Chapter 177

After achieving her goal, Yun Qing's so-called illness came and went quickly, and she was able to participate vigorously when the director team announced the task in the afternoon.

"Sister Qing, is your body really okay now?" Cui Xue was still a little worried, she saw that Yun Qing's weak appearance this morning did not seem to be an act.

Yun Qing turned her head and gave her a consoling smile: "I know how my own body is, I know it best, and there will be no problem with a little water. Besides, I am recording a program now, and I can't leave a bad impression on the audience. impression?"

Yun Qing blinked her eyes as she spoke, showing some playfulness.

If she needs someone to take care of her because of a little cold, and the number of times is too high, those netizens will put the name of playing big names on her head.

But if she insisted on participating in some tasks of the director's team when she was sick, then the online reviews would definitely be very different, and all the good reputation of dedication would be pulled out by then.

Yun Qing is not a fool, she knows what to do to benefit her current situation.

What's more, she is just pretending to be sick now.

The task given by the director team is getting more and more difficult to be human. In the morning, three free coolies were used to collect vegetables in the fields, and in the afternoon, six people went out to fish in the small pond.

The water in the small pond in the village can’t be said to be very deep, but it’s still a little dangerous for people who don’t know how to swim. The fishing tools given by the director’s team seem to be quite simple. Except for the old-fashioned fishing rod, the bait is the one they had in the morning. Earthworms caught in a vegetable field.

There are a dozen of them in total, barely enough.

"Ayun, have you ever fished before?" Yu Xiao got a little excited when she saw the fishing rod, her eyes glistened.

"How many times have you fished?" Chu Yun didn't have any impression.

Seeing her uncertain look, Yu Xiao immediately got excited: "Ah Yun, I'm telling you, I'm not bragging. I'm definitely a first-class expert in fishing. I used to be with Lao Wang two times. I also often go out fishing together, his hands are very smelly, and he can't catch a single fish, unlike me, the basket is half full of fish in half an hour."

Wang Yan's face darkened when she heard it, and she reached out and slapped Cui Xue with a chestnut: "Don't listen to this girl's nonsense, she can't do anything, she is the best bragging."

"Cut." Yu Xiao immediately turned her head away.

Yu Xiao does know a little bit about fishing, and Chu Yun has already understood the tricks of fishing after listening to her, and the rest is all up to her own luck.

Chu Yun chose a place where no one was around and sat down, with the fishing rod propped on the shore, and there was nothing else on the water except the ripples caused by the breeze.

"Ayun? So you're fishing here!"

Just as she was about to squint her eyes for a little sleep, the voice of an unexpected guest came to her ears.

Chu Yun didn't need to raise her head at all, and there was no one else except Yun Qing who was so pretentious.

"Miss Qing, do you have anything to do with me?" Chu Yun said lightly, "If you have something to do, please speak softly. These fish are quite timid, and they will run away if they approach with a loud voice."

The inside and outside of the words are saying that Yun Qing's voice is loud.

Yun Qing couldn't hold back her face, so she could only smile vaguely.

"Didn't I see that Ayun is very skilled at fishing? I usually forget about these leisure activities because I am too busy studying some scripts. If Ayun doesn't mind, why don't you teach me?"

Yun Qing smiled, and grabbed Yun Chuyun's wrist with more strength: "After all, we are a team, aren't we?"

"If Sister Qing wants to learn, I will naturally teach you." Fishing is not a rare job, and since Yun Qing came to find something for Chu Yun to do, Chu Yun had no choice but to accept it.

"First, the way you hold the pole is wrong. Second, you need an absolutely quiet environment when fishing, so the distance between the two of you should not be too close. Sister Qing, the distance between you and me seems a bit too close. gone."

Chu Yun said word by word: "Actually, there are no extra skills in fishing, it just depends on whether you are willing to calm down your heart, so Sister Qing still takes care of her side peacefully, otherwise I will end up The two of us didn't catch a single fish, it's ugly in front of the other guests, in front of the audience, isn't it?"

Yun Qing's purpose was exposed directly in her words. Although she said it very implicitly, but Yun Qing's heart is like a mirror, so of course she can understand it after just a few words.

It's a pity that the camera crew wasn't here. It's a pity that Yun Qing's expression as if he ate a fly couldn't be recorded.

Chu Yun drove away a big trouble around her with a few words. She sat leisurely on her small stool, and fish were caught by her.

Chu Yun's fishing speed here is like a cheat, the interval between each fish is always no more than 10 minutes, and one more fish in the basket is just a matter of a moment.

As for Yun Qing's side, it looked extremely bleak, the buttocks of the people who were already sitting were starting to tingle, but they could still see the bottom of their baskets.

The only small fish that was caught has lost its vitality at that time, and it still smells fishy when exposed to the scorching sun.

Chu Yun began to reel in the line and change to another bait.

The pole of the old-fashioned fishing rod was very long, and the reeling was not as smooth as expected. Chu Yun stood up from the chair with a bent back and was barely able to reach it.

The gears on the fishing rod rotated and made a creaking friction sound. Chu Yun took off the earthworm that had been eaten and replaced it with another earthworm.

Yun Chu Yunqing has been paying close attention to her movements, seeing Chu Yun standing up from the chair without any warning, she couldn't help swallowing.

She fixed the fishing rod in place first, then got up alone, and sneaked up behind Chu Yun, just kicked her foot lightly, and one of the legs of the seemingly solid chair bent directly.

A flash of pleasure flashed across Yun Qing's face, and she pretended to pass by inadvertently, and said hello to Chu Yun, "Ah Yun, I'm going to the bathroom, my fishing rod is still set up there, it will be troublesome then." Help me watch a little bit."

"I know." Chu Yun replied.

Cui Xue watched this scene from the sidelines, feeling a little creepy. She just joined the entertainment circle and was really ignorant of the world. She thought that the entertainment circle was not as chaotic as the rumors said, but the reality seemed to be different.

Yun Qing, who looks gentle and pleasant on the surface, is able to do such a thing in secret.

Cui Xue felt her goosebumps popping up immediately, and he paused for a moment before wanting to leave in a hurry. Before leaving, she felt that she was being watched by someone with long and terrifying eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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