Mrs. Gu is getting divorced every day

Chapter 209 Cargo Shipwreck

Chapter 209 Cargo Shipwreck
After leaving the place where Lin Yudai was, Chu Yun suddenly received a message from her assistant, saying that Sun Zichu was waiting for her to discuss the cooperation between the two companies, and there was a large foreign order waiting for her to decide.

At this moment when she was at a loss, the appearance of Sun Zichu was undoubtedly a life-saving straw. Chu Yun immediately decided to let Sun Zichu take charge of the cooperation with foreign countries, which was the first step in the cooperation between the two companies.

Under Chu Yun's instruction, Sun Tzu Chu went to the Chu family to check the goods in the warehouse, planning to ship them abroad.

This batch of goods was negotiated by Chu Yun abroad, and now the other party was in a hurry to get the goods, and Chu Yun needed to be by Lin Yudai's side, so she had no choice but to ask Sun Tzu Chu for help.

"I've already ordered everything. I've asked my assistant to contact the logistics company and post it to you." Sun Zichu called Chu Yun and reported the progress.

"Thank you for your trouble." Chu Yun thanked politely.

"Little matter, when do you plan to come back?" Sun Tzuchu smiled.

"Hurry up, let's wait for Yudai's mood to improve." Chu Yun sighed, her tone full of sadness.

After going through this incident, I don't know if Lin Yudai will be able to come out.

Although she was very happy every day, at night, Chu Yun could always hear Lin Yudai sobbing softly.

After exchanging a few more pleasantries with Sun Tzu Chu, Chu Yun hung up the phone.

When she turned around, she found that Gu Junzhi had arrived behind her at some point.

"Who are you on the phone with?" He seemed to mention it casually, but his eyes always swept across Chu Yun's cell phone vaguely.

It's been a while since he's been here. Even if he didn't hear all the words on the phone, he still has them.

But even so, Gu Junzhi still couldn't convince himself not to care.Sun Zichu was very clear about Chu Yun's peeping.

However, Chu Yun didn't notice this little emotion, and said to Gu Junzhi indifferently, "Sun Zichu, ask him for help."

Inexplicably, Chu Yun is always a little slow in terms of emotions.Gu Junzhi could only sigh helplessly.

With a sigh, Gu Junzhi suppressed the little discomfort in his emotions.He took Chu Yun's hand, and led her out, "Come out with me."

Chu Yun was a little puzzled, "What happened?"

Gu Junzhi had a straight face, and his tone was cold and without any emotion, which made Chu Yun mistakenly think that something happened to Gu Junzhi and he needed her help.

So when he brought her to the amusement park, Chu Yun didn't react for a moment and was stunned for a while.

The pink amusement park, which is full of fantasy theme, does not match Gu Junzhi's temperament no matter how you look at it.

Even in Chu Yun's impression, when such a thing appeared in Gu Junzhi's mind, it was full of inconceivable.

"Are you planning to develop a theme park in China?" Chu Yun asked.

She felt that this was the only way to reasonably explain why Gu Junzhi appeared here.

The earnest tone of the question was exchanged for Gu Junzhi's silence.His lips were pressed into a straight line, his face darkened a bit, and he turned and left decisively.

Sure enough, it was still too stupid to do so.Gu Junzhi thought silently.

Letting Chu Yun call out like this from behind, Gu Junzhi maintained his usual indifference and did not look back.

"What's the matter with you?" Chu Yun chased after her, eyes full of puzzlement.

"I don't want to develop it anymore." Gu Junzhi replied.

baffling.This is Chu Yun's only thought now.

If this matter were discussed in detail, it was mainly because Gu Junzhi saw that Chu Yun had been by Lin Yudai's side to take care of her during this time, worried that Chu Yun was too tired, and wanted to take her to relax.

But President Gu, who has never been in a relationship before, doesn't understand girls' minds, let alone where to take girls to relax, so he turned to the almighty Baidu for help.

Then, the scene above happened.

"Want to eat? I invite you." Gu Junzhi asked after the two got back into the car.

"Come on, take me back to the hospital, I'll take a look at Yudai," Chu Yun said.

Gu Junzhi remained silent, pursed his lips to suppress the dissatisfaction in his eyes, and sent Chu Yun back to the hospital.

At the same time, Sun Nan, who accidentally overheard the call between Sun Tzu Chu and Chu Yun, had a plan in mind again.

Her heart has been completely distorted. As long as Chu Yun is a little better, Sun Nan will feel extremely uncomfortable in her heart. She even feels that Chu Yun deserves to be humbled to the dust for the rest of her life.

Without alarming anyone, Sun Nan quietly went back to her room, closed and locked the door, and then Chu Yun called Assistant Sun Zichu.

"Is it Assistant Song? I'm Sun Nan." Sun Nan immediately revealed his identity after the call was connected.

"Miss Sun, what do you want me to do?" the assistant asked.

"I'll send you a phone call from the manager of a logistics company in a while. My brother told them to take charge of the Chu's shipment." Sun Nan said naturally.

This plan filled Sun Nan's mind when she overheard Sun Zichu and Chu Yun's phone call.

The amount of goods that can be shipped overseas must not be a small amount. If there is any problem, it will be enough to keep Chu Yun angry for a while.

Thinking about it, Sun Nan couldn't help being happy.

"Okay, I understand." The assistant replied, because of the relationship between Sun Nan and Sun Zichu, he never had the slightest suspicion, let alone know that Sun Nan was passing the order falsely.

After hanging up the phone, Sun Nan sent Xu Hongzhen's message to his assistant.

She called Xu Hongzhen again and explained it, and the matter was considered stable.

Sun Nan knew clearly about the intersection of Chu Yun and Xu Hongzhen, and knew that a good show was about to take place, and all she had to do was wait for Chu Yun to look anxious and angry.

"Then wish us a happy cooperation." Sun Nan said to the person on the other side of the phone.

"of course."

In the room, Sun Nan's pleasant and treacherous laughter came out, which alarmed Sun Zichu, who knocked on Sun Nan's door.

"Nan Nan, what are you looking at? Why are you smiling so happily?" Sun Zichu asked with a smiling voice.

Sun Nan quickly cut off the call, and replied in a panic: "It's nothing, it's just a comedy movie."

Sun Tzuchu shook his head helplessly. There was nothing he could do about his younger sister.

No matter how old Sun Nan is, in Sun Zichu's eyes, he is always a child who needs his doting.

The next day, the goods that Chu Yun needed were shipped to the cargo ship of Xu Hongzhen's logistics company.Because there were a lot of things, it took five cargo ships to fill up.

Sun Zichu followed behind and stared at the whole process. After all, it was something Chu Yun asked for. Compared with others, Sun Zichu always put a little more thought into it.

After everything was installed, Sun Zichu returned to the company and called Chu Yun.

Perhaps Chu Yun was resting, and the phone showed that it was shutting down, so Sun Zichu sent a text message telling her that the goods had been shipped out safely.

It was only a day later that the news of the shipwreck was received.

"Mr. Sun, something happened. Chu's shipment sank." The assistant rushed in hastily.

Sun Tzuchu was stunned for a moment, then suddenly stood up from his seat, "What did you say?"

(End of this chapter)

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