Chapter 203
As soon as the porridge entered the mouth, Chu Yun wanted to spit it out subconsciously, but she felt Gu Junzhi's faint taste, so it was not easy for people to feel the grievance, so she swallowed it abruptly.

Her acting skills were superb, and Gu Junzhi didn't find anything wrong with her. She even raised the corners of her lips and said to Gu Junzhi, "It's delicious, thank you."

But she was crying crazily in her heart, and she didn't even know why she needed to put salt in the porridge when cooking alone, and it was the kind with a lot of shaking hands.

After silently drinking two more sips, Chu Yun couldn't take it anymore, put the porridge aside, and changed the subject, "Do you know who kidnapped me?"

"Bai Xin." Gu Junzhi spit out the name lightly from his mouth.

Because of the ban, Bai Xin had madly resented Chu Yun, wishing that Chu Yun would die the next moment.

The kidnapping this time, just as those two text messages said, was only for life, not for money.If it weren't for Gu Junzhi's vigilance, Chu Yun might have been poisoned by now.

As for the two text messages, Gu Juanzhi found out that it was Chu Yun who did the trick.

"I see." Chu Yun replied, without the slightest surprise in her eyes, as if she had already expected it.

"I've already sent someone to arrest her." Gu Junzhi said.

As soon as he knew about the person, he dispatched his men, but Bai Xin didn't know where she got the news, and she fled before Gu Junzhi's men arrived.

So far, his whereabouts are unknown.

Now that she is overseas, it is not easy to catch Bai Xin.Although Gu Junzhi's power in the country is great, he hasn't grabbed the strength to move his hands and shake them three times abroad.

It will take some time to catch Bai Xin.

"Thank you, I have troubled you again this time." Chu Yun thanked Gu Junzhi.She was actually a little embarrassed in her heart, it seemed that since she knew Gu Junzhi, she had troubled him a lot, thinking of this, she felt a little embarrassed.

But Chu Yun, who was caught in her own thoughts, didn't notice that the moment she spoke, the smile on Gu Junzhi's face disappeared a bit.

He didn't need Chu Yun's thanks. If he wanted to, there would probably be a bunch of people lining up willing to say it.The number of people who ask him for help has always been a lot.

"I still have something to do, so I'll leave first." Gu Junzhi said lightly.In fact, he has a meeting that has not yet started. It was originally scheduled for nine o'clock in the morning, but because he has been by Chu Yun's side all the time, he pushed it back.

But at this moment, Chu Yun had woken up, and there was nothing serious about it. Gu Junzhi still needed to deal with the things that should be dealt with.

"I'll leave bodyguards here to protect you. If you have anything to say, you can talk to them, or call me."

"I understand. If I don't have other things to do recently, I won't go out." Chu Yun knew Gu Junzhi's worry, and quickly spoke out to comfort him.

Only then did Gu Junzhi nodded in satisfaction, opened the door, and left the room.

He didn't expect that not long after he left, the person who was hiding in the dark acted.

Bai Xin was like a thief. She changed into the clothes of a waiter she got from somewhere, and with a fruit tray in her hand, she was about to pretend to be a waiter delivering food, and gently knocked on the door of Chu Yun's room.

"Who are you? What are you here for?" The bodyguard guarding the door looked ferocious. When he saw Bai Xin, he looked at her in an interrogative manner.

"Mr. Gu ordered fruit and asked me to bring it to the young lady inside." While speaking, Bai Xin lowered her head and never looked at the bodyguard.

And the two bodyguards, after giving Bai Xin a suspicious look, let him in anyway.

"Come out after sending the things to the house." The bodyguard standing on the right couldn't help telling
Bai Xin nodded obediently, very obediently, but there was a sneer in her eyes.

Chu Yun, this time, I will make you pay in blood!She, Bai Xin, is not so easy to block.

After making up her mind, Bai Xin walked in, put the things on the counter in the hotel, and then said loudly, "Miss Chu, the fruit Mr. Gu ordered has arrived."

"What fruit?" Chu Yun asked, walking out of the bedroom.

Seeing the two getting closer, Bai Xin slowly raised the corners of her lips, and pulled out a half-meter-long knife from the bottom of the tray on the counter.

The knife is very sharp and reflects a cold light, as if it can pierce someone's throat in the next second.

"Chu Yun, take your life and let you ban me, you deserve it!" After saying that, he rushed towards Chu Yun with a knife.

This knife was purchased by Bai Xin passing by a shop yesterday. The blade is sharp and the length is moderate. When Bai Xin saw it, she couldn't put it down. She sketched out countless ways to kill Chu Yun in her mind.

At this moment, it is just achievable!
Chu Yun clearly saw that Bai Xin's eyes were full of obstinate madness, as if Bai Xin would only be happy if she took her life.

Dodging Bai Xin's attack lightly, Chu Yun grabbed Bai Xin's wrist with her hand, and with a little force on her hand, she folded Bai Xin's hand down. Bai Xin, who had been pampered all the year round, instantly let go of her fingers in pain.

The knife fell to the ground with a slight sound, followed by Chu Yun's sneer.

"You still want my life because of this ability?" Chu Yun yelled sarcastically, and the words came out of Chu Yun's mouth. As she spoke, she exerted force on her hands, causing Bai Xin to lie down on the ground from a standing position.

"Of course it won't stop." Bai Xin's gloomy voice came out of her mouth, every word was filled with deep-seated hatred.

If it weren't for Chu Yun, she, Bai Xin, would still be a respected star, instead of being spurned by thousands of people like she is now.

This change happened so suddenly, Chu Yun didn't react for a while, and was stabbed in the arm by Bai Xin.

She didn't know where to take out the dagger, and Chu Yun thought she had subdued Bai Xin, so she relaxed her vigilance and let Bai Xin take the opportunity.

The wound wasn't deep, but it wasn't shallow either. Bright red blood slipped from Chu Yun's arm and fell to the ground one after another, blooming one after another.

There was a faint smell of blood in the air, which might have stimulated Bai Xin, and her eyes became even crazier.

"Chu Yun, I won't let you go!"

Chu Yun's eyes darkened completely. She was really angry this time, and she looked at Bai Xin with irony at the clown.

"You won't let me go? If Bai Xin didn't do those nasty things you did, how could she be banned?"

After saying that, Chu Yun didn't hide the slightest bit, revealed the power hidden in her body, and easily subdued Bai Xin to the ground.

"Bai Xin, is it because my temper is so good recently that you mistakenly think that I can easily bully you." Chu Yun's voice was a little cold.

She just didn't want to care about it, and felt that Bai Xin wasn't worth wasting her mind, but some people were obviously shameless.

In this way, they will only think that she, Chu Yun, is easy to bully.

(End of this chapter)

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