Chapter 199

"This dress suits you quite well, wrap it up if you like it."

As if to ease the embarrassment, Gu Junzhi moved his eyes away uncomfortably.

Chu Yun nodded, "Then I want this one, I'll go and change into my original clothes first."

While talking, he handed Gu Junzhi the mobile phone that got in the way.

The familiar scent went away, and Gu Junzhi felt lost for a moment.

Chu Yun's phone was placed on Gu Junzhi's lap. Not long after she entered, the phone started vibrating crazily.

Gu Junzhi has always been willing to trust his lover, and he doesn't bother to check Chu Yun's mobile phone, and it's the same today.

Without even giving the phone a look, Gu Junzhi just stared at the door of the fitting room in a daze.

But the phone was really persistent, and the vibration never stopped, making Gu Junzhi's thighs itchy and numb.

He lowered his head impatiently, trying to put his phone on the sofa.

The screen has already lit up because of the arrival of the text message, and the content of the text message is displayed on the screen very thoughtfully.

It really wasn't intentional, Gu Junzhi was used to reading ten lines at a glance in documents, and with just one glance, all the words on the text message came into view at a glance.

"Why didn't you die?"

Frowning fiercely in an instant, Gu Junzhi held the phone in his hand by mistake, wondering whether he should try to open the phone.

"You should die together with Zhong Yong."

After struggling for less than a second, the text message came in again.

"I really don't know when you will go to hell."

"I've been looking forward to that day."

"Don't think about it if you live, I will make you feel uneasy about dying."

The words became more and more unsightly, the anger in Gu Junzhi's heart had reached its peak, and the only remaining rationality prevented him from throwing the phone out.

Chu Yun changed clothes very quickly this time, and when she came out, she saw Gu Junzhi's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

Here, are you angry again?

Turning her eyes, seeing her mobile phone being held by Gu Junzhi, Chu Yun was stunned for a moment, and felt somewhat angry for no reason.

Such an old-fashioned thing like checking your phone, but you actually ran into it?
The issue of trust has always been something that Chu Yun has always attached great importance to. It is not easy to regain Gu Junzhi's trust after living a new life, but she has survived.

But at this moment, Chu Yun thought that she and Gu Junzhi had at least established a certain tacit understanding, and that mutual trust was necessary. She never thought that this man would take advantage of her to change clothes and check her mobile phone.

Impulsively, Chu Yun stepped forward in two or three steps, and grabbed her mobile phone.

Gu Junzhi didn't react, the phone was forced on both sides, drew a crooked arc in the air, and fell to the hard marble floor with a click.

The screen flickered twice, and then flowered.

"Why are you looking at my phone?"

Chu Yun didn't care whether the phone was broken or not, and asked immediately, her eyes flushed for a moment.

Gu Junzhi knew where the problem was. Seeing the tears in Chu Yun's eyes, he was heartbroken and a little guilty, so he hurried forward to hold Chu Yun's face.

"I didn't mean it. The reason I looked at your phone was because the messages were all death threats."

"I didn't open it, but the information page appeared at the top, and I accidentally saw it."

After hearing Gu Junzhi's explanation, Chu Yun sniffled but didn't continue to struggle, and let Gu Junzhi hold his face, leaving two kisses.

The clerk quickly picked up the phone and handed it to Chu Yun.

Chu Yun sniffed in embarrassment. The screen of the mobile phone had already spent a lot of time pressing the buttons, but the information could still be seen.

The same emoji that Gu Junzhi saw when he saw the text message just now appeared, Chu Yun was also a little confused, who is this?

"I'll arrange someone to check. I'll take you to buy a mobile phone first."

Chu Yun nodded, Gu Junzhi didn't delay, and immediately called and asked his assistant to check the source of the SMS number.

For a rich and domineering president like Gu Junzhi, it won't take long to buy a mobile phone, just buy one with the latest model and the highest configuration.

Chu Yun replaced the SIM card and finally restored the communication.

One by one, the missed calls and text messages kept popping up, all of which were calls from Han Qingmei.

There must be something urgent, otherwise my manager wouldn't have called so frantically, Chu Yun told Gu Junzhi and called back.

The phone was connected within two rings.

"Hey, my little ancestor, why have you been missing for so long! I haven't stopped calling, but I'm really anxious to death."

"I'm sorry, Sister Han, my mobile phone broke just now, and I may not be able to answer the call. I just bought a new mobile phone and replaced the card. I saw your message and came back quickly. What's the matter? It's so urgent."

Han Qingmei sounded a little excited.

"This is great news. The producer of a blockbuster martial arts film asked you to audition by name. It is probably confirmed that you will play the heroine."

"This drama is a rare large-scale costume production this year. It has been prepared since the year before last. From the production to the cast to the director, everything is top-notch in China."

"A lot of actors are fighting for a supporting role. I guess you have great hopes for the leading role. The producer read your trending search and thinks that your image of a chivalrous woman is very suitable for the heroine of this drama. Do you want to do it?" Audition?"

"Although you are on vacation right now, it's a rare opportunity!"

When Chu Yun heard this, an indescribable excitement was about to burst out of his chest. The wish that could not be fulfilled in the previous life was being realized step by step in this life.

However, Chu Yun looked at Gu Junzhi with some hesitation.

Still sighed inaudibly, "Sister Han, let me think about it, I will reply you when I think about it."

"Cheng Chengcheng, think about it for yourself, and give me an answer as soon as possible, we have to be the first time."

After finishing speaking, Han Qingmei hung up the phone.

Gu Juan could tell at a glance that Chu Yun's interest immediately dropped after he answered the phone.

"what happened?"

"It's nothing, it's just that there is a drama asking me to audition. It's okay if I don't go during my vacation time. My agent can't force me."

Chu Yun reluctantly showed a smile. This is a troubled time, and she wants to stay by Gu Junzhi's side as much as possible.

Gu Junzhi immediately understood what was going on, and smiled lightly.

"You should go to the audition, that is the career you are fighting for. You don't have to, and don't give up because of me. If I miss the opportunity because of me, I will be very guilty."

Chu Yun froze for a moment, feeling a little moved in her heart.

"Your husband, I'm not that fragile. I can solve the company's affairs by myself. You have helped me a lot. It's time to return to my job, my actress."

"What nonsense are you talking about? I'm still far behind! But I will definitely be in the future."

Gu Junzhi nodded firmly and hugged the woman beside him.

(End of this chapter)

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