Chapter 1069
"So, brother Junzhi, I really didn't do what happened to my sister's company, you have to trust me."

Seeing that Chu Xiang was crying more and more sadly, Gu Juan became restless for a while.

"Enough is enough, I don't want this to happen again in the future."

"Even if you didn't do it, I will blame it on you."

Gu Junzhi stroked his eyes wearily.

Chu Xiang, who had been crying hard all the time, took a sneak peek at Gu Junzhi, and seeing that Gu Junzhi wasn't paying attention, she secretly took out the fan powder she had prepared earlier and poured it into a red wine glass.

"Brother Junzhi, Xiang'er promises that in the future, he will obediently help his sister manage the company and not do anything to offend her."

Chu Xiang picked up the glass of red wine with "seasoning" and brought it in front of Gu Junzhi.The eyes that had just cried were watery and misty, so pitiful.

Gu Junzhi saw that she was Yun'er's biological sister, who was still five years younger, and felt that she should not be so scheming with the child, so he drank all the red wine in one gulp.

Seeing that Gu Junzhi drank the wine, Chu Xiang smiled secretly.

'Ah.Chu Yun, even if Brother Junzhi marries you, so what, in the end I won't win, you can't beat me. '

Gu Junzhi got up and was about to invite Chu Xiang to leave, but he felt waves of weakness spreading from his back to his head.

"Damn it." Gu Juan's words fell on the sofa.

"I didn't expect the medicine to take effect so quickly, brother Junzhi, you are finally mine alone."

Chu Xiang climbed up to Gu Junzhi's face with both hands, stroked it lightly, then stretched his hands down and unbuttoned the two buttons of his shirt, revealing his beautiful collarbone, and he could faintly see the firm texture .

Chu Xiang raised her hand and pulled her clothes back to reveal the spring light on her chest. She had to say that although she was five years younger than Chu Yun, she was well-grown and had everything she should have.

After everything was ready, Chu Xiang clung to Gu Junzhi and took out his phone to take a few photos, and edited Weibo contentedly.

There is a love behind the ideal in the world.

Just four short words attracted the attention of netizens as soon as they were issued.And in just a few minutes, this Weibo reached the top ten most searched.

The bottle was knocked over for you: "Does everyone look familiar? Isn't this man Gu Junzhi from Yuansheng Group?"

Misty fog: "It's only after the person upstairs said this that I remembered that Mrs. Gu married Chu Yun, the daughter of Chu's family. Why would the second lady of the Chu family be with him?"

People from Za'an who like to eat jelly: "Who knows, the aristocratic circle of wealthy families is the most chaotic, so it's not good for us to eat melons with peace of mind!"

Soon, these three comments were ranked among the top three.And Weibo became even more popular.

Chu Xiang looked at the comments on Weibo and laughed unscrupulously: "Oh, my dear sister must have seen Weibo, I can't imagine what she looks like at this moment."

At the same time, Chu Yun, who was locked in the room, clicked on Weibo and saw the second most searched Weibo.The moment she clicked in, Chu Yun couldn't help it anymore, tears couldn't help falling down, and her mentality burst out of the sky.

"Didn't you say that you will deal with it? Why is this happening? You must be lying to me, right! Yes, you must be lying to me." Chu Yun kept touching her tears while opening the phone book Call Gu Junzhi.

Beep~beep "Sorry, the user you dialed is in the middle of a call, please try again later..." Called several times in a row but no one answered.

Chu Xiang looked at the phone playfully, and picked up the phone when it rang for the sixth time, "Hello."

"Chu Xiang, what exactly do you want to do?" Chu Yun's mentality was blown up, and her voice was freezing cold.

"Sister, things are just as you think. Brother Junzhi likes me, that's why he's with me. Sister, you should help us." Chu Xiang's voice revealed innocence.

(End of this chapter)

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