gu Junzhi narrowed his eyes.

Feng Ruijin knows how to read words and expressions, and at this moment he also understands that he has to say something.No matter how well a multinational company develops, it is only a branch. "Mr. Gu, don't be angry, I didn't say I won't say it, right?"

Gu Junzhi poured a cup of tea for himself, and it flowed like flowing water.He touched the wall of the teapot and said, "Tell me." Feng Ruijin smiled and said, "Mr. Gu, I'm not really interested. Don't you think... all of this is very interesting?"

(End of this chapter)

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