Chapter 1080 Weird

After Gu Junzhi left the hospital, he immediately took the elevator to the underground parking lot, found his car, stepped on the gas pedal, and quickly ran towards the location of the factory.

The factory has always been in good condition, but it suddenly caught fire today. The previous fire prevention work was done well, and it also passed the inspection of the fire department. It is impossible to cause a fire due to improper fire protection, so the cause of the fire is too much. Weird.

The more Gu Junzhi thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong, and the accelerator under his feet became faster and faster. Instead of following the usual path, he took another, shorter path, abruptly shortening the original 10-minute journey. After halfway through, we barely reached the gate of the factory.

The car braked urgently on the concrete floor, grinding a deep black skid mark on the ground, and the tires rubbed against the ground strongly, making a harsh and sharp sound.

Gu Juanzhi turned off the ignition, opened the car door and walked down. The assistant who had been waiting for a long time was standing at the gate of the factory. When he saw Gu Juanzhi, his eyes lit up immediately, and he quickly stepped forward to greet Gu Juanzhi: "President, The firefighters are putting out the fire inside, and it's almost extinguished now, would you like to go in and have a look?"

"Well, let's go." Gu Junzhi lifted his foot and walked into the factory. As soon as he entered, he could smell a pungent and unpleasant temperature.

The air was filled with the pungent smell of burning after the fire, filling the entire warehouse. Some of the equipment needed for production had been burned to the point where there was only an empty shelf left. Water was dripping everywhere in the warehouse. It was scorched black everywhere, and one could imagine how big the fire was just by looking at the bleak look in front of him.

Gu Junzhi's eyes darkened slightly, he continued to walk forward without saying a word, and the assistant followed him step by step.In the deepest part of the factory, several firefighters in red fire suits were spraying water guns at the pile of burning materials. The water column was very large, and it didn't take long to extinguish the last burning place in the entire factory. up.

"Thank you." Gu Juanzhi said politely to the firefighters, one of the firefighters shook his head lightly and said, "This is what we should do, but you may be sad, the whole The materials in the factory were all destroyed by the fire, and there are almost no complete ones."

"Everything was burned?" Gu Junzhi frowned when he heard that, feeling more and more strange about this matter.

The firefighter nodded and continued: "Yeah, we also find it strange. Although the fire is big, it doesn't burn all the materials. Besides, the materials in your factory are all scattered."

Gu Junzhi silently kept this matter in his heart, but on the surface it was as usual, asking the assistant to send the firefighters off.

He stood alone in the huge warehouse, looking at the pile of burnt materials in front of him, his eyes were dark, and he was secretly thinking about something in his heart.

"President." The assistant walked to Gu Junzhi's side and said softly, "From my subordinate's point of view, the fire in the factory happened too suddenly, and there is a feeling that someone deliberately did it."

"En." Gu Junzhi pondered for a while, and then ordered: "Go and investigate this matter, and by the way, also investigate the matter of Chu Yun's poisoning in the restaurant. I think these two matters may be related."

"Okay, President." The assistant hurriedly left to investigate the cause of these two incidents, and was very busy.Gu Junzhi drove back to the hospital.

The assistant's speed was very fast, and he had checked and called Gu Junzhi while he was still on the road.

"Tell me, do you have any clues?" Gu Junzhi stared at the traffic lights ahead and spoke slowly.

"President... It seems that someone is indeed playing tricks behind the scenes. The cause of these two incidents can't be found at all. They were completely wiped out, leaving us no clues." The assistant said a little discouraged.

"I see."

(End of this chapter)

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