Mrs. Gu is getting divorced every day

Chapter 1090 Gu Junzhi I Hate You

Chapter 1090 Gu Junzhi I Hate You

Weng Yi clutched her left face, her eyes were filled with shame and anger, and what was more, was cold despair!
"Gu Junzhi! I, ruthless, you!"

Gritting her teeth, Weng Yi felt that her life was collapsing, it was wind, it was rain, it was muddy, and she was in a mess.

Covering her face, Weng Yi simply couldn't pass her own test in her heart!How could she have been beaten so contemptuously since she was a child?

No, not once!

Only, Gu Junzhi, he is a lunatic who doesn't know how to sympathize with others!
In order to prove his love, for the little bitch Chu Yun, he is no longer the Gu Junzhi he was back then.

Weng Yi, who ran out of the hotel, let the breeze gently blow her tears!Her long hair fluttered wildly in the wind.

Love turns out to be only bitter!

The pain touched my own soul, and the sting was desperate again and again.


Seeing Weng Yi who ran out of the homestay, Gu Junzhi raised his eyebrows, and the big hand that slapped Weng Yi was still trembling slightly.

He is not cruel, he just wants to tell Weng Yi a fact!For love, for Chu Yun, he would rather be an enemy of the world!
Weng Yi can't do it, and neither can anyone else!

No matter who it is, he will never let anyone hurt Chu Yun. Chu Yun is the most important thing in his heart, not one of them.

Seeing Chu Yun's stupidity, and seeing the direction Weng Yi ran out from, Gu Junzhi's heart warmed and softened at the same time.

Although Chu Yun sometimes speaks unforgivingly, her heart is always warm, and she only deals with things and not with people.

Even if Weng Yi made such a fuss over and over again, Chu Yun only satirized and quarreled, and never thought of taking revenge on the other party. "Are you scared? My big baby?" Gu Junzhi coaxed her sweetly, softly, and his warm big hands rubbed her little head again, giving her warmth and strength.

"No." Chu Yun shook her head, and opened her beautiful eyes again, as if looking at an alien, looking at Gu Juanzhi's whole body.

"That's right, you did it so suddenly just now, isn't it too much for a girl like Weng Yi?" Chu Yun pouted her cute mouth and asked a little unhappy.

"Besides, I can take action in this kind of thing where two women fight for a husband, but you can't understand? It's a bit rude! You are a very high-ranking CEO!" Chu Yun looked disgusted and turned over. With beautiful white eyes.

Gu Junzhi blushed slightly, also embarrassed. "..."

"Understood, beautiful baby, what you taught me a lesson!" Gu Junzhi replied with a smile on his face, frowning.

"It's not a question of whether I taught you a lesson. It's you who did this. It's too thoughtless. You can't refuse her once, and you can refuse her again. Why do you want to beat her? What's more, she She's still a girl who likes you. It's always wrong to hit someone! Do you understand?" Chu Yunku widened her beautiful eyes, persuading her sincerely, but she didn't want Gu Junzhi to be too ruthless. Yes, it's unsightly.

Cover your face.

"Yes, Madam taught me that!" Gu Juanzhi answered kindly.

In fact, he also knew that Chu Yun must have softened her heart again.

It's just that he really didn't want to see someone disturbing the beautiful world between him and Chu Yun again.Otherwise, every time is not so pleasant, it is really annoying.

"I, I don't want you to change yourself too much because of me, do you understand?" Chu Yun raised her little head, lying in Gu Junzhi's arms, whispering like a kitten.

(End of this chapter)

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