Chapter 1087 Warning
It may be because the journey was too long, just arrived at the pre-booked hotel, Chu Yun fell asleep on the bed without even taking a shower.

Before going to sleep, Chu Yun hugged Gu Junzhi in a little daze, and said softly, "Junzhi, don't go, okay?"

Gu Junzhi's heart softened immediately, he touched Chu Yun's little head, "Okay."

"Before at home, you said it yourself, and you won't be provoked by cats and dogs outside..."

"I promise our little girl..." Gu Junzhi said softly, watching Chu Yun gradually fall asleep, then stood up, and gently kissed her goodnight on her forehead, "Goodnight."

He sat on the sofa in the guest room, with his legs crossed, his eyes indifferent and cold.

Everyone knows what Weng Yi is going to do when he comes to the United States.

Gu Junzhi turned on Chu Yun's mobile phone by the bedside, sent a message to Weng Yi with her mobile phone, then deleted the record, and put the mobile phone back to its original place.

A good night's dream.

The weather in the United States is very good, and the homestay facing the sea is also very sunny. Chu Yun felt the embrace of the sun early in the morning.

The bed was very soft, big and comfortable. Last night was the most peaceful time since Chu's experience of ups and downs.

Chu Yun stretched her waist, tilted her head and looked beside her, but found that there was no one there.

"Junzhi?" Chu Yun called in a low voice, but there was no response.

She sat up, but found a post-it note written by Gu Junzhi on the bedside table.

"Yunyun, you must remember to eat breakfast after you wake up. If you don't want to go downstairs, you can call room service, and they will deliver the food. I went out to buy you a swimsuit, you little idiot, you don't even remember to bring your swimsuit when you go out to play!"

Chu Yun's face turned red all of a sudden.

Gu Junzhi went to buy her a swimsuit? !There is a sense of picture when you think about it.

Not daring to think too much, Chu Yun got out of bed and called room service, waiting for her breakfast to arrive.

At this time, Gu Junzhi was standing at the agreed position, wearing sunglasses, his expression under the sunglasses was as cold as ever.

Weng Yi was late.She thought it was Chu Yun who asked her out, so she dressed up for a while, and even sprayed on the perfume she just bought yesterday, wanting to show off.

But who knew that the one standing here waiting for her was not Chu Yun, but Gu Junzhi!
Different emotions flashed in Weng Yi's eyes, and she came to Gu Junzhi's side coyly and pretending to be coquettish.

"Junzhi, so you asked me out..."

Gu Junzhi didn't take off his sunglasses, and he didn't even move at all, as if the person waiting was not Weng Yi.

After a long time, he said without emotion, "Miss, please stay away from the two of us in the future."

Before Weng Yi had time to take a step closer, Gu Junzhi had already blocked him thousands of miles away.

She didn't expect Gu Junzhi to be so straightforward, without thinking about her own face at all.

Seeing that Weng Yi was still about to speak, Gu Junzhi interrupted directly, "I'm sorry, my lady is still waiting for me, excuse me."

In less than 3 minutes, Weng Yi's fantasy date was over.

Weng Yi, who was alone in place, was distraught.

What's so good about her, Chu Yun!

No matter what, Gu Junzhi can only belong to her, Weng Yi...

After leaving Weng Yi, Gu Junzhi returned to the swimsuit shop and brought the swimsuit he had already bought back to the homestay.

"You are back, Junzhi!" Chu Yun did not expect Gu Junzhi to come back so soon, "I just finished breakfast!"

Gu Junzhi handed the swimsuit to Chu Yun, "Put on the swimsuit, let's go exercise on the beach behind!"

It has to be said that the swimsuit Gu Junzhi chose was very suitable for Chu Yun. When the two of them appeared on the beach behind the hotel in swimsuits, they attracted almost everyone's attention.

The boy has a strong figure, and the girl has a graceful figure, and the two walk together hand in hand, it must be a relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend.

What a match made in heaven!

Chu Yun noticed that many eyes were cast on her, and she didn't know what to do for a while, she didn't pay attention to her feet, and stepped directly on a shell.

The shell was a little sticky, and Chu Yun staggered, almost falling.

Fortunately, Gu Junzhi discovered something was wrong with the little girl early on, and helped Chu Yun in time to prevent her from making a fool of herself in front of everyone.

Chu Yun lowered her head, rubbed her little hands nervously, and muffled, "Thank you..."

(End of this chapter)

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