Chapter 165
Gu Junzhi saw Chu Yun's ecstasy, but he was also angry in his heart.

Obviously such a big thing happened at the birthday party, but she didn't tell him about it and took it on herself.

There was also that Sun Nan, the woman who had the guts to attack him openly.

Seeing that the two of them stopped talking, Han Qingmei touched her nose and retreated, "Xiaoyun, what do you want to eat, I'll go and buy some. You must be hungry after so long."

Before Chu Yun could speak, Gu Junzhi said, "It's lighter."

Chu Yun opened her mouth, and finally swallowed the words choked in her throat. She felt that she would definitely be killed by Gu Junzhi's eyes after she said it.

How could Gu Junzhi not understand what Chu Yun was thinking, but he had just woken up from a serious illness, and he would never allow her to be so presumptuous.

My body doesn't hurt, but he does!

"Okay, I'll go buy it now."

Han Qingmei nodded and left the ward.

Gu Junzhi just looked at Chu Yun without blinking, his eyes were full of darkness, and there was a trace of anger hidden in the depths.

"Is there something on my face?"

Chu Yun didn't know what she had done, so she deliberately pretended to be stupid.

"Why didn't you tell me that such a big thing happened, why did you carry it by yourself?"

She didn't expect that Gu Junzhi's first words were to blame.

Chu Yun frowned, her expression gradually turned cold.

"Small things, don't bother you."

After all, it was Father Gu's birthday party, so she thought very simply at the time, thinking that she could do it alone without interrupting the party.

Unexpectedly, that Sun Nan was still a little bit capable, and he was able to commit crimes under her nose.

"Can you do it? You put yourself in the hospital."

Gu Junzhi spoke sarcastically, but the worry and pain in his heart could not be expressed.

He didn't even dare to think about what he would do if something happened to Chu Yun.

Chu Yun looked sideways, not understanding why he was so angry.

"Isn't it all right?"

"It's all right? This is your all right? You've already been admitted to the hospital, and you still call it all right?"

Gu Junzhi's concern was confused, his cheeks were puffed up, and his face was cold.

She understood that Gu Junzhi was worried about her, but what the hell was it to ask her to blame immediately when something happened.

Chu Yun was a little angry, "Did you eat gunpowder today?"

Gu Junzhi sneered, "It's not far away, it's good that I'm not mad."

There are three black lines on Chu Yun's forehead, indicating that she doesn't want to talk to him now.

Seeing that people don't speak, Gu Juanzhi is impatient, but he can't let go of his face.

He didn't intend to quarrel with Chu Yun, but when the words came to his lips, they turned into accusations. He was clearly by Chu Yun's side, but she never took the initiative to rely on him for big or small matters.

This made him very tired.

I don't know whether to praise her for being strong, or to blame myself for not getting into her heart.

The two were in a stalemate until the nurse came over to call Gu Junzhi and told them that the grandson Chu next door had also been transferred to the ward for observation.

Chu Yun thought of Sun Zichu. If it wasn't for him, she would probably be the one in intensive care now.

She wanted to get out of bed to see him, but Gu Junzhi found out, "What are you doing?"

"I'll just go, don't need you, take a good rest."

Gu Junzhi awkwardly helped Chu Yun onto the bed, and slipped out of the room with smoky numbness on the soles of his feet.

When Han Qingmei came back from shopping, she was surprised to find that Chu Yun was the only one in the ward.

"Where did Mr. Gu go?"

Chu Yun spread her hands to eat, "There was a quarrel."

"Arguing? Didn't you feel better just now?"

Han Qingmei was surprised, and thought to herself that the two of them were so fast, it was even more exciting than what they showed on TV.

"Well, there was a quarrel just now, and I don't know what was going on."

Chu Yun was really tired, she knew that Gu Junzhi cared about her, but she had a cold face and blamed her, she really couldn't accept it.

She also intended not to spoil Father Gu's birthday party, so she didn't disturb them, but he didn't know anything, so he knew to talk about her.

She also felt wronged.

"You, people must be worried about you."

"I know."

"But Mr. Gu has a cold face and a warm heart. When you were unconscious, he was afraid of death. He was afraid that something would happen to you."

Han Qingmei thought of Gu Junzhi standing in front of the emergency room at the very beginning, staring at the door without blinking, afraid of missing something.

Not one step away!

It can be seen that Gu Junzhi really cares about Chu Yun.

"Okay, let's stop arguing later."

Chu Yun is also a person who can think freely, and she doesn't feel anything after being wronged.

It was true that she didn't think carefully about this at the beginning.

"That's good, others envy you."

Han Qingmei also told Chu Yun about the three-day vacation of the crew, and about Wu Shen's Weibo post to help.

As soon as the two chatted, they chatted for a long time.

A few days passed quickly.

Chu Yun is getting better day by day, her head pain is gone, and her minor injuries are almost healed.

The atmosphere with Gu Junzhi has almost eased up.

Especially after the man took care of her for a few days without taking his clothes off, Chu Yun made a good show first.The two of them were considered half-reconciled, and Gu Junzhi, who had been cold for a few days, finally had a smile on his face.

Chu Yun took the opportunity to mention the matter of being discharged from the hospital, and the corners of Gu Junzhi's mouth that had just raised fell again.She secretly thought there was no hope, and the honest hospital was basking in the sun.

And in the crew.

As soon as the holiday was over, Wu Shen immediately put the role of the strange person on the agenda, and rushed to catch up, but everyone still couldn't wait for Chu Yun.

Without the heroine's crew, the role of the supporting role is not so interesting, but Bai Xin enjoys it.

After so many days, Chu Yun still hasn't come.

She must have died in some corner, and she acted more and more arrogantly, several times she went so far as to blatantly hook up with the assistant director, trying to get a role in "Twins".

But Wu Shen is such a sharp-eyed person.

He was caught by him.

"What are you two doing?"

In the director's lounge, the assistant director pulled Bai Xin to sit on his lap, and the two were flirting.

But it was thought that the door was suddenly pushed open.

Wu Shen at the door didn't expect that there was someone in the room.When he saw the face clearly, his whole face collapsed.

"Nothing, I'm discussing the scene with the assistant director."

Bai Xin was still a little afraid of Wu Shen, so she immediately got up from her body and backed out in a hurry.

"Don't be alone with Bai Xin in the future, it won't sound good if it spreads."

Wu Shen reminded the assistant director aloud, the assistant director was scolded, and he held his breath in his heart.

After Bai Xin went out, she immediately went back and called the handyman in her crew to bring tea and water for her to buy things. The key was that she didn't pay for the things she bought.

Many people resented this, thinking that when Chu Yun, the crew next door, was there, they only had to bring them food instead of exploiting them.

Not only that, but she also started to make trouble when she saw that people were unhappy, and she had already found several actresses to be unhappy.

However, these were still hidden from people and did not reach Wu Shen's ears.

But everyone at the scene had experienced Bai Xin's arrogance.

Someone also secretly took a video of Bai Xin finding trouble with an actress, and hid it in his mobile phone. He didn't dare to send it out, but he kept his eyes open.

I was afraid that one day, Bai Xin would come to her and bully her.

(End of this chapter)

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