Mrs. Gu is getting divorced every day

Chapter 205 Sending to the Police Station

Chapter 205 Sending to the Police Station
Fortunately, the heavens are merciful, allowing her to come to another life, so that she can fully see who is worthy of her sincere respect.

Also let her know that those people want her to die.

Looking at the wound on Chu Yun's arm, the red flesh and blood rolled out from inside, which was shocking to see.

But with such a deep wound, Chu Yun still said it didn't hurt. Gu Junzhi knew that Chu Yun was comforting him, and the guilt in his heart deepened.

"You're still laughing. If you encounter such a dangerous situation in the future, you must avoid it?" Gu Juanzhi urged earnestly.

Thinking of what happened this time, I was afraid for a while. If Chu Yun's reaction was slower, or if Bai Xin's skills were better, then Chu Yun's arm would not necessarily be injured.

Facing Gu Junzhi's education, Chu Yun nodded obediently, like a primary school student, and said to Gu Junzhi, "Okay, I see, why are you so wordy!"

Although his mouth was disgusted, Chu Yun's heart was full of sweetness. Hearing Chu Yun's words, Gu Junzhi immediately became unhappy.He said with a dark face: "You actually despise me for being long-winded?"

While speaking, Gu Junzhi stretched out his hand to pinch Chu Yun's nose, and punished him a little, but he didn't want to use his strength.

The two fought and fought for a while, Gu Junzhi helped Chu Yun deal with the wound, and then turned to the business.

Gu Junzhi had to find out about Chu Yun's inexplicable disappearance.All those who hurt Chu Yun, he will not make them feel better.

"Where have you been during the time you haven't been in the room?" Gu Junzhi asked seriously.

Facing Gu Junzhi's question, Chu Yun hesitated for a while, and finally told the truth.

"After Bai Xin left, I was knocked unconscious. When I woke up again, I found that I was lying on the stroller and had reached the rooftop."

Hearing Chu Yun's narration, Gu Junzhi was extremely nervous, his heart raised his throat, and he asked nervously, "And then?"

"Then I was pushed down from the roof. Fortunately, I woke up at that time, and there happened to be a platform there, and then I grabbed it. After the person left, I climbed up again."

Chu Yun said it was calm, but she was still very scared in her heart. If she hadn't woken up at that time, or if she hadn't caught it, then at this time, she might never see Gu Junzhi again.

Before knowing the truth, Gu Junzhi thought that something might happen to Chu Yun, but he didn't expect such a big thing to happen.

Anger roiled in his chest in an instant, and his whole body instantly became terrifying, like Satan coming out of hell, which made people tremble with fear.

The hands resting on the knees were clenched tightly, making a rattling sound, and said in a cold voice: "I will definitely not let Bai Xin have a good time."

At this moment, Gu Juan was completely certain in his heart that the person who pushed Chu Yun off the roof was Bai Xin.

When Gu Junzhi said this, Chu Yun frowned, and said hesitantly, "Maybe it's not Bai Xin?" After all, there are so many people who want her to die, so it may not be Bai Xin.

Hearing Chu Yun's words, Gu Junzhi immediately denied it, "No, it must be her, don't defend her anymore, she is ready to hurt you with a knife, there is no one but her."

Seeing that Gu Junzhi was so sure, Chu Yun didn't know who sent the person on the rooftop for a while.

"You don't need to worry about this matter, leave it to me, and I will handle it." Gu Junzhi said seriously.

He knew that Chu Yun had a kind heart, even if Bai Xin did it, he might not be able to do anything to Bai Xin.

Now that Gu Junzhi has said so, Chu Yun can't say anything more, and she can rest assured that she will leave it to Gu Junzhi.

"Okay, I believe you, but I want to know what you plan to do?" Chu Yun asked, she was still very curious about Gu Junzhi's actions.

Facing Chu Yun's question, Gu Junzhi said without the slightest hesitation: "Of course, let her pay the due price. If she dares to do something that hurts you, then think about the consequences."

Chu Yun knew that Gu Junzhi had made a decision and would not change it easily, not to mention that Bai Xin was doing it on her own, so she nodded slightly and said, "That's fine."

Afterwards, Gu Junzhi raised his hand and rubbed Chu Yun's head, and said softly, "Good boy, it's getting late, you go to bed first, and I'll take care of some things."

After hearing Gu Junzhi's words, Chu Yun also went to wash and go to sleep.

After waiting for Chu Yun to fall asleep, Gu Junzhi came to the door of the room, took out his mobile phone, and dialed the assistant's number.

"Hey, find out where Bai Xin is right now. If you live, you want to see people, and if you die, you want to see a corpse." The indifferent voice had no warmth. If he was allowed to find Bai Xin, he would not forgive him easily.

After hearing Gu Junzhi's words, the assistant immediately replied: "Okay, I'll do it now."

After finishing speaking, Gu Junzhi hung up the phone, and a sternness flashed in his eyes.

After receiving Gu Junzhi's order, the assistant immediately cast a net everywhere, looking for Bai Xin's address.

An hour later, the assistant had brought Bai Xin to Gu Junzhi.

"President, the person has been found."

Bai Xin looked at Gu Junzhi in front of her, feeling scared in her heart, but she still pretended to be calm.

"I don't know what Mr. Gu wants from me?" Bai Xin asked softly, trying to seduce Gu Junzhi with a beauty trick.

But Bai Xin ignored Gu Junzhi's temper, and indifferent words came from the top of Bai Xin's head.

"Heh, don't you know what you did?"

While speaking, Gu Juanzhi directly placed the surveillance video in front of Bai Xin, seeing the content in the video, Bai Xin slumped down on the ground.

Although she probably guessed in her heart that Gu Junzhi came to her because of this matter, but she didn't expect that Gu Junzhi even showed the video.

In this case, it's better to admit your mistake and ask for forgiveness. Bai Xin hugged Gu Junzhi's thigh, cried and said: "I was wrong, I was confused, Mr. Gu, please forgive me."

Feeling the discomfort in his legs, Gu Juanzhi felt disgusted and kicked Bai Xin away without mercy.

"It's only now that I know I was wrong. It's too late. I've already notified the police. You can spend the rest of your life in prison."

The ruthless words were like a bolt from the blue, Bai Xin never thought that Gu Junzhi would be so heartless.

Sure enough, not long after, a few policemen hurried over, "Mr. Gu!"

The police greeted Gu Junzhi, and immediately grabbed Bai Xin on the ground with handcuffs.

Feeling the cold feeling on her wrist, Bai Xin resisted, "Don't catch me, I didn't kill anyone, so you can't catch me."

However, Bai Xin's resistance didn't work at all. A woman was no match for two big men, and within two or three blows, she was caught by the police and put into a police car.

Gu Junzhi knew that this matter must not be simple, so he had to continue the investigation to find out the culprit behind it.

(End of this chapter)

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