Chapter 107 Reconciliation and Homecoming
Chu Yun has been preoccupied when she came out of the consultation room.

It was about this time in the previous life. Father Chu was diagnosed with a serious illness. During that time, many bad things happened in the family. My mother never knew how to manage business, so I gave my opponent a chance.

At home, Chu Xiang has been adding to the chaos.

Although it was still taken over by her in the end, it was almost a mess. It took her a lot of time and energy to restore the company to the grandeur it had when Father Chu was there.

And now, she will never let this kind of thing happen again.

Especially for her father's condition, she must find a way to get them to come to the hospital for a physical examination as soon as possible.

After paying the fee, Chu Yun went back to the ward to pick up Gu Junzhi, and the two left the hospital hand in hand, but unexpectedly, there were paparazzi squatting beside the hospital, and Gu Junzhi's going to the hospital quickly made the headlines of major media .

The two only found out about this when they returned home. At that time, Gu Junzhi had already gone to the company to deal with matters, and Chu Yun was thinking about how to abduct her parents to the hospital at home.

But the headache is that now my mother is still angry with her.

When Chu Yun thought of this, she suddenly felt a little bit pained. Chu Xiang really caused her a lot of trouble.


Inside the Chu residence.

After Mother Chu leisurely watered the succulents in the courtyard, she came to the hall to watch TV, and accidentally clicked on a station, which was playing entertainment gossip headlines.

Thinking of Chu Yun, she subconsciously stopped pressing the remote control in her hand.

Let's talk about this daughter, who entered the entertainment industry, but they were so worried.

Mother Chu stared at the TV, and felt that the figure on the back looked familiar. She took a closer look and saw the title: "The president of a certain group was bitten by a dog and was sent to the hospital."

And this figure from the back is none other than her son-in-law, Gu Junzhi, whom she is very familiar with.

Chu's mother was suddenly upset, worried about what happened to the children, she quickly took out her mobile phone and dialed Chu Yun's number.

Chu Yun looked at the pinging mobile phone on the coffee table, and there was a caller ID on the screen saver. She glanced at it and quickly picked it up.

"Yunyun, I just watched TV, what happened to Junzhi? Is there something wrong?"

Chu Yun was stunned for a moment when Mother Chu's caring voice came, and she realized her mother's worry, "It's okay, Mom, I've already had an injection."

"That's good, that's good." Mother Chu's high-pitched heart finally fell.

Chu Yun hesitated to speak, opened her mouth, but didn't know where to start, "Mom..."

"Yunyun, if you are free, come back more often and have dinner with mom. Before, it was mom who didn't understand and misunderstood you, hey."

"Mom, don't say that. I know you care about me. I did make a mistake. I will change it in the future."

"Good, good."

When Chu's mother saw Chu Yun's weakness, her heart was full of tenderness, her daughter was fine no matter what.

"Mom, I'm going home for dinner tonight." She decided to act as soon as possible, otherwise a day later would be more dangerous.

"What about Junzhi?"

"He's busy at the company these days, so he won't be back."

Thinking of Gu Junzhi, Chu Yun was also very helpless, she had been bitten by a dog, but she was still so dedicated, she curled her lips.

I also feel a little uncomfortable in my heart, but it's just a little bit.

After all, Gu Junzhi was busy with business, so it wasn't that he didn't want to accompany her.

"Okay, then I'll prepare something delicious for you tonight, and you should come back early."

Chu Yun said hello, and the two hung up the phone. She sent a message to Gu Junzhi and went back to her room to pack her things.

After packing up, she suppressed the expectation in her heart, picked up the phone and unlocked it, and a line of eye-catching words came into view.

Gu Junzhi: Okay, be careful on the road. I will pick you up in a few days. The company is busy these days, so I can't accompany you. Pay attention to your own safety.

Knowing this is the case, but actually seeing it, she is still a little disappointed, but she is not a child, and it will be fine if she leaves for a while.

Chu Yun packed up her mood, took her bag to the garage, and drove home.


When she got home, she was surprised to find that Chu's father was there, "Dad, did you come back so early today?"

You know, he usually doesn't come home until ninety o'clock.

"Your dad knew you were coming back today, so he made a special effort to rush back to have dinner with you."

Chu's mother glanced at Chu's silent father, and explained for him that they had been waiting at home for a long time, knowing that she was going home today, and the table was full of her favorite meals.

Chu Yun's heart felt hot.

"Come, come, eat quickly, it won't taste good when it gets cold later."

Chu's mother took Chu Yun to the restaurant, and Chu's father silently followed behind. The family was very harmonious.

At the dinner table, Chu Yun looked at her mouth and nose, thinking about how to bring up the matter of going to the doctor with the two of them, "Mom and Dad, how often do you usually have a physical examination?"

She started with a random topic.

"You mean hospital checkup? I do it once every six months. Your dad is usually very busy. It seems like he hasn't been there for a long time."

Chu's mother thought about it seriously, and looked at Chu's father uncertainly, Chu's father nodded, "It's been a long time since I went to the hospital."

"That won't work, you have to pay attention to your health, especially since you often sit in the office, Dad, you must have regular physical examinations."

Using this excuse, Chu Yun secretly persuaded Chu's father to go to the hospital for a physical examination.

"Let's talk about it, the company still has something to do, and your father is in good health."

She was a little anxious, and stared at Dad Chu without blinking, her eyes were full of seriousness, "Dad, you really need to pay attention to your body."

Seeing Chu Yun being so filial, Chu's father and Chu's mother were very comforted, but Chu's father was still perfunctory.

He was still busy with work and usually left early and returned late, so he didn't take Chu Yun's words to heart at all, and Gu Junzhi hadn't contacted her for a long time because of the company's affairs.

Should he have a job and forget his wife?
Chu Yun thought to herself, the more she thought about it, the more annoying she became, her brows almost knit together, it was so annoying that she couldn't help calling Lin Yudai.

Get someone to advise her.

"Yu Dai, if you say I don't contact him, will he not contact me?"

Chu Yun asked on her own, without feeling that the question she asked was silly.

Lin Yudai laughed out loud, never expecting that Chu Yun would have a day when she would be troubled by love.

"Why are you laughing? You're still laughing. I'm already like this. My dad doesn't listen to me. If he doesn't go to the hospital for an examination, what do you think I should do?"

"Haha, Gu Junzhi has something to do. When he finishes his work, you ask him to apologize to you." Lin Yudai didn't take it seriously, the two were happily married, and the occasional quarrel was still fun.

Chu Yun nodded on the other end of the phone. Thinking of Gu Junzhi's apology to her afterwards, she suddenly looked forward to it, "That's right, it's not him."

"Are you worried about your dad's health?"

"Yeah, my dad hasn't had a physical examination for a long time. He always sits in an office and works long hours. Yu Dai, you have to ask your parents to pay attention to their health."

Chu Yun thought of Lin Yudai's parents, and reminded her, after all, the body is really important.

Lin Yudai smiled, "I have a good idea."

"What a good idea?" Chu Yun asked curiously.

"You can say that you want a physical examination, and ask your uncle and aunt to do it along the way!"

(End of this chapter)

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