Mrs. Gu is getting divorced every day

Chapter 1062 Finding Chu Xiang

Chapter 1062 Finding Chu Xiang
The servant came in with new clothes, and she asked hoarsely, "How did I get back yesterday?"

The servant was stunned for a moment, his eyes were full of bewilderment, and after a few seconds of reaction, he said: "Miss, I don't know this very well. Yesterday I went back to rest early because of illness."

Chu Yun noticed that the servant's face looked a little pale, and knowing that she was not lying, the doubts in her heart became heavier.

"Go and help me make a bowl of soup, my head hurts, and I need to tidy up the room."

After ordering the servants, she quickly changed into her clothes and went to the living room. At the same time, Feng Ruijin had been sitting in silence for nearly an hour in the office of the CEO of the Feng Group since Gu Junzhi left.

The assistant opened the door and came in. When he saw Feng Ruijin, a strange look flashed across his eyes, "Boss Feng, here's what you asked for."

Feng Ruijin came back to his senses and took the document, which contained information related to Chu Yun. He slightly bent his mouth, scanned the information with his eyes, and the smile disappeared.

"The things you investigated are useless at all." He threw the things on the table angrily and said.

The assistant was stunned for a moment, and quickly said: "Mr. Feng, it's not useless. Chu Yun has a younger sister named Chu Xiang. Because Chu Yun married Gu Junzhi, I have a lot of resentment towards this sister in my heart!"

Hearing the sound, Feng Ruijin moved his body slightly in surprise, and rarely became interested, "Be more specific!"

"Chu Xiang likes Gu Junzhi, but Gu Junzhi married his older sister. Anyone would have resentment in their hearts, even if they are real sisters!"

Feng Ruijin supported his chin with both hands, and listened thoughtfully. He was worried that he would not find a chance to make a move, but he did not expect that God would send the opportunity to him so soon.

He smiled, raised his eyes and said to his assistant: "Help me contact Chu Xiang, just say that I want to invite her to dinner."

On the other side, Chu Xiang was enjoying the quiet time in the afternoon alone in a high-end restaurant, but was interrupted by a sudden ringing of the mobile phone.

She glanced at the phone impatiently, picked it up and said, "Who is there? What do you need from me?"

"Miss Chu Xiang, our president wants to treat you to dinner tomorrow, and I hope you can come over then."

When the voice of the assistant came over the phone, Chu Xiang frowned suspiciously and asked, "President? Who is it?"

"Feng Ruijin, Mr. Feng."

Hearing the sound, Chu Xiang frowned, and directly refused: "Sorry, I'm not interested, if there's nothing else, then I'll hang up first!"

"Could it be that Ms. Chu is willing to watch the man she likes and her sister show affection under her nose?"

Just a second before she hung up, the voice on the phone made her freeze. She squeezed the phone tightly, her knuckles turning white.

"How do you know?" She lowered her voice, as if she was trying her best to suppress her temper.

She finally decided to let herself get out of this matter to relax, but she didn't expect that someone directly opened the wound in her heart again.

Feeling that Chu Xiang had taken the bait, the assistant smiled triumphantly and said, "I want to know the specifics, and I will know everything when I meet with Mr. Feng tomorrow!"

After leaving this sentence, the assistant hung up the phone directly, and Chu Xiang stared at the phone, but he was not in the mood to enjoy afternoon tea.

After struggling all night, the next day, she still went to the restaurant Feng Ruijin had reserved as scheduled. As soon as she arrived, Feng Ruijin greeted her very warmly.

"Miss Chu, you are welcome."

Chu Xiang looked at him a few times and asked, "President Feng, what do you need from me?"

Feng Ruijin pursed his lips slightly, and said, "Miss Chu, I think my assistant has already told you why I came here, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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