Chapter 212
"The court has accepted this matter, and I believe there will be a result in the near future." Even if this matter happened overseas, he could not just sit idly by.

Gu Junzhi's heart was on this side, and after finishing the matter over there, he came back to the country with the news.

Even so, Chu Yun couldn't let it go, she bit her lower lip annoyedly: "If this incident hadn't happened halfway, this batch of goods would have already been shipped there."

"In any case, this matter has already happened, and it is useless to assume it. It is better to think about how we can solve this matter now."

Gu Junzhi recalled the news brought over from there, with a serious expression on his face. Although this matter was easy to handle, it was rather troublesome, and at least one party would be involved in disputes.

However, whether it is for the partner or the logistics company, they will be the ones who will lose in the end. Thinking of this, his brows relaxed a little.

"We are now engaged in a logistics company, and logically speaking, we should also target this logistics company." Chu Yun also calmed down at this moment, and began to carefully analyze the pros and cons, "The problem is the guy in charge of this logistics company, and logically speaking, we have to deal with it. "

Gu Junzhi raised his chin: "It's easy to find out the beneficiaries behind the whole thing. In fact, there is another way. As long as we win the lawsuit, there will be no problem. We can get compensation, but we have to say cooperation." It must be terminated first."

"And the logistics company over there did it on purpose. We also have evidence here. No matter what we say, we stand up for it, so I don't think there is anything to worry about. Submit the evidence for the court to hear."

"When something like this happens, the people behind the logistics company probably won't protect them." Gu Juanzhi's analysis was straightforward. Although he was abroad, he knew as much about this matter as Chu Yun did.

Chu Yun pondered for a while.

Yes, what Gu Junzhi said is not wrong, but does it seem that they are too generous to only target one logistics company?

It gave the other party the illusion that we are only talking about facts, and maybe they will be even more rampant in the future.

"I will never tolerate this matter." Chu Yun frowned.

Gu Junzhi understood: "You mean it's all in one pot?"

"That's right. After all, we are not to be provoked. This time, we must give them a long memory and let them know who they can provoke and who they dare not." Be decisive.

Gu Junzhi smiled and kissed the forehead of her predecessor, her appearance was like the moment of claiming credit after the winning ticket was in hand.

"Then we have to prepare well for this victory," Chu Yun took a step back and raised her phone, "We have to call for help first."

Gu Junzhi understands that she still needs to deal with this matter in the end, after all, he is just a messenger.The person in front of her is more independent than she imagined, but if she needs help, she will be obliged.

But Chu Yun called Li Junzhi without saying a word: "Come and help me find out about that logistics company."

Li Junzhi blinked his eyes and nodded in agreement. People will do things that are beneficial, and Chu Yun was also unambiguous. When she told Li Junzhi what to do, she turned her head and pulled Gu Junzhi.

"You obviously want to look like you solved it yourself." The latter teased her.

"What do you say? You came here to send information, and you are essentially a grasshopper on the line. If you don't pull me, who else will you pull? Now there is an urgent shortage of manpower, so come and help." Chu Yun pulled two coolies unceremoniously, "In short, we Absolutely can’t make it easier for those who start.”

"By the way, as far as I know, the person in charge of that logistics company is Xu Hongzhen." Li Junzhi didn't lift his head when he heard their exchange.

"Xu Hongzhen is also backed by the family business. We found out about this matter long before you." Chu Yun shook her head.

The moment she learned of the shipwreck, she started to investigate the logistics company. Naturally, she knew what kind of hooligan the guy in charge of the company was, and at the same time, she was a little annoyed that those things were entrusted to such a company.

"Like a son, like a father, they can't get away with this matter. I mean the company behind him." Thinking of this, Chu Yun gritted her teeth and expressed her thoughts.

Li Junzhi didn't speak any more, but nodded.

On the court side, because they had all the evidence, the result was completely one-sided. Even if the logistics company hired the best defense lawyer, there was no way to face the overwhelming evidence.

After all, it happened during the sea transportation, even if you want to frame it, there is nothing you can do about it.

"So this playboy doesn't know anything except eating, drinking, whoring and gambling. He only knows how to do things with one mind and never considers the consequences." Chu Yun flipped through the evidence and sneered. If I give him this logistics company, I want to call them and tell them to go to the ophthalmology department of the hospital to have a look, and if they don’t want to stay in the hospital any longer, I want to have a brain examination.”

"I can't help it, maybe it's just that this bastard happened to be in their family." Gu Junzhi spread his hands and smiled helplessly.

"I actually want to go to court with this kind of abnormal guy. I really feel aggrieved just thinking about it." Chu Yun looked dissatisfied.

Li Junzhi didn't answer, because he very much agreed with this statement. After learning what kind of person the other party was, he suddenly felt that just targeting this logistics company would really make them appear generous.

They will definitely not let the person behind this go.

"However, the large amount of compensation we got should be able to offset the loss of that batch of goods. In general, it's not a loss." Chu Yun thought about all the benefits they could get.

There was no suspense in winning this lawsuit, but Chu Yun and the others did not stop there with a lot of evidence. Instead, they pursued the victory and pushed the logistics company again and again until they were about to declare bankruptcy.

outside the courthouse.

"Chu Yun, don't go too far!"

"Since you dare to do such a thing, you must have the awareness to bear the consequences."

After saying this, Chu Yun left.

What is the concept of letting a logistics company go bankrupt, and how could it fail to attract the attention of the family behind it?This matter has become such a big deal, no matter how hard that playboy tries to hide it, he can't suppress it.

This also forced the family behind them out.

"It's finally hooked, and it's not in vain to throw out those baits." Chu Yun smiled, looking determined to win.

She didn't intend to stop, but attacked again, directly uprooting their family business, and the poor Xu family ruined years of hard work because of this lawsuit.

It never occurred to them that their bankruptcy was only due to that shipwreck.

The Xu Hongzhen family business was uprooted and there was nothing left. The annexation that should have been annexed, the bankruptcy that should have bankrupted them, in short, nothing was left for the Xu family.

Isn't it too cruel to do so?It was a whole family after all.

Chu Yun thought the same way when she was cleaning them up, but she quickly put this thought behind her.

Because they should.

(End of this chapter)

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