Chapter 216
The door was locked by Chu Xiang outside, Chu Yun knocked on the iron door angrily, her chest hurt from anger.

She is obviously a sister of the same mother, but Chu Xiang plots against her time and time again. Every time, she seems to want her to die.

Chu Yun's heart had long been completely cold, and now, apart from anger, she could no longer feel any emotion towards Chu Xiang.

And when people are distracted, their perception of surrounding things will always be a little less. When Chu Yun realized it, Xu Hongzhen had already appeared behind her.

She didn't even have time to dodge, the sharp knife scratched the skin of her back, causing piercing pain.

The blood soaked the clothes in an instant, Chu Yun turned around, and kicked Xu Hongzhen again.

But because of the pain coming from the back, the strength of this kick was not much, but it barely kept Xu Hongzhen away from her.

"Chu Yun, you won't be able to escape. You'd better be obedient and get caught, and agree to my conditions. Otherwise—" Xu Hongzhen's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

Before Chu Yun could respond, there was a loud and loud sound outside the gate behind her.

"wishful thinking!"

When the voice fell, the door behind him also opened, and Gu Junzhi's figure appeared outside the door.

Early in the morning, Gu Junzhi's right eyelid twitched uncontrollably. He was always worried that something bad would happen. When Chu Yun couldn't be contacted, this uneasiness became even more obvious.

He found someone to investigate, but he did not expect to receive news of Chu Yun's accident.

Immediately, he couldn't take care of anything, and after confirming the location, he hurried over.

Just happened to meet Chu Xiang who wanted to leave, snatched the remote control facility, and opened the door, but didn't think it was still a step too late.

"Sorry, I'm late." Gu Junzhi looked at Chu Yun with self-blame.

Chu Yun shook her head at him, her face turned pale from blood loss, "I'm fine, you don't have to worry."

The moment Gu Junzhi appeared, it was as if a ray of light shone on Chu Yun's dark heart, brightening the whole time.

Her hesitant and helpless heart calmed down in an instant, and even her tense thoughts relaxed.

Originally, she relied on this spirit to hold on, but now that it was gone, all the strength in Chu Yun's body seemed to have disappeared in an instant, and she staggered a bit.

If it wasn't for Gu Junzhi's quick eyes and hands to hold him up, he might even fall to the ground.

It can be said that Xu Hongzhen had killed Chu Yun this time, so that the wound on Chu Yun's back looked particularly ferocious. Visually, it could be two inches in length. Although it was not too deep, it also showed the appearance of flesh turned out. Sinister feeling.

Gu Junzhi's eyes darkened in an instant, and they were full of anger, as if they could burn people.

"Heh, the seductive little boy came to save you? None of you want to leave here today." Xu Hongzhen growled.He was completely insane, he was no longer afraid of anything, and rushed over again with a sharp knife in his hand.

The moment the family business was defeated by Chu Yun, Xu Hongzhen could be said to have gone crazy.

He was pampered and spoiled, and he always acted like an old man wherever he went, which offended many people.

After those people learned that Xu's family was defeated, they rushed over impatiently and ridiculed Xu Hongzhen's madness.

When the sharp blade in Xu Hongzhen's hand was only half a meter away from the two of them, Gu Junzhi made a move. He stretched out his hand and grabbed Xu Hongzhen's wrist. With a little force, the sound of bone dislocation echoed clearly in the warehouse.

"Overestimating one's abilities." Gu Junzhi sneered.

Even though he was holding Chu Yun in his arms, Gu Junzhi was more than enough to deal with Xu Hongzhen, and his every move revealed an elegant posture.

He crushed Xu Hongzhen so much that even his own mother didn't know him.If Chu Yun hadn't stopped him, Gu Junzhi might have been beaten to death by Xu Hongzhen.

"The person I hold dear in my hand is not something you can humiliate." Gu Junzhi sneered, looking down at Xu Hongzhen from a high position, his eyes filled with disdain.

And Chu Yun blushed because of these words, which made her pale face show a little anger.

"I'll take you to the hospital." With that said, Gu Junzhi picked up Chu Yun and strode away from the place.

As for Xu Hongzhen, he was sent to justice by the subordinates brought by Gu Junzhi to face his punishment.

inside the hospital.

After the wound on Chu Yun's back was disinfected by the doctor, anesthesia was applied and stitched up.

The effect of the anesthetic seems to be a bit strong, Chu Yun only felt that her brain was groggy, and she fell asleep unconsciously.

When he woke up again, it was already evening when the moon and stars were sparse.

Gu Junzhi stayed by her side all the time, Chu Yun's hand just moved slightly, and Gu Junzhi, who was resting by her bed, was awakened.

"How is it? Does the wound still hurt?" Gu Junzhi asked quickly, his brows and eyes filled with worry.

"I'm fine, you don't have to worry." As in the warehouse, Chu Yun still used these words to comfort Gu Junzhi.

She didn't see that when she said this, Gu Junzhi's eyes flashed a hint of distress, but he quickly covered it up.

Sometimes, Gu Junzhi really hoped that Chu Yun would not be so strong.

Because everyone is not born like this, but when vulnerability becomes the reason for others to bully again and again, people can only learn to be strong, and protect their sensitive heart with a hard shell.

"Are you hungry? Shall I buy you something to eat?" Gu Junzhi restrained his thoughts and asked.

"I'm not hungry, by the way, help me up for a while, I want to see Yu Dai." Chu Yun said.

She still remembered the depression in her words when Lin Yudai called her this morning, she was really worried about her.

Now that he was out of danger, he naturally couldn't wait to see her.

The distress in Gu Junzhi's eyes was even worse, he even felt that there was a hand pulling his heart, disrupting his peaceful place, from now on, only this one person could be tolerated.

"Lin Yudai lives next door to you. She came here when you were unconscious, and she just left. If you want to see her, I'll call her for you."

His words were full of partiality, Chu Yun was hurt, so he was reluctant to torment Chu Yun, so he could only wrong Lin Yudai.

"When Yu Dai just came here, how did you feel about his mood?" Chu Yun asked quickly, with a little nervousness in her voice.

"It's not very good, and the person is much more haggard than the last time I saw it." After a pause, Gu Juanzhi asked again, "What do you want to eat? I'll ask someone to bring it."

"Anything is fine, you decide, bring Yu Dai a copy. By the way, you help me up, I want to see her, anyway, it's not far away, there's no need to bother Yu Dai."

The words were said at any time, but Gu Junzhi turned around as if he had never heard of it, went to the next ward, and called Lin Yudai over.

As for the food that was sent by someone, it was Chu Yun's favorite food, so it's not 01:30 to be partial.

(End of this chapter)

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