Chapter 154
I'm afraid that in the end this woman would take him with her after playing with fire and setting herself on fire. He's not that stupid.

Boss Jin was angry, ignored Bai Xin, and withdrew from Wenrouxiang, leaving Bai Xin alone on the bed.

Looking at the wretched appearance of the man taking a bath through the frosted glass, Bai Xin clenched her fists secretly, and said to herself: "Chu Yun, I won't let you go."

Originally, she hated Chu Yun, but Boss Jin's words made her even more angry. Why?
Why can't she get what she can get? How can I be worse than her?If you want to be tall and handsome, how can you not be as good as a Chu Yun who climbs into the bed?
Her own thoughts are dirty, and she still wants to pour dirty water on others, Bai Xin is really shameless.

Bai Xin was angry, she tidied herself up casually, and went to the filming crew to film. She was upset early in the morning and had no intention of filming.

Just sitting in the dressing room and getting ready to put on clothes, the coffee brought by the assistant was knocked over by her suddenly outstretched hand, scalding the assistant.


A scream pierced through this place, and looking towards Shengyuan, it wasn't the assistant who made the harsh sound, but Bai Xin.

Seeing that Bai Xin was only splashed on her clothes, but still made a fuss, all the managers came over and accused the little assistant one after another.

"How do you do it? You're clumsy. Do you know how expensive her clothes are? You can't even afford ten of your salary!" The manager said angrily, and wiped Bai Xin with a tissue, looking like a dog.

The assistant was scalded and felt wronged. He was a newcomer and was yelled at by his seniors. Tears of grievance kept rolling in his eyes, but they didn't drip down for a long time.

Bai Xin also had an impatient look on her face, "Forget it, get out, I don't want to see you."

Still holding a used tissue, he threw it on the assistant's head.

Her heart was not going well, and Bai Xin was not in a good state during the shooting. The director looked impatient and asked her to shoot over and over again, striving for the perfect shot.

Bai Xin was upset, "Director! You're endless. You've shot this scene seven or eight times. Are you a professional? If you don't know how to shoot, don't shoot!"

After leaving, she turned her head and went back to the dressing room instead of going to the shed.

Today was really unlucky, the director's constant "blocking" made her very impatient.

The more unlucky thing was yet to come. Whether it was just playing big names in the shed or being mean to the assistant, they were all photographed by a paparazzi who came to film the relationship between Chu Yun and Gu Junzhi.

"I've been squatting here for a whole day, but I didn't find the real master. It's such a good news. It's enough to take it back." The paparazzi looked at Bai Xin's ghost in the picture, and smiled shamelessly.

"What's wrong with you? I just told you today that I wanted to avoid the limelight, so why did it become a trending topic again? Don't you think there are not enough troubles?" Boss Jin bombarded Bai Xin with a phone call, scolding Bai Xin without knowing what to say. measures.

What happened to her?
Sensing that something was wrong, Bai Xin turned on her phone and saw the trending search that day, "Bai Xin playing big names", and she was sentenced to death in just five words. Playing big names is the most taboo thing for celebrities.

"It must be Chu Yun's fault!"

Regardless of whether it was Chu Yun's fault or not, as long as something unfavorable to Bai Xin happened, Bai Xin thought it was Chu Yun's fault, and her hatred for Chu Yun had reached its peak.

Bai Xin logged into the trumpet, left a comment on Weibo, and immediately became the number one commenter, instigating fans to attack Chu Yun. If it wasn't for the paparazzi who photographed her here, how could she be photographed.

"Xinxin is so innocent and cute, how could it be her? It's that cold-faced Chu Yun, she doesn't seem to be a good person at first sight."

"Bai Xin? How is it possible, take her away."


All kinds of sailors swarmed up, and with Bai Xin's instigation, the fans automatically formed a small group, ready to block Chu Yun at the entrance of the filming base of "Twins".

"Chu Yun! Get out! Don't be timid, come out and confront us if you have the ability!"

"Yes! Get out, don't let our Bai Xin take the blame for you, you shameless woman!"

"A woman who climbs to the top of the bed is not qualified to be a heroine!"


Holding signs, a group of people insulted Chu Yun at the door without saying anything good. Seeing this scene, Bai Xin felt much more comfortable.

Seeing a group of brainless boys and girls scolding Chu Yun, Bai Xin watched by the window, the corner of her mouth smiling more and more.

Chu Yun was also at a loss. She just came to the set, why are there so many people blocking her?

Chu Yun didn't bother to respond to the provocations from outsiders. It must be Bai Xin's fault again. Knowing that her black material was trending, she pulled her back, shameless.

Chu Yun was still calmly sitting in the tea room drinking coffee, looking at the lines in her hand, and playing with Xiaoxiao, "Look at this, it shouldn't be like this."

"Chu Yun! You've made the shed a mess, and now there are so many people criticizing you, can you restrain yourself?" Bai Xin came angrily to scold her. She didn't care why she couldn't understand Chu Yun's picture. What does it look like?
Xiaoxiao was a little timid, and didn't dare to continue playing with Chu Yun. Chu Yun frowned, and threw the script on the table, "Xiaoxiao, you come to play the heroine. I'll see if there is anything I need to add."

"Chu Yun!"

Being ignored by Chu Yun more than once or twice, Bai Xin felt that she was devastated every time, but she didn't know how to get it back.

"Xiaoxiao, it's too noisy, let's move to another place." Chu Yun held a coffee cup and smiled, as if she didn't see Bai Xin in her eyes.

He bumped into her shoulder and walked over, turning his head to apologize, and raised the quilt in his hand to signal, "Sorry, I didn't stand firmly."

What's the deal?Bai Xin's back molars were itchy, looking at Chu Yun's face, she wanted to tear her to pieces.

Time passed quickly, and in this restless atmosphere, Chu Yun's role was over, and the filming of the whole drama was basically over, leaving only some shots that needed to be re-shot.

"My drama is over, and I want to take a vacation for myself recently." Chu Yun tidied herself up and went to Gu Junzhi's company, and sat casually beside Gu Junzhi, reading documents with him who was working overtime.

"You are stealing the teacher." Gu Junzhi smiled lightly, sat down and patiently explained some proper nouns and terms to her, and let her ask questions. In this quiet atmosphere, the relationship between the two slowly warmed up. , the physical contact from time to time also made the two look at each other, and a warm current slowly flowed through the hearts of the two, exuding an unknown ambiguous atmosphere.

"Let's go home for dinner together later. Dad's birthday is coming soon. He hopes we can go there together to celebrate his birthday."

"That's right, it's going to be Dad's birthday soon." Gu Junzhi almost forgot if he didn't mention Chu Yun, next week is Gu's father's birthday, but she hasn't had time to prepare the present yet.

Gift?What kind of gift should be prepared? Chu Yun was a little helpless. One of the problems in the world is to give gifts to elders.

(End of this chapter)

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